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About jackal1209

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 12/09/1961

About Me

  • Biography
    15 months post op. at goal, 200lbs lost. Life is good.
  • Interests
    camping, fishing, travel, enjoying life!
  • Occupation
    Operations Manager for a forensic laboratory
  • City
    Fort Worth
  • State
  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 51st Birthday jackal1209!

  2. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary jackal1209!

  3. I'm 45,6ft 2 and have always been pretty active. The weight just fell off me in the beginning when I was keeping to around 20 grams a day or less. Now, at goal, I shoot for about 30 or less and have been maintaining nicely for the last 6-8 months. Its pretty much old habit now, and really don't even think about it much anymore.
  4. jackal1209

    Has anyone deducted your lapband at TAX time?

    Absolutely! Two years ago. Without going into any long explination, my tax guy said anything that improves your health so that you can do your job better is absolutely deductible.
  5. jackal1209

    I am fuming with my Doctor's office !!!

    Never experienced that. I usually, (when I was being adjusted) called and asked if he was in, told them I was coming by, and may have waited 15-20 min in the office. I know he was busy, but he was very flexible. DFW- Texas.
  6. What works for one person may not work for someone else. I tried Atkins, and about a dozen others. Finally what I found to work for me was educating myself, and watching my fat gram intake daily. I stopped paying attention to calories, and carbs. After being banded and having a slow start, my results speak for themselves. In the two and a half years post op I am now, I have gone from a starting weight of 430, with a BMI of 56 to my three times adjusted goal of 195 with a BMI of 21.
  7. jackal1209

    Where is everyone from?

    Fort Worth,,, DFW 2 and a half years post op.. 430 to 195 life is good!
  8. jackal1209

    Sleep Apena

    Serious stuff sleep apnea! I suffered with it for years. I was banded in 05, and have gone from a starting weight of 430, and a BMI of 56 to my three times adjusted goal of 195, and a BMI of 21. The apnea is gone, dissappeared after about the hundred pound loss mark, and I feel like I am 18 again. Life is good!
  9. jackal1209

    Question re. eating

    Absolutely on the protien, the powder mix always worked best for me. Just dont force yourself. If your full, your full. Wait a while. Its a learning process and lifestyle change, but you can do it. If I, the king of slackers can, so can you. 2 and a half years post op. at my three times adjusted goal. starting weight 430, BMI of 56 now 195 with a BMI of 21 Life is sooo good!
  10. jackal1209

    DFW Doctors

    After much, much research, I chose the best in the business, (my opinion) Dr. Robert Sewell in the southlake area. What makes his practice really stand out was not only his experience, but the after care that was included. Great man, changed my life. 2yrs. 6mos post op. Starting weight of 430, BMI of 56 Now at my 3 times adjusted goal of 195, BMI of 22 Life is soooo good!
  11. It adversly affected my marrage. I think it was a jealousy thing. When she noticed other women noticing me, it got uncomfortable for her though there was no reason. Never had a desire for another woman, and never looked twice at another. Everything is better now that the divorce is final, LOL 2 years 4 months post op 225 pounds lost Life is good!
  12. jackal1209

    Picking Goal??

    I adjusted my goal three times in the past two years. For me personally, I picked what I considered reasonable goals, (a little high perhaps) then when close, adjusted my goal. I think this kept me from getting discouraged. I have people do both, and what ever works for you, this just worked best for me. 2 years 4 months post op Totally at my 3 times adjusted goal 225 pounds gone! Life is good!
  13. jackal1209

    Banded and Alcohol

    Alcohol drinks don't bother me. The affects are noticed much sooner, but I have a margarita or two once a week or so, wine, and even a beer once in a while. I guess that most likely since I am over two years out, this has a lot to do with it too. I have had no problems maintaining at goal either. 2 years 4 months post op. 225 pounds lost, at my 3 times adjusted goal. Life is good!
  14. I stopped counting several months ago, however in the beginning 800-1000, then the last six to eight months around 1500-1600 a day. Its worked extremely well for me. In my two year, four month journey I have gone from a portly 430, and a BMI of 55 to a butt kicking 200 pounds, with a 22 BMI, (6ft 2). and have had no problems maintaining.
  15. jackal1209

    Getting blocked or 'clogged up'?

    These situations can be very painful and serious. About 6mos. into it for me, I got "clogged, or plugged" as you call it and it lasted for 2 days. I had to visit my doctor and have everything removed from the band. It was quite a setback, and an eye opener for me. No situations since then. 2 years 3 mos post op 220 pounds lost at goal Life is good!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
