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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tracie515

  1. After 10 agonizing months with 1800getthin i finally am now a patient of Dr Korman, man am i happy to be there :thumbup:
  2. Good luck today :) Let me know how it goes :) My email address will get you a quicker response Tracie515@hotmail.com

  3. Good just waiting for a fill so i can be less hungry :)

  4. I know that feeling of holding back :) I wont get my adjustment til prob the last week of august

  5. My name is Tracie and i am 35 years old. I was banded July 19th. I have lost 20 lbs in the last 2 weeks and although the loss is slowing now i still think its the best thing i ever did for myself. I just have to say, anyone who says getting surgery is the easy way out, is full of S**T!! The best thing i ever did for myself is also the hardest thing i have ever done Looking forward to meeting you all :tongue2:
  6. Tracie515

    Surgery in 12 hours

    Im so happy for you Good luck and let us know how it went when you are home :wink2:
  7. Tracie515

    Hello from So Cal

    SUre is a small world HAHA I started this whole process out in the apple valley office but my insurance said i had to have it done at a COE hospital. So the apple valley office has a file on me all the way up to surgery day I just cant afford to take a day off work everytime i need to drive down to marina del rey.
  8. I know the feeling, we are both in the same boat. When do you get your adjustment?

  9. Tracie515

    Hello from So Cal

    Dr Korman in Marina Del Rey and i think im gonna switch over to the dr in apple valley next to st mary's, to get my adjustments. Its just to far to drive. I was born and raised in Barstow and moved to Victorville a lil over a year ago, i know exactly where you are :thumbup: For a matter of fact i still work in Barstow.
  10. Tracie515

    Hello from So Cal

    So Cal support group here we are :thumbup: I am on facebook also, you can find me by searching Tracie515@hotmail.com How is everyone doing? I am at my 3 week mark and have adjusted to eating meats now but the weight loss has slowed down alot. Im hoping once i get my first adjustment things get going again :thumbup: With all of us being near by maybe sometime we can get together somewhere and talk :thumbup:
  11. Tracie515

    Hello from So Cal

    I live in victorville, where are you?
  12. I slowed down tons also, not sure why but prob has something to do with the band being wide open until the first adjustment. Im sure it will kick back in after that :)

  13. It sure is nice to hear about all the things you are going through and know that you are not alone. I keep gaining 3 lbs and taking a couple days to get that off and then losing 2 lbs and then the cycle starts all over. ITs probably normal but dang i cut my food back so far from normal im surprised im not malnutritioned HAHA Anyhow welcome to you all and looking forward to getting to know you all :party:
  14. I feel good, just about normal now :) How are you?

  15. Tracie515

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Hmmmm I had not thought of that!!! Im gonna give it a try, thank you so much for your reply
  16. The chicken stage is where i am and honestly that is the best meal of the day.
  17. I told my nurse i was starving and she suggest more protein drinks in between meals BLECH Seriously she could have said try having a piece of coconut creme pie in between meals LMAO This hunger wont be so bad after our 1st fill im sure
  18. I started my whole process in July 2009 and it took a year before i got my sugery. I thought the whole time that something was bound to happen and i wasnt gonna get it!! The insurance wanted me to see a nutritionalist for 6 months, i did that. The insurance wanted me to have my gall bladder out, i did that. Then they said the hospital i had wasnt a COE so i had to change doctors UGH So needless to say 1 year and 2 weeks later i was banded The longest year of my life HAHA But well worth it!!
  19. Tracie515

    Newbie from Colorado

    I have been taking my vitamins faithfully but still by 5 pm i wanna just go to bed, impooped! Im sure it will all come together soon for both of us :tongue2:
  20. Tracie515

    Newbie from Colorado

    Im not in Colorado, sorry. But i was banded July 19th and am still so tired and have no energy. I wonder what we can do to fix that?? Are you taking your Vitamins?
  21. I was banded July 19th and im hungry HAHA If we all keep the end result in our minds then we will make it with a breeze (easier said than done) Good luck to you all :tongue2:
  22. Tracie515


    Im two weeks out from surgery and am feeling completely normal. I can lift heavy things without pain and able to do anything i did before, so you should be ok at work after 2 weeks.
  23. Tracie515

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    IM starving all the time UGH Breakfast - 4 oz 60 calorie, no fat yogurt Snack - Protein drink 30 grams protein Lunch - 3-4 oz chicken breast Snack - Protein drink 30 grams protein Dinner - 1 Egg over medium with garlic salt Im drinking over 200 oz of water a day. I was just banded July 19th and have not had a fill yet so im hoping when i do i wont be so darned hungry all the time.
  24. When i was in the 10th grade i hit 200 lbs and thought i would just die!! Throughout the years i packed on a couple here and a couple there. I met my husband in 1997 and was 219 lbs. I then had 2 children (which i lost weight when i was pregnant) and gained 83 lbs after my last one. So there i was 30 years old and 302 lbs. I had diabetes, i barely could tie my shoes and the worst thing ever happened to me. We were at an amusement park and i was asked to get off the ride cause i couldn't get the seat belt buckled!! ***JAW DROPPING*** followed by ***Crying*** That was it!! I started the Atkins diet along with my husband and was pretty successful. I lost 100 lbs and got down to 203 and the hubby (of course) lost all his 85 lbs and still has it off UGH! I fell off that wagon and just cant stick with eating no carbs for the rest of my life so i now have gained 50 lbs back!! This past June i decided to look into LapBand surgery and felt it was the right thing for me. Of course you cant just walk in and get it :thumbup: First thing was i had to have my gall bladder out because of stones, they cant to lapband if you have gall stones. Then i had a bacteria in my stomach which caused to much acid, got that taken care of with 15 pills a day of antibiotic, thought i was gonna be really sick then HAHA. The insurance asked me to see a nutritionist for 6 months and then they would approve it. Then they said i have to see a different dr because the surgery center i was going to wasnt a COE (Center of Excellence). UGH So i did that yesterday and this dr says im ready to go already so they put it through to the insurance this morning. Almost there Well that's me as of now, in a nutshell of course.
  25. Tracie515

    Hello from fort hood, texas

    Good luck girly :thumbup:

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