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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by marw

  1. Hi Bklynike, how are you doing? I haven't caught many posts from you lately . . . the last one I read looked like you were doing well. I am scheduled for surgery next Thursday - a week from today, wow! I went to my first support group meeting last night and it was very helpful. The dietician at my docs office is fairly new, but the people were great. Wishing you well. . . Rose

  2. Hi Bklynike. . I have a question for you . .. how much are you eating at each meal since your fill? Or more specifically, what has changed in your eating since your fill? I was filled last Friday and back to regular food today and trying to figure out what I should be doing differently - I'm eating less at each meal, but don't seem to be staying full for very long . .hmmm. Thanks! Rose

  3. Hi Blondi, how are you doing? We had a great weekend . . .more active than I had been since surgery and it did tucker me out, but felt good too. I am off work yet this week, so want to work on restoring my stamina so those four (10) hour days next week won't kick my hiney too bad! I read your post about getting rid of bigger size clothes - good for you! What a good feeling. Have a great week. Rose

  4. Hi Blondi, I am not going stir crazy at home yet . . . been keeping very busy - yikes what will I do on Monday when I go back to work (ha). I see the dietician at the doctor's office tomorrow and will advance my food plan. I'm now supposed to start doing the 3 meals a day only (and supplement with protein shakes if I get hungry) - I have lots of questions for her because I just don't see how to get 60 gm of protein in with just the 1/4 c of protein 3x/day . . .I've been getting in some pureed tuna, but can't get the chicken down, it is so dry when I puree it. I'm sure she'll have good advice. How are you doing since your fill?

  5. Hi Blondi, just checking to see how you are doing? I hope you are having good days . . .

  6. Hi chriper, thanks for the friend request. I look forward to reading more of your posts and seeing your journey progress! Rose

  7. marw

    Hi Copa, how are things going?

  8. Hi Debra, I'm looking for a little assistance if you don't mind. Your recipes are so great and I thought you might be able to help me . . .I don't like fish, so don't eat it. I can get down tuna if I "doll it up" enough. But my real struggle is chicken . . I used to love chicken of all kinds, since being banded, I find it too dry - no matter how I prepare it. I just can't seem to handle it. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!!

  9. marw

    Hi E3, how are you doing? I haven't seen any posts from you lately, I hope things are going well and your weight loss is continuing! Best wishes . .

  10. Hi Eileen, I am doing well. My first fill went well; however, I really can't say as I've noticed a difference since then . .. I am still losing, but it is taking a LOT of my own will power to keep doing the right things . . .I'm hungry. I am scheduled for my second fill this coming Friday, so hoping for some help from that. My surgeon recommended a second fill - even though I'm still losing, he said that to use this tool to its fullest, I should eat a cup of food - the right foods, of course - and that should hold me for 4 or 5 hours. That is definitely not happening. We had a long weekend away Fri -Sunday out of state for a family wedding. I did ok, but again, it was really difficult because I was hungry. So . . here's hoping fill #2 does the trick. And how about you? I haven't gone over to read the recent posts . . .I just got on the site, so maybe you've posted and I'll see it when I go and catch up . .. hope you are well and things are going well for you. Rose

  11. Hi Eileen,I think your 39 pounds is fantastic.The fact that your weight is consistently going down is great. I'm not sure there is a "should" have as far as how much we each should lose. I really had not calculated it, but since you asked, I sat down and charted it out . I'm in week #14 & have lost 50 # including pre-op (10 #). My losses are a bit lower recently compared to August. I'm 183 at my morning weigh in. I still weigh every day - bad I know, and I'm not going to the gym, but I walk at least a mile every day. I have no complaints. I realize my loss is probably above average and I'm glad for that - I just don't want that to be discouraging for anyone else. I wish I could get to a gym like you do, I know that has to be firming up areas that need it . . I have pretty bad bat wings and my belly just doesn't want to go down as much as I would like. . ..ah well . .. in time! Thanks for keeping in touch! Rose

  12. Hi Giby . . how are you doing? Haven't read a post from you in a bit, so thought I'd check in. Hope all is well in your world!

  13. Hi Gina . . I don't get on this site much since it changed. I just can't figure it out anymore - ughh! I hope you get this message. The support group is on Wednesdays and yes, it is next week - hope to see you there! Rose

  14. Hi Healthy . ..it's been a while . .. how are things going?

  15. Hi Janet . . .haven't heard from you since your post about not feeling well. Have you recovered? Praying you are well .. . Rose

  16. Hi Janet, I was just checking out some of your pictures . . . you have come so far and you look fantastic - congratulations and keep up the good work!

  17. Hi Jill, did you receive my answers to your questions? I'm never sure I post to the right spot. I had hit reply on yours, but it seemed to me that my reply posted on MY site - not yours . ..arghh, I'm struggling with this new site. Let me know if you received my reply!

  18. Hi Jill, I received your message, but since this site changed I have trouble figuring out how to reply - ugh! Anyway, I love Dr. Ringley's office - they're great. My surgery went well and I've been doing great since then (7/15/10), let me know if I can help. Support group meeting 1st Wed. of month at the office. Good luck! Rose

  19. Hi Laura, I am doing well - thanks for checking. I had first fill on October 1st, but am not feeling restriction. I'm scheduled for 2nd fill on the 22nd. How are you doing? I like your new profile picture. We have a wedding this weekend and I'm hoping to fit into a dress I have in my closet . . .but I'm not sure so I have a backup dress. We'll see. I hit 50 pounds last week - woo hoo! Thanks for keeping in touch! Rose

  20. Hi Linda . . how are things going?

  21. Hi llk, I was also banded in Saginaw - Dr. Ringley! Who was your doc? I went to Covenant. Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, your post didn't make it to my site .. I just came to your site to check in on you and saw your post! Glad to be in touch. Thanks for the tip on the thread, I'll try to find it . . And 86 pounds! Wow . . good for you!!

  22. Hi Lucky Dog, just checkin' in on ya . .. how are things going?

  23. Hi Marig . . how are things going? I hope your weight loss is continuing and you are doing well!

  24. Hi Sandy, Thanks for your nice comment on my picture. That was just taken and I'm down almost 40 pounds. It's so amazing, the weight just keeps coming off. I love reading your blogs and thanks for keeping in touch! Rose

  25. Hi shiba. . I am banded (7/15/10) . . have not had a fill yet and don't feel the need yet. Doing very well and glad you are too. What difference do you notice since you've had your first fill? I was banded in Saginaw, Dr. Ringley - how about you?

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