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About mommatrammell

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 05/12/1966

About Me

  • Biography
    I was banded at the end of June, 2006. To date (April 7, I have lost a total of 73 lbs!! I love it!
  • Interests
    hobies/ Who has time! I have 3 kids and a husband that keep me On The Run!
  • Occupation
    Yellow Pages Advertising
  • City
  • State
  1. Happy 47th Birthday mommatrammell!

  2. Happy 46th Birthday mommatrammell!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary mommatrammell!

  4. mommatrammell

    Share with us: What has improved for you?

    omg!! My husband and I went to Six Flags and I was able to ride one of the roller coasters and not be the one that "stopped" the safety bar with my stomach. In fact, I had a bunch of space between me and the bar and I looked over at DH and his tummy was hanging over the bar!!! I LOVE the fact that I weigh less than my husband AND my 20 year old son for the first time ever!! (45 lbs less than hubby & 10 less than son!!) It feels so strange washing my face and feeling my cheek bones. I love walking up to work, looking at my reflection in the windows and seeing "skinny" me! I have knees! and nice legs!! i love everything about being banded!!
  5. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    September 15 is great for me!
  6. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    thanks for the encouragement, barb! I may need more in the months to come!!!
  7. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello Ladies! Thought I'd pop in and say hello. Much going on in my life latley... 20 yr old son who is getting ready to leave for college in 3 weeks, had a motorcycle accident last week. He is ok, but gave us all quite a scare. He couldn't walk up to his apartment (He lives on the third floor) for 4 or 5 days, so I have had him at home helping him to heal, running him to this Dr. & that Dr., etc. But, thank God, no broken bones, not paralyzed and no head or neck injuries! Just a bunch of bumps and bruises, (not to mention the emotional rollar coaster he put me on!!!!) In the midst of all of this, we have been trying to get him ready for college. Financial aid, dorms, tours, classes, OMG!!! What a chore!! He's been going to Jr College for the past year and a half and is now going in as a transfer student to Stephen F. Austin. No way was he ready at 18, not sure if he is now, but I am crossing my fingers and hoping for the best! I am excited and nervous all at the same time! I know I saw a date for dinner in Dallas in September, somebody please let me know what date was decided. And where! I saw that you were asking about shopping. The best shoping in town by far, in my opinion, is up in Frisco. I call it mall Heaven!! You name it, it is there. And it is so nice, I love to go there to shop!! My scales have finally moved a little more. Down to 180. 3 lbs to go and I will hit 100lbs gone!!! Am actually able to squeeze into most of the 12's that I try on! In fact, one of my co-workers just gave me a big bag of shorts and capris, all jeans, all 12's that ALL fit!! And 10 years ago, she was tiny and I was fat, now I am wearing things that she can't!!!! YEA!!! What a feeling! Never thought I would move below 200, but the last 20 have come off slowly but surely. Now I think I am stuck here for a while. Seems to come off 5 lbs a month, and when I loose it, it is all at once. How strange!! Heartburn is a little better, but still wakes me up gagging sometimes at night. Pepcid and Rolaids have become my best friends again!! One more thing, at night, when I lie on my side, my knees knock together and I have to re-adjust. What a thrill!!!!!!!! I love my band... PB'ing, sliming, and every other bad thing that comes along with it, it is still one of the best things that I have ever done for my self!!!!! Here's to everyone reaching goal in year two!!!
  8. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello Ladies, Thought I'd drop a line. Don't know what is going on latley, but the past two weeks, I can't even get liquids down. PB everything that goes down, and the past week I have had Acid Reflux for the first time since surgery. I am talking BAD, wake me up at night choking on it.... Any ideas? Think it may be a slipped band? I dure hope not!!!! Regina-any more thoughts of a get together? I haven't missed it have I? Talk to you all soon!!
  9. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Still trying to figure these pictures out. Can't get two in one post, but these are better and you get the idea!!<p></p>
  10. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

  11. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello All! Happy Bandiversary to everyone! I finally moved down from 200 and am holding steady at 190!! Had a touch of the flu a few weeks back and I think that actually helped me out! lol! Regina, I would love to get together with you all! I will be on vacation the last weel of June, we too are going to Branson, so it would be after July 1st for me. You all have a great time in Vegas!
  12. mommatrammell

    What was the last straw?

    Tired of being the fattest person in the room, realizing I weighed as much or more than some NFL guys, Not being able to fit into any rides at the amusement park to just name a few...
  13. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I am so jealous of you girls that are going to Vegas!!!! Next year, wherever you all go, I'm IN!! (How about a cruise?? We can all show off our new hot bathing suit bods!!) Leece, So happy to hear that your meds are going good. It makes such a difference!! Hope you get to feeling better soon and happy that it wasn't gall stones. Speaking of gallstones, do we know how Regina is doing? She said she had to have yet ANOTHER surgery? Hope she is doing ok as well... What an exciting month this is! It sure has flown by! The day that I dreamed of for two years came and went and now it has been a whole year since. I am so happy for what my band has done for me so far! Even through all the ups and downs, I love being banded and the fact that I am down 80 some odd lbs!! Isn't it a great feeling to loose weight and know it won't be put back on in a year or two?? I LOVE it!!!!!! Yea for all of us, 20 lbs or 100 lbs... Way to go Junebies!!!!!!
  14. mommatrammell

    One Year Slump

    but you have lost 100 lbs?? That is awesome!! Isn't this so darn frusterating??? Let's hope it will pass, and soon!!!
  15. mommatrammell

    How has your life changed

    I feel SO much better! I LOVE knowing that I am not always the FATTEST person in the room! That I am now a NORMAL size! Though only down to a 16 or sometimes a 14, I no longer feel that I am a giant or an elephant. I no longer feel like I have to sit in the front seat because I am to big for the back seat, and when I sit in the back seat, I no longer avoid the rear-view mirror, for fear of seeing my fat face. I love that I can feel the bones in my shoulders and seeing the new shape that my body is taking on! I love that I had to go get my wedding ring sized because it fell off my finger. I love that people speak to me in public now instead of avoiding me. I love being able to wear a regular size bracelet and I love putting on one of my husbands t-shirts and it is way too big! I love weighing less than him, too! I love that I sat on my 20 year old sons lap the other day for a picture and didn't break his legs! AND I loved looking at the picture afterwards and looking darn good in it! I can't wait to loose another 20 lbs then another 20! and to get to my goal!! I love so many things about the band that I can easily look over the things that I don't like, such as missing food... Yes, I miss it sometimes, but who cares! Being smaller is so much better than any food tastes! I do hate going out to eat and having the waiter ask what was wrong with the food! But I get over it! I hate PB'ing, but that too I can live with. I LOVE MY BAND, it is the BEST thing I have ever done for myself!!

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