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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by BarbaraSue

  1. I can barely figure this site out yet - I am so sorry for not finding this sooner. I am 6 days post op and feel great. I actually ate 1/2 cup cream of wheat today after 7 days on liquid air - or so it seemed. I lost 20 lbs prior to the surgery on a very strict liquid and 1 meal diet and have not lost much since banding. I am excited and hope that you are well and doing welll - I will check "messages much sooner and hope you can write back.


  2. Hi - I am still learning how this all works - Since I am much older - 61 I was not born to the computer. However, I do use it daily for work. My surgery is scheduled for June 15 and the nutritionist Imet with last Friday said there is no special pre-op diet I need - yet. Just continue losing the 10-15 lbs required by the doctor at the University of Minnesota.


    I will need to get pictures here oh ick - facing the truth.


    I have to go make a calendar of all the hoops I am jumping through doctors, psyche evals etc etc blood work. And my daughter is about to return from a year studying in Ecuador and this is the hardest time of year for me - I work in a high school and have much to round up. I will stay in touch - when I learn how to do so.

    Take care


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