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About Jamie1970

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 11/05/1970

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm just a girl who is tired of 'fighting the fight' with my weight. I live a blessed life in every other aspect---just want to get healthy so I can enjoy things that I've never dared to try due to my weight...
  • Interests
    I'm an avid gardener and like working in the yard. I also like to make jam and pickles, etc...I love to take macro photographs of flowers, bugs, etc...And I like to cook. Unfortunately! Ha ha ha! :-)
  • Occupation
    Administrative Assistant
  • City
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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Jamie1970!

  2. Hi Jamie, I'm just checking on you.... I hope you are doing well. Take care.

  3. Ok Jamie, where are you? Are you ok? I getting a little worried about you:(

  4. Hope you are doing well Jamie!

  5. That you for your sweet wall post! What a way to end the day. :)

  6. Your photos are wonderul---congrats on your success! You look great!

  7. Hey!! How are YOU?

  8. Just checking on you, I hope you are recovering well.

  9. Well hey!! Glad to hear you are feeling good!! I have had zero shoulder pain, thank God. But---I have been walking a good bit so maybe that helped with the gas, etc...I dunno. But today is better---seems each day I take a step forward. So yay!! You've had some major weight loss, girl!! Good for you!! I'm holding steady at 24-----this post-op liquid diet is for the birds. But I know it's necessary----I tried to eat something and it was NOT comfortable. So I better just keep on with my liquids and wait until I'm ready for food. I have 5 places across my belly. Almost in a straight line, My port site is mucho tender but yesterday the doctor said it's normal. Today is the first day I have really felt good. I am so glad cause it was rough there for a while!! I got back to the doctor is 5 weeks to talk about a fill. Guess we'll see what happens!!

  10. Awww im sorry you are sore. It will get better in about a week. Are you having bad shoulder pain?? I am good I go in for my first fill in 1 week. I got my period and my weight is higher right now and i am mucho bloated but before the period I was at 243 which puts total weight loss at 32 lbs so far. How many incisions do you have? How long until your first fill?

  11. Thanks for the well wishes...I am feeling MUCH better today.

  12. Im so glad to hear that your surgery went well! Im doing pretty well- the first days of my pre-op diet were HELL but Im feeling much better now. And Im doing well on the diet too although Im craving fruit like nuts! I have 8 days to go until my surgery!

  13. This is my 2nd time posting this, I have to remember that if I am going to respond to something you posted, I need to respond on your page. lol!

    Don't worry about getting online right now. I was just a little worried when I didn't here a confrimation that you were alright. You need to just concentrate on getting better. I am soooo excited for you! You are going to look amazing for Christmas! Please post when you feel up to it. Take care.

  14. Hey!! Sorry I haven't be posting much----truth be told, just haven't much felt like it. But---today is better. Still sore but I can tell a difference between today and 5 days ago. Anyhooo-- all is well with me. Going for my post-op appointment today!! Will try to do better about posting! Hope you have a great day!!

  15. Hey Mo!!! Good luck today!!!!!!!!!! :-)

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