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sue from england

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sue from england

  1. hi my name is sue, i was banded 18 months ago and have had several fills, i would'nt change my decision to have a band for anything but feel a little despondent, the rate i'm losing weight has slowed and i'm slipping back into bad eating habits, is there anybody who has had to kick start themselves back into eating sensibly? i know i am in the best place i have been for years and my band is my "best friend" but feeling a bit sorry for myself, have lost 4.1/2, stone out of 10,and kept it off so why am i reaching for high calorie, rubbish foods,? am considering a fill but deep down know my restriction is adequate, i have a 14ml band with 11.5 fill. any suggestions would be greatly received.
  2. sue from england

    new to forum, need a bit of support

    hi Helen thanks for advice, have been looking closely at my eating pattern and have written down all intake , trying to pinpoint triggers etc, good point about exercise, i am not doing hardly any at all, decided to start slowly so have been on longish walks for past few days, the weather has been lovely so has lifted my mood, i was also pleased that a couple of pounds ,4 to be exact has come off this week so hopefully things are starting to move again, your advice was helpful and appreciated, regards, Sue.
  3. sue from england

    Getting back on track?

    hiya, iam new to this forum and have just put a similar plea to others, im not sure if i have failed yet but am def on the way, had band 18 months and have lost over 4st, i am beginning to eat rubbish and trick myself into the "im buying these biscuits,chocolate,etc" for others but its the same old devil on my shoulder that caused me to get in the pre-band state, i am trying to motivate myself, good luck with your fill and remember your band is a fab tool, i almost lost sight of my dream,hope all goes well, please keep in touch, take care, sue.

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