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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by White06

  1. White06

    Realized Im Failing FAST!!!

    OH MY GOD!!!!!! 1100 calories. I am such an idiot. I guess I havent thoght about the liquad calories. GEEEEZZZZ!!!!!!! On that note Im gonna be doing some soul searching today. I have jsut got to find the will that I had when I had the surgery. My year anniversay is the 12th, and I sure would like to be able to be proud of myself for a turnaround before then. I would so love to break out of this plataeu soon. I also realize its nobodys fault but mine. Also the stuff OH Juli said made me stop and think too. I need to get back to bandster rules. Thanks for the support everyone.
  2. White06

    Southern Sweet tea!!!!!!!!!

    Sounds like my life. I have started drinking two large sweet teas from Mcdonalds every day. Thats not counting the sweet tea I make at home. How do you stop?
  3. White06

    Alabama bandster

    I dont know if this helps but I use Surgical Associates of Marshall County, located in Albertville, AL. You could call them to see if they would do your fill. Dr. Groves or Dr. Britt.
  4. Welcome to the club!!! It sucks! ha ha ha
  5. White06

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Hey! I am new to this thread although I am not new to Lapband Talk. I was banded in October 2006. Most of the weight Ive lost was in the liquad/mushie stage. I have been extremely good the past three days and have managed to pull off 6 lbs. I couldnt have done it without appetite suppressants. I am not proud of that but I think I needed a jumpstart. I dont plan on taking them very long. My lapband journey has defenetely been a roller coaster. I lost, and then gained, gained, gained. All of which was my fault. I ate everything but the furniture. Especially SUGAR!!!!! I went through a lot in the past two years so Im sure depression and anxiety has played a huge role in my failures, but I am thankful for the last three days. I feel like I am finally getting some clarity back. I have been having 2 eggs for breakfast, baked chicken 3/4 cup for lunch, and some sort of meat 3/4 cup for supper with a 1/2 green beans. Also have gotten my 8 glasses of water or crystal light in each day. So far this is working for me. I go Monday to my doc, and if I havent lost 4 lbs from the last visit which was a month ago, hes going to do a fill. I guess I really need that. But when I was in there a month ago I didnt want a fill, I think I was afraid I couldnt eat or something. Crazy...but my life!!! ha ha ha I am around 31 BMI, its good to see everyone going thru what I am. I want to be around 140. I guess because I remember that number from YEARS ago, and I remember feeling good about myself then. If I go lower thats great but Im not gonna push myself. The doc says I can go down to 110 for my height but I dont think I want to be that skinny. We'll see!!!
  6. White06

    Need help starting over

    I am right here with ya!!!! I came on this site this morning just for some encouragement or something.....I havent lost in 3 months and I just had the surgery in Oct 06. Its all my fault..I am eating massive amounts of food. I went to my doc 3 weeks ago and he really got onto me, and wants me to come back Aug 1st. If I havent lost at least 4 lbs he is going to give me a fill. Which is wonderful except that Im so embarrased to go back with a gain instead of a loss. He wants me to get to 140, and stop wasting time. But I cant quit eating, And havent exercised in 3 months. I cannot seem to get a hold on this thing. I thought the lapband would solve all of my problems, but I wasnt prepared for the rest. I didnt realize how emational and addictive and OCD I am. Which I know is why Im overeating. Anyway....I also want to know...how do you get restarted when you feel like such a failure?
  7. White06

    South Beach Diet Bandsters???

    You Just Read My Mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. White06

    Missing my band

    Im not sure if that question was for me but....if it was the answer is...I havent slipped yet.
  9. White06

    Missing my band

    Thanks for the support. I have never thought about being too tight...that never occured to me.
  10. I just started reading this post today, and its so inspiring. Please keep posting.
  11. White06

    Missing my band

    Please keep us updated on how your doing. I am so afraid of losing my band...but I could at any minute. I am sliming/vomiting at almost every meal now. Of course it is totally my fault. I am eating and drinking all the wrong things. I am eating volumes of food and sweet tea. My band wont let me eat very much at a time, so I keep at it until its all gone. I have even went as far as drinking hot coffee with my BIG meals because it seems to wash it down so I can eat more. I am totally out of control. The sad thing is, how do I stop this and go back to my lap band rules? I have already gaines around 8 lbs back. Which is so sad because I really havent lost that much. Any suggestions would be great.
  12. White06

    what can YOU not eat?

    I cannot eat eggs, chicken, bread, rice, Pasta, donuts, chips (except cheese puffs), raw onions or bell peppers, turnip greens, oatmeal...and the list goes on. When I think about all of the things I cannot eat it remionds me of a comment I read on here one time......"My band sometimes lets me know who's the boss" I have found that when I eat certain things I slime and hurt like crazy. I'm still glad I got banded, I just wish now that I would learn my limits and be willing to stick to it.
  13. White06

    BodyBugg Convert

    If anyone has the actitrainer please let me know what you think of it? I would really like to try this or either the Bodybugg.....Let me know
  14. White06

    Bariatric Exercise

    I read somewhere that there are classes for bariatric patients. I live in a small town and would never have access to this, but has anyone heard of this. I would love to buy a video/dvd. When I heard of this there was a lady who was taking Bariatric Yoga and loving it. If anyone has info please let me know.......Thanks!!!!
  15. White06

    Sugar Addiction

    I would like to know if theres anyone out there who has or have heard of someone who has this problem? Im not talking about eating a doughnut here or there, I mean a true addiction. I have been reading a little on the internet about this, trying to find my self some help, but havent been that successful. From what I have read you can have lots of health problems just from the sugar, and if you quit it suddenly you will experience fevers, headaches, fatigue, IBS symtoms, psoriasis, yeast infections, depression worsens.....(which I have experienced some of each of these) Can this one food cause us so much damage? How do you begin to escape the power it has over you to stop eating the stuff? I am overeating constantly, daily, hourly!!! With this band and Im started to occationally have side pain. Seriosly I think I need to deal with this. I almost feel like a junkie......In reality I am. If something impairs your judgement your addicted. HELLO, here I am. The only difference is that I cant go to jail for it. (Unless I start stealing twinkies or something..ha ha) Let me know what you thought are.. Thanks ya'll
  16. White06

    Help! Scared!

    I got up this morning and my left side is so sore. It seems to be right where my port is. It's not a constant pain but is very sore to the touch and when I move around. What could this be? Any suggestions????
  17. White06

    Help! Scared!

    No, not that I can think of.
  18. Has anyone heard of this group? If so, please share any info you might have please!!! There are no lapband support groups in my area, so I was wondering how this would work? I still cannot control my eating so I have got to find myself some help. Let me know if you have information.... Thanks!!!
  19. White06

    Dr's Appt.

    My regular appt with my surgeon is Tuesday, should I go? I have gained a few pounds, and am literally scared to death to go see him. What if he doesnt want to do another fill until I lose weight? What if he gives me the "look"? I have failed so bad at this. Should I reschedule and wait a couple of weeks to see if I can turn this around or just face it? I have no courage or self confidence...Geeezzz, Im an idiot...ha ha Help, what should I do?
  20. White06

    Dr's Appt.

    I do dont I. Thanks
  21. White06

    Dr's Appt.

    Your awesome...thanks!!
  22. White06


    Really...Truthfully....What happens if we keep overeating? I have really been worried lately because I cannot control my eaing? I have eaten tons of food......No matter what I do I cant stop...Any suggestions? I go to the Dr on the 3rd...Im so scared, I know I havent lost any weight. I really have done terrible with this surgery. What am I supposed to do? I cant afford therepy, any my insurance doesnt pay for it, what else is there?:help:
  23. White06


    Thanks you guys....lots to think about....I think im gonna have to do a lot of work on "myself" before this is ever gonna work. Of course I have no idea even how to begin that..but.....Im thinking...ha ha The Protein shake thing is great but I dont even have the courage to do that...I wish I could just stop overeating...Sometimes, I really think I have a serious problem...and am totally surprized I havent gained more than I have. I tried weight watchers and never seemed to lose. Of course I used all of my points on sweets. I crave sweets 24/7 (and crackers, sweet tea) I have even had dreams about doughnuts before..I must be some kind of lunitic. I know Im not the only one out there who feels this way, but it seems like folks are afraid to say anything about it. I get tired of hearing myself...same old broken record but I still have the problem. Now why cant I find the answer FINALLY to solve this for myself once and for all? I guess thats the million dollar question????Huh????
  24. White06

    South Beach Diet Bandsters???

    If I start this diet, will it help with my sugar cravings?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
