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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by marw

  1. I bought just a pedometer that you wear on your waistline from Meijer and wound up taking it back (@ $20), it was not accurate. What I've done now is with the car, I measured how far certain points are where I walk, so I know when I've walked a 1/2 mile or a mile, etc. I usually walk a mile to a mile and a half each night, then do that twice on the weekends . .. everyone is different. And when I started walking, I could only walk 1/4 mile . ..so do what you can do. Good luck!

  2. This is the part where we KNOW that we did not take the "easy way out" or that we are a "cheater" (as someone called me last week - can you imagine?), but it is still work and still requires a tremendous amount of will power - you did it and you have it -- good for you!

  3. I cannot add a darn thing that hasn't already been posted; however, because you ARE so encouraging, I must put something in print to send you my support. I know you will pull out of this little funk . . .keep doin' what we're supposed to be doin' and it will work! Hang in there and God bless!

  4. Thanks for your post. I was banded 7/15 and also have not had a fill..when I saw my doctor we didn't even discuss it because I'm just doing well and not hungry until it's meal time. I wondered how I would know when it's time for a fill. I've followed your posts each time you've gone for a scheduled fill and then decided to not have the fill. I appreciate reading about the changes you're experiencing. Good luck with your upcoming decision and let us know how it goes for sure!

  5. I had a lot of gas with my protein shakes (no sugar added Carnation Instant Breakfast), my doctor suggested I change from milk to Lactaid and it made a huge difference. . . .are you using milk? Switching might help . . .best wishes!

  6. I agree with sandra . . all of those helped get me through. When was your surgery? I was off work for 2 weeks and returned on the 3rd week - 10 hour days with an hour commute . .. exhausting, but the next week was better and this week, I'm doing better still. Take care of yourself.

  7. Hi! I am 5 weeks post op and still have some discomfort at my port site (the big incision). I just saw the surgeon yesterday for follow up and he said it's because the port is stitched into muscle and tissue and that it will get better. I do call it discomfort - certainly not pain. Overall, I feel great!

  8. I am also 5 weeks post op today - wow! I saw the surgeon yesterday and we didn't even talk about a fill - I'm not hungry other than when it is my meal time and I'm still losing weight. Wow, what's the deal with the fluid in your abdomen? Did he give you an idea why you had that? I haven't heard of that before. Hope all goes well for you!

  9. I was banded 7/15 and eat only 3 times/day. I still use one protein shake just to get my calories UP. I was only taking in 450 calories and was feeling fatigued - I'm still only at 670 - 720 calories each day . .. I am seeing the dietician next week. I just saw the surgeon for follow up and we didn't even talk about a fill - I'm not hungry. I know this will change, but right now I'm good. I eat 3/4 cup 3 times/day. Hope this helps . . remember everyone is different and it sounds like your doc's office has you eating more often than mine does . . so you have to go with what they tell you. Good luck. Oh, and remember to drink too - I get in at least 64 oz. of fluids/day.

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