This is a little long which I apologise for. In April, I started vomitting for no reason, no where close to if I had eaten like 2-3 hours after with no rhyme or reason. They did a barium swollow lap band fine. Sent to GI doctor did X-ray and upper GI all was normal. It was decided it was due to stress of caring for 2 Alzheimer's parents. When I was vomitting My abdomen where my port is started hurting off and on. The pain was burning, like something was being ripped. Fast forward to end of June / beginning of July while on vacation no vomiting but constant pain where my port is. I tried to rest where I was not tighting my stomach, taking antiinflammatories no relief. I also did heating and cold packs. I went back to see my surgeon (actually it is always the nurse that work there). They ordered an abdominal ultrasound to check for fluid around the port etc and it came back normal. The doctor recommended what I had already tried so I insisted on seeing him as the nurse said he told her that I needed to suck it up buttercup.
They would not make an appointment until they verified my insurance would or would not cover a port revision which I never asked for but simply for him to see me. I finally have an appointment but not until OCT 15. I can no longer wear any clothes that "fit" meaning anything that is non elastic or the next size up (looking loose) because it hurts. I also about scream when I bend over to pick anything up, or do any prolonged activity. my port is on the left side of my belly button and the pain is on the left side of the port.
I am 3 1/2 years out so I have had my band a long time. I have never been "too tight" and always compliant of my lap band, with no complication issues. I can not last much longer. I had to insist on seeing him because I know something is wrong! Unfortunately, he did switch offices to being close to the hospital and they now use electronic medical records and communicate via email. I am getting frustrated with that though, What should I do? I do not have a gallbladder.