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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tasteyourtears34

  1. tasteyourtears34

    Any banded teens want to talk?

    I was 18 when I first started looking into the lapband and am going to receive the surgery in the beginning of this summer (2011). I am excited. I'm 316 lbs, 19, f, and live on the East Coast. If you wanna talk, email me. I love talking to people.
  2. Hello, I'm 18 f nj and I'm going to my first overeater's anonymous meeting tonight. I'm nervous. I'm going with my dad because he supports me all the way. I am pre-op and will get my surgery Dec 21st. What should I expect at the meeting? I've never been to a support group before. ~Tasteyoutears34
  3. tasteyourtears34

    had the talk with my family

    I'm happy to hear that your aunt supports you! Great going! Good luck!
  4. Hello! I'm 18 (almost 19) f and a college student. I've already met with the surgeon and I've yet to see the specialists. I am getting the LAP-BAND®® on 12/21/10 (because I want to do it over winter break). I'm 5'3 and 320 lbs. I need to lose weight! I'm not on any sort of diet right now besides moderation. I'm going for my first nutrition class tomorrow and I am very excited. If you want to be my LAP-BAND®® buddy, send me a PM. I would honestly prefer a woman but men are welcome to be a possible mentor too. And not to sound crude but anyone under 40 is good. I just feel I wont be able to relate to anyone older. Thanks for reading, Tasteyourtears34
  5. tasteyourtears34

    Need a buddy

    Hey! I'm 18 f nj. Going to be 19 in August. Surgery 12/21/10! I may be a bit young for a buddy for you but I would love to have someone to talk to. The more the merrier! Send me a private message if you wanna chat/email! ~tasteyourtears34
  6. tasteyourtears34

    quick question about fills

    Hello everyone, I'm a freshman in college, 18 years old, and I've got a question. I go to school five hours away from my home town and I really want the lap band surgery (already am going to see a doctor in june). However, how am I supposed to get my fills? Can I get fills at my local hospital? Or do they have to be done by the surgeon that did the procedure? Thanks guys!
  7. Hello! I'm 18 f east coast usa and I wanted to talk to people, male or female, 18 to 22ish yr old, that are going through weight struggles and successes and even people who are thinking about/getting/have had the lapband surgery. I'm not saying I do not appreciate the input of older people, I just want to listen to words I can relate to. If you are interested in chatting, I've got aim or we can just email back and forth. Thanks!
  8. I'm 18 years old. 5'3" 315 lbs (goal weight of 150 lbs) Pre-banded. Send me a message if you wanna chat on aim. I'd love to talk to you! :thumbup:
  9. Hello! Do you have aim? Or email?


    My aim is tasteyourtears34 and my email is tasteyourtears34@gmail.com


    I prefer aim though.


    Hope to hear from you soon,


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