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Posts posted by kjh24242424

  1. Mine was exactly the same way after my last fill, a month ago. It has gotten a little better, but I really am loving the restriction I have now. I still can't eat salad, and from what I understand lettuce can be a problem for some people. I really have been foucusing on getting my Protein from the shakes. I really have poblems with any type of bread, eggs, lettuce, and everything has to be in really small bites and chewed a million times. :thumbup:

  2. I am a little over 2 months post op, and got my 3rd fill last week. I now have 6cc's in my 10cc band. Up untill my last fill I had no problems eating and was in bandster hell. I was really excited to get this fill, however I now feel it may be too much. I can barely eat at all. I am eating about 1 cup of food a day. I have not thrown up, but probably could have several times.

    I am just concerned that this is not enough. Maybe I just need to get used to the idea that I will be eating much less. :thumbup: I am afraid to have some taken out and go back to no restriction, but don't want to leaveit in, if it's too much. Any advice on this would be appreciated.

  3. I had my surgery on the 7th, and was about to post the same thing. The muscle feels very hard when I stand up, sit up, or really change positions at all. It seems like it is moving, and i am constantly trying to move it back in place. I went back to the doctor and he said it might be a slight hematoma, or pool of blood in the muscle wall. He said to try icing it, and this seems to help a little. He said it should go down over the next week or so. Hope this helps.

  4. Finally, my surgery date is tomorrow. I almost can't beleive it. After all the up and downs it is hard to beleive that tomorrow is my actual surgery date. I have been through a range of emotions today (Happy , nervous, anxious, and excited)

    I have not had to many problems with the 10 day diet. The last day of solid food I think was the hardest, but the liquid hasn't been too bad so far. I just keep thinking about the prize in the end. My health and my body back.

    Any advice for tomorrow and the coming days ahead?:thumbup:

  5. I finally got my apporval. YEAH!!! I had to change Dr's at the very end. He has been fantastic though. I have worked so hard to get this approval. It has been a 5 month process and along the way, I have lost 20lbs. My Surgery date is this Friday 5/7. I am so excited, but nervous too.

    I am on the 8th day of my 10 day diet, and on all liquids now. I haven't been too hungry, but I want to chew something so bad. LOL!

    Anything I should really know to be ready for??:thumbup:

  6. I was going to Dr. Eldridge , but my insurance denied St. Anthyony's after I had finished everything. Now I am seeing Dr. Keith out of Noman Regional, because it is the only one they would approve. I still have at least a few more weeks before I can get surgery, as long as they don't make me start over. I have lost 17lbs as of today on my own. I know exactly what you mean about weighing everyday. I am the same way.

    Are you haveing to drink in small sips too, or is it just hard to keep it down?

  7. Thanks Army Wife! I am trying not to give up hope, and they are supposed to tomorrow, adn let me know one way or the other. I really need this too, and Im trying to be positive. This surgeon is the top bariatric surgeon in the state, so I do have comfort in that. He just has a certain way he likes to do things, which I get, but I jsut dont want to have to start over. I am more optimistic today than yesterday. I just keep telling myself " I am not giving up. I am doing this for me!"

  8. Thanks everyone for all of the comments.

    I have not lost 100 pounds, but I am hoping to. I am really new and not sure where to go to change things yet.

    This new doctor is nothing like my old one. I had to attend a seminar, and the want you to see their phsycologist, dietician (for 3 months) and physical therapist. They also want all of that paid out of pocket, even though my insurance has already paid for me to do all of those steps. I did get to talk to the office manager yesterday, and after I explained my situation she said she would talk to the doctor and see what he said, but she had a strong feeling that he would want me to follow their program with their people.

  9. Let me start off by saying I REALLY want this surgery, but I started this journey a few months back. I have been anxiously doing all of the steps to get my surgery approved. I finished finally finished everything and my doctor's office submitted it only to find out my insurance won't approve the hospital my doctor works out of. Found out on Monday I had to switch doctors, and called the only doctor that does bariatric surgery at the only approved hospital within a 2 hour radius. Now, they are making me jump through alot more hoops. I have been looking forward to this surgery for more than a year, and finally got everything lined up to get it done, and now I feel like I am starting all over. Has anyone else had to go through this? I'm just not sure how I feel about it if I have to go through another 4 months of appointments before I get to have the surgery. I really do want this, but I am feeling a little defeated.


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