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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Ketanyara

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  • Birthday 09/05/1969

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  1. Hi there, Crissy!

    I am getting mine done at NorthWest Weight Loss Surgery Center in Everett. All they do for weight loss is Lap Band. Hearing that you are going to Swedish for yours makes me wonder if I have made a mistake. Just because Swedish is such a wonderful hospital. NWWLS has been wonderful. They have support meetings twice a month and open appointments for counseling so that part is nice.

    I read about your infection... best of luck with that! Hope you are making a quick recovery and getting on top of it. I am on my post op diet. Three 110 calorie protein shakes and one 400 calorie meal a day. It is crazy. However, important because it shrinks the liver to make the surgery easier.

    Thursday is my surgery. Should take four hours and then I can go home.

    I will let you know how things were for me.

    I am more nervous than I thought I would be. About the journey after the surgery and not the surgery itself.



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