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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by White06

  1. White06

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    CONGRATS JIMBOSS!!!!!! Your enthusiasum makes me want to hit the treadmill. Thanks for sharing...it makes the rest of us want to keep on trucking. Down one pound this morning...better than gaining!!!!! Have a great day everyone.
  2. White06

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I bet your a riot......!!!!! As far as the snow goes, I live in Alabama, and we havent got real snow since 1993, but the weather says our best chance is Saturday night. Im hoping....I dont want any travel problems but I would love for my girls to have a little snow experience. (snowman or snowgirl..ha ha) How cold is it where you live? Yesterday it was 60 degrees here, today raining and a balmy 45 degrees. Very weird weather to say the least. Good talking to ya!!!
  3. White06

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Okay, so when exactly is Easter ( the date I mean..)? Surely I can lose 10 pounds. I have been so discouraged because I keep gaining. Seems like I gain 2, lose 1/2 lb. Crazy I know. I guess I thought once I got this band all my troubles would be over. No more being hungry, being bored...etc... I know Im nuts..ha ha ha Even after my third fill, I still dont have very much restriction...but I truly think its all in my head, but how do you over come that garbage...I really do need some therepy.(seriously) Hope everyone has a good day, talk to ya later on this afternoon.
  4. White06

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    How sweet, Thanks!!!!
  5. White06


    I only wished I could have a cheeseburger, but for me, no can do. Cant eat bread anymore. Oh, well.....sometimes life stinks. HA HA HA HA
  6. White06

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Okay, this is my first time posting on this thread. I have just read all 111 pages. I have never laughed so much. I feel like Ive known most of you for months. You all are so funny. I am so glad to see folks in the same race of their life as me. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one not losing, the only one with HUGE AMOUNTS OF HEAD HUNGER!!!! Anyway, thanks for such honest posts, cant wait to read more.
  7. White06

    Are you losing weight differently?

    I thought I was the only one. I have lost in my face a lot, but my belly looks bigger. I have always lost in the middle first. This time, not so much. I can tell a difference in my face and legs only. Very wierd!!!
  8. White06

    Special K Protein Water is so good

    I am totally addicted to these, but only the tropical flavor.
  9. White06

    Workout Dvds anyone?

    My sister lost 30 lbs in two months with the Walk Away The Pounds videos, and loves them.
  10. White06

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    I had not heard of the Trim Spa lawsuit. Whats that all about. I knew she endosed it and had lost a lot of weight but whos suing who and why?
  11. White06

    Is this slippage??

    I also read of another bandster who had a lot of sinus drainage which was causing her to feel "stuck". Try pineapple juice, it always works for me. Ive heard it be called the Human Drano, on here before.
  12. HAHAHAHA...I guess I'm glad I dont remember!!!!!!! I needed a laugh this late at night!!!! HA HA HA
  13. White06

    I feel like a big baby.

    I was the same exact way, it does get better!! Your doing great.
  14. White06

    6 Month Anniversary

    AWESOME!!!! I almost cried reading your story. Keep up the good work, you give the rest of us hope. Congrats!!!!:clap2:
  15. White06

    One Year Later...Not A Success Story

    After a year of battling this with little success scares the crap out of me. I had my surgery 4 mos. ago the 12th. i am also out of control with my eating. I am also suffering with serious boughts of depression. I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! I thought this would be a little easier. I never thought this would be so trying. I have searched the internet like crazy and bought several books on the subjesct trying to motivate myself.....nothing seems to be working!!!!! I go to the doctor Wednesday, and I know he's gonna chew me out, which I totally dread!!!!! I feel like Im going to confession.....crazy..I know. What are we supposed to do? Why does this have to be so hard? I think Im having a harder time after the band than before. Dont get me wrong Im thankful for the weight Ive lost but.....I havent lost in a month, and I know its because of my eating habits. My cloths are getting tighter and its so depressing........ Anyway, stay on this website it is such a great support system.....we'll get thru this!!!! ha ha ha ha :)
  16. White06

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    I soooooo want to commit to this. What do I need to do? Whats the goal date? This sounds like such a motivator!!!!!!
  17. White06

    What is PB's???

    Thats exactly what it is and until this past Saturday it had not happened to me. It was horrible, but just like I heard of another bandster, the band was letting me know who's boss. Make sure and chew your food to mush and slow down. You'll be fine.
  18. White06

    600-800 calories!?

    Whats the Wendy Diet?
  19. White06

    600-800 calories!?

    I called my doc last week to get another fill. I am so hungry I could eat the furniture. When I got the receptionist on the phone she put the office manager on (who happens to be one of the other surgeons wifes, who weighs probably 110 after 4 kids) and she said it was too soon to be getting another fill. I felt like a criminal. I have gained around 4-5 pounds since my last visit. Which I know is bad but Im not kidding I can really eat alot and I do. IM STARVING!!! She informed me that I need to keep a food diary and keep up with my calories, and bring it in with me next week. She said I should be eating between 800-1000 calories. Does anyone else have this problem, IM STARVED....ha ha I guess I feel cheated, how embarrassing is it to have fat surgery and gain weight!!! ha ha ha Why do these doc's and their employees not have any compassion...after all they are bariatric surgeons...come on!!! ...Okay, obviously Im on a pity party tonight!!!
  20. White06


    Yeah!!! POUR POUR POUR!!!!!!!!
  21. White06


    I am in your same predictament. I cant find menus anywhere. I have no idea what I am supposed to be eating. I know Im eating too much, but hello......If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
  22. *Thread also posted on General Discussion* Was anyone else banded on this day? I guess I wanted to see how everyone else was doing that was banded at tghe same time. I am not doing very good at all. I have no restriction at all, except for bread, and I'm eating tons of food. I cant believe I have done this to myself. My husband is working like a crazy person to pay for this surgery and I cant even stop eating. I havent exercised since way before my surgery. I have become a total couch potatoe. There are no support groups in my area, so 2 weeks ago I started going to weight watchers strictly for the support. So far I have weighed in twice and gained both times. Do you know how humiliating that is!!!!! To have WLS and gain!!!!! I have got to get a handle on this. Anyone got any sample menu ideas. I have no idea of how much to eat or what to eat. I know Sonic chili cheese burritos and coke floats are not on the menu. Any suggestions????? I feel so hopeless......I dont go for another fill until Feb 14. I have started condeming myself about that too....what if I gain...whats the doc gonna say.....what if my husband finds out Im a fraud for overeating....hes so suppportive but thats because he doesnt know the real me when it comes to my food addiction. Lord help.......ha ha ha
  23. Was anyone else banded on this day? I guess I wanted to see how everyone else was doing that was banded at tghe same time. I am not doing very good at all. I have no restriction at all, except for bread, and I'm eating tons of food. I cant believe I have done this to myself. My husband is working like a crazy person to pay for this surgery and I cant even stop eating. I havent exercised since way before my surgery. I have become a total couch potatoe. There are no support groups in my area, so 2 weeks ago I started going to weight watchers strictly for the support. So far I have weighed in twice and gained both times. Do you know how humiliating that is!!!!! To have WLS and gain!!!!! I have got to get a handle on this. Anyone got any sample menu ideas. I have no idea of how much to eat or what to eat. I know Sonic chili cheese burritos and coke floats are not on the menu. Any suggestions????? I feel so hopeless......I dont go for another fill until Feb 14. I have started condeming myself about that too....what if I gain...whats the doc gonna say.....what if my husband finds out Im a fraud for overeating....hes so suppportive but thats because he doesnt know the real me when it comes to my food addiction. Lord help.......ha ha ha
  24. HELPED!HELPED!HELPED! I wouldnt have made it thru without it. When I have a question I can always come here for answers. My doctors appts are always 2 months apart, and I cant wait that long for an answer. Besides, it is so comforting to hear about everyone elses experience.
  25. White06

    Rosie vs Donald

    Does anyone know what really happened to Star Jones on that show? Was she fired? Why?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
