Thank you doctor for your balanced assessment. I think you make some excellent points but there are a couple of things that were incorrect.
If you want to check your doctor's credentials, in Mexico you can do so online through the Mexican Board of Aesthetic, Plastic, and Reconstructive surgery, which indicates years in practice and whether your surgeon is currently certified. Surgeons must be recertified every 5-10 years and may not be recertified if any disciplinary action has been taken against them.
The Mexican Association of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery also has an up to date list of board-certified plastic surgeons.〈=en
These sites are easy to navigate the only difficulty I have found is that they are sometimes down for maintenance.
Private clinics are monitored by the Health department and require annual inspections. Some of this information is online under the individual states, or you can request the information from your PS.
If you have a medical, business, legal, or financial dispute with the doctor, any patient, including those who do not reside in Mexico, may submit a complaint to the National Commission for Medical Arbitration; few cases go to court because the system is based on arbitration rather than litigation.
There are many reasons why some surgeons do not do revision surgery besides having it done abroad.
As for travel, fortunately Mexico is very close to the U.S. but it makes sense as you note that you need to plan ahead and especially with major surgeries plan to stay abroad for a fair amount of time.