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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mommatrammell

  1. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Oh, One more thing...What is "Rep Power" mean in the corner of our posts? I just noticed this...
  2. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello All, Regina, glad to hear that you are on the mend! Where did you have your surgery? Thank you, Lisa, for the great gall-bladder information! Very informative! I have kidney stones and it sounds like there are a lot of the same symptoms. Cathy, you do look 10 years younger! I played hookie today with my Mom & Daughter and went to see Wicked. We had center stage, second row seats. It was an AWESOME experience! What a show! Now I am spoiled and don't want to go back unless I have great seats again!! Tomorrow night is the big Spring Dance at the school my kids go to (Middle School). I am one of the chaperones and will be busy from tomorrow afternoon until around 10:30 or 11:00 with a couple of hundred 7th & 8th graders. Wish me luck!! Take care all! Misty
  3. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    <p><p><p>Hello All!</p> <p>We made it through the storms ok, but the "tornado" blew through less than a mile from my home. Not much damage, it blew the roof off of a hotel nearby. Could have been so much worse. Tornado sirens are never fun! We were with out power for a few hours. It is SO cool here today. Where did Spring go?</p> <p> </p> <p>Regina, sorry to hear about your impending surgery. Can someone explain why gall bladders are affected by lap band? I never fully understood that. </p> <p> </p> <p>I went to the gym today. I am SO close to onederland.... Depending on the time of day, 1lb or 5lbs away!! The scales are still jumping between 200 & 205. I am claiming 200, becausse every morning thats what they say!!! Pretty soon, they will go down to 195 and jump between 195 & 200 for a few weeks... So Strange!</p> <p> </p> <p>Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!</p></p></p>
  4. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    good luck everyone!
  5. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Barbara, I do not know how to make them side by side. I don't even know how to make them small. Mine are ginormous! So sorry to hear about your husband. But just think, by this time next year, he will be so much better! Will keep him in prayers!
  6. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    OMG!! It is SNOWING in Dallas!!!! It was 88 degrees a few days ago!!!
  7. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Great Pics, Barbara! Isn't it fun putting on your 24's and having them literally fall off of you now that you are in 18's? I even had a few pairs of 26-28's. Sometimes when I am looking for something to wear, I 'forget' that my old clothes don't fit anymore, so I put something on and am always amazed that they are Too Big! I think I still look at the clothes and think I am still that size and that they will fit-Until I put them on. ok, guys, I am officially down 5 lbs since my last fill. 5 away from ONEDERLAND!!!!! Such a strange phenomonem (sp) when the scales are stuck for weeks then all of a sudden they move...
  8. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    That would be fun! Can you see us all getting up from the table and running to the bathroom at the same time? Or maybe one right after another? :bump2: ROTFLMAO!!!!:bump2: At least we wouldn't have to lie!!
  9. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Regina, I loved it too! You hit it spot on! It has been a few days since I posted. I think the scales have moved. I am claiming a 2 lb loss. It is still going up & down, but has been down more than up, so I'll take it! I didn't do a pre-op diet at all. In fact, my pre-op diet was to eat all I could and I gained 8 lbs!! However, I feel at 70lbs. down, I don't care what happenned pre-op . Congrats everyone on the losses! WE DO ROCK!! I can't wait to get to where you all are! I went to the mall today and almost felt human. I don't know about the rest of you, but before, I wanted to be invisible. Now, when I was walking through the stores and saw the mirrors, I felt like I am actually beginning to LIKE what I see! What a wonderful feeling!! I want to say thank you to everyone for welcoming me in to this group with open arms! I feel lost if I don't at least read daily! What encouragement you have all been. I only wish I would have become a member sooner! I know I would have benefited along the way!! Regina- I have a dear friend that just bought a house in Royce City-I am in Mesquite, so we are practically neighbors!
  10. mommatrammell

    I need honest feedback please but be nice..

    Regina, Wonderful Words! No one will ever understand what we have been through! And what we go through daily!
  11. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Am going to see Wicked April 17 with my Mom and DD... I can't wait!!! I, too, eat what will go down and stay down!! Pity, isn't it? The things that they DON"T tell you will happen beforehand! Splenda-I don't mind it, but it is really sweet! OK, 30 minutes per meal. I'll do it with you.... Yes, ONEDERLAND-WONDERLAND- that place that I am striving for!!! Socalgal, I can so relate... Scales still haven't budged:( :cry
  12. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    It's not really that i have a problem getting enough CALORIES, because I think I probably get too many calories... I just don't eat the RIGHT type of calories. I eat very little food throughout the day, but what I do eat in the evening is BAD, usually! I am trying very hard to do better. I want to get to ONDERLAND before my birthday, MAY 12, so I am going to strive to make good choices and to make every calorie count! It is just way too easy to eat the bad stuff and not the good stuff. The first six months or so it seems like I could get away with that and still loose, not so true anymore. I did make it to the gym today, and ate highly seasoned, boiled chicken for dinner, and stayed away from Starbucks!!!! So, I did good today! Will take it one day at a time! I don't like the sugar subs in my coffee either... please let me know how the flavoring is... Barbara - you are doing so good going to Curves! My gym is so crowded at night that I hate to go, so I end up going only on Sat & Sun, which is better than never, but I wish I could get in 3 to 4 times a week. You rock! Oh, yeah, one more thing, how was the play, pinkylee, and what did you all see?
  13. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Pinkylee- Interesting theory,and your right about the tasting before eating! Hmmm, something new to think about. Fortunatley, head hunger hasn't been much of a problem for me latley. If anything, I think maybe I am not eating enough to loose... That is such a strange thing to me! I am off to the gym. Maybe that's what I have been needing.
  14. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats Julie! After my fill on Wed, I ate solid foods for the first time today at lunch, some re-fried beans and guacamolie from Taco Cabana....made me slime after some 20 minutes. After i settled down, i was able to eat a few more bites of beans with no problem. I am beginning to think I just can't eat anything that A.) comes from a restaurant and B.) before 5:00pm! Dinner was fine, beef from chineese lo mein noodles , chewed to MUSH... Had about 5 or 6 bites. I was down 5 lbs yesterday morning, but back up 3 this morning. I don't think I will EVER get past this stage. JUST 10 lbs to ONDERLAND and I have been here since the end of Jan. Let's just hope this stage passes, and SOON. Have a great weekend, everyone!!
  15. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks everybody for the well wishez! and good luck Jlynn on your fill! I am nw at 2.0 cc in a 4cc band. i have been at 1.5 since august. maybe i'll see a difference. doc says i'm doing great, sure doesn't FEEL like it, but I kept those thoughts to myself, hehe! i am curious~who all is a wimp and gets numbed when filled? count me in!! actually wasn't too bad today. no need to get the nerves all worked up like i did! Las Vegas sounds like a blast, wish I could join. we are trying to save $$ for a family cruise next year, can't justify a Las Vegas trip! Sure you all will have a great time! Melissa- what kind of training are you doing out there in LA? My bestie from high school has lived there for the past 15 years and loves it. sure beats the texas heat any day!
  16. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I am going tomorrow morning for a fill. Wish me luck! I haven't had one since August, I am a little terrified, now that I know I am actually going in for one!
  17. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Wow, Barbara, that's great! I should get to the gym. Sometimes it is so much harder than others. I have been awful the past week. I am so discouraged from not loosing anything that I have been having Starbucks daily and I bought Ice Cream Friday... Every night since then I have made a shake. A BIG one!! SO, I am going to get bvack on track tomorrow... No Starbucks all week. That is going to be a hard one. And no more ice cream. I am going to call Dr. tomorrow and make an appt. for a fill. Has anyone heard that if you are filled too tight you won't loose? I PB so much that sometimes I wonder if I am filled too tight and that is the problem. But then again, there are times that I can eat and eat. i ate almost a whole sandwich the other day, but tonight, all I could eat was two bites and then PB. Why does this have to be so unpredictable? You never know how your body is going to react to food. BUT all in all, I still LOVE my weight loss and love my band!! All in agreeance?
  18. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello Everyone! Happy Friday! I talked with my dietician yesterday and she wants me to call on Monday and set an appt. for a fill. YEA!!! I have been trying for two months, but she thinks I still have restriction, so they wouldn't fill me. I finally convinced her I NEED A FILL!!! I have been stuck at 210 for almost 2 months. I went down to 205 for a few days but then right back up. So disgusting to stay the same! I want into onderland SO BAD, I can taste it! Just when I was starting to really see a difference in my clothes and everything, BAM, NOTHING! just STUCK! I went to lunch today with more of my co-workers than usual. My "Big Boss" sat next to me and asked me "Do you not like your enchiladas?" I had to just kind of blow him off and tell him, "yes, but I am just full" He must have thought I was crazy since all I had eaten was 1/2 of an enchilada and some beans! He actually asked me if I had eaten too many chips, lol! I just did not want to go into the whole thing right then and there. Most of the people I work with know, but not all. I assumed that he knew, but aparantley not! My co-worker just gave me a knowing grin. I understand what you mean, bikergrammy, about not wanting to answer to any one when you have to get up and run. My DH thinks I have bulimia due to the fact that every time we go out to eat, I have to excuse myself. They just don't understand! What is it about going out? It rarely happens at home, but something about going out to eat brings it on. Anyone else seem to have this problem?
  19. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Still the same.... No more no less.... same ole' same ole!!!!
  20. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7854&s tc=1&d=1173852749
  21. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Socialgal-How did you feel about your dinner experience? Was it a let down, or a relief? Or maybe BOTH. I think that now that I have accecpted that food just isn't all that is was cracked up to be, I feel just as happy sipping on a glass of tea through dinner or lunch than I do eating... The answer to the big question of "where do you want to go to eat" has now become a definate "I don't care" and I really don't!! As long as I can have a bite or two off of the plate of who I am dining with, and a glass of tea, I am good! Ugh on the grease. I will never - ever eat anything fried again!! Can't do it. I will PB every time! I, too went shopping yesterday. I bought a pair of size 16 capris from OLD NAVY!!! :dance: NOT Catherines, but Old Navy!!! In fact, I can't even find anything from Catherines that doesn't look "frumpy" anymore! Funny how before, I wanted all my clothes to be as big and loose as possible, now if they are too big, they look awful! I still can't get away from black or navy, but at least I can wear shirts that FIT and are a bit form fitting! It feels so good! I just can't wait to loose another 10 to 20 and do a little more shopping! How fun is it to go in to a dressing room and actually be able to get in to what you are trying on? Isn't it GREAT?!?!?!?!!? Poodles, I think it was you that said you wish somebody would call you skinny- Don't get me wrong, I love that my weight loss has been noticed, but to be called that by a woman that IS skinny, but swears she is HUGE, she probabley weighs 115 on a BAD day-And EVERY time she walks by me, it's "Hi Skinny" and every time I have to tell her, "No, Not YET, maybe one day, but NOT YET" I keep hoping she will get the picture, but she doesn't. And no, people, a 210 lb woman is NOT going to blow away... What is it with them? Do they tell the average size women that they are going to blow away? No. Dont think so! Guess they just don't understand.... Barbara, I don't understand how they tell if you need to have an "unfill" or not. (your Doc.s new policy) How much Water do they make you drink and when? Right atfter they fill you? What do they do to determine if they are going to unfill you or not? That does suck! Good luck-keeping my fingers crossed for you! Oh yeah, can you tell me why they thought that your band had slipped? What happens when a band slips? Just curious, guess I never have heard all the gory details! My godness, I guess I am making up for lost time... It is so nice to talk to you guys, thanks for the nice welcome back! I had forgotten how important the support is! I'll try to keep it shorter in the future! Good Night for now~
  22. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Pinkylee- I, too, will take my new way of life over the old, any day. It is a bit depressing at times, not enjoying the "moment", but I try to focus on the other things more. I enjoy the company of the people I am with and focus on the companionship rather than the instant self gratification that the food once gave me. It is a strange new world, isn't it? There are times, though, that I am left unsatisfied after meals, but it quickly passes. I think my major issues are those that I spoke of before, things that certain people say to me and the way that others react to me... Lisa- I know what you mean! I don't like to draw attn. to my eating habits. Sometimes I will ask to order off of the kids menu, depending on the circumstances. Most times, it is such a hassel to explain everything to the waiter... I'd just rather order 'light" then get a take home bag.
  23. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Another thing, Does anyone have a problem with people calling you things like, "Skinny"? My boss calls me out all the time, in front of my co-workers, and asks me things like how much have I lost now? How much more do I have to go? When am I going shopping for a bikini?? What Nerve!!! And ALWAYS telling me how "skinny" I am. OK, I am 210 lbs.. Yes I have lost 68 lbs. but I AM NOT BY ANY MEANS SKINNY!!!! I tell her this every time she makes the comments, but it is very uncomfortable being put on the spot like that. Any suggestions? Don't get me wrong, I like that people have noticed, but Come On!! And Yes, I miss food, too! Going out to lunch is not NEAR as fun! In fact, I hate being asked "Is that ALL your going to eat??" "What is wrong with it?" etc... But, I still love my band! Wouldn't trade it for anything!!
  24. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi Everyone, I haven't posted in ages. Good to see that I am pretty much in line with everyone else. I have lost 68lbs, but have been 'stuck" for the past 5 weeks. My Doc. won't give me a fill because I still have restriction. Translation, I can't eat a whole sandwich... Anyone else have this problem? I have only had two fills.... The last one was in October. I have called twice in the past month for a fill appt., but have been told to keep eating protein, drinking water and exercising... Blah Blah Blah!!!
  25. mommatrammell

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello all. Thanks for the warm welcome!! - Candy Candy Candy EVERYWHERE!!!! Today was somewhere between Heaven & Hell!!! I had a mini snickers, a cookie and a small cupcake today. Oh, and also a mini Heath bar. To top it all off, I had a small slice of veggie Pizza from Pizza Hut for lunch. OK, I'm not going to panick. I had 1/2 a thin cut pork chop and some grean beans for dinner. I WILL do better tomorrow! I HAVE to get to the gym!!! My goal for tomorrow is to ignore the candy and GO TO THE GYM!!!!! Has anyone been able to tell WHY the chocolate goes down so easy??? I didn't PB once today!!! Everything stayed down just fine! Hope everyone has a great day AFTER Halloween!! Good Luck to everyone on avoiding the junk!!

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