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Blog Comments posted by marw

  1. Hi gabby, it sounds as if you are progressing pretty normal from my experience and from what I've read from others on this site. I was off work for 2 weeks and went back in my 3rd week and was really wiped out . . .it takes time to heal and regain strength. Be good to yourself.

  2. Hi Bklynike, I am 5 weeks post op and tried after 3 weeks to not use protein shakes . . I found I was only getting about 450 calories in a day (I was getting my 60 gm of protein), and I was getting fatigued, so I called the dietician and she said to continue the protein shakes until I can take in enough food to get the calories up. I use Carnation Instant Breakfast - No sugar added - (13 gms with milk) or Syntrax Nectar (many flavors and 23 gm of protein in water). I am curious how on earth to take in enough calories w/o the protein shakes ? Good luck on your quest - I'll be checking back to see what others say.

  3. For the first few days, my doctor's office told me not to worry about getting in all of the protein but to make sure I kept fluids going in all day .. . keep hydrated. The appetite will come along as your swelling goes down. Best wishes.

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