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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Readyformy30s

  1. Readyformy30s

    First milestone!!!!

    Great Job! How did you lose it? Just looking at some tips from other bandsters! Keep up that great job! :w00t:
  2. Readyformy30s

    LOL.. I'm Sorry.. but GAS Issues....

    i had really bad gas pain in the beginning. I also still have gas issues at time but I used gas ex at night and that takes care of most of it. you could always try that
  3. Readyformy30s

    Already Cheating!

    I was banded on 4/7/10 and did 2 weeks of liquid and just finishing my 2 week mushy.. i have cheated ive had a little bowl of mac cheese, sugar, sugar free ice cream. its all about portion and just becareful with hard stuff you are still healing thats the only think i worry about. Ive still lost weight because im not eating the whole box of mac cheese or the donuts people bring into work. you can not deprive yourself of treats as long as its not all the time. Your doing great! no worries......good luck
  4. Things are going great i have lost 25 since starting my pre op diet and my dr sd yes i can drink just not over due it. should prob stay away from beer or carbination. i can start eating real food wed yay! im so happy then my first fill 5/24 so things are looking up. how are you?

  5. I had my surgery april 7th and am doing great sticking with my liquids now on soft mushy until may 5th yay. but im wondering about drinking alcohol im not talking about a whole bottle of vodka but just one or 2 mixed drinks like i like vodka and water with crystal light or vodka and cran? what about that or what about miller lite? im not sure and never thought about bringing up to dr until now and its the weekend. can i please get some advice.
  6. thanks so much i just wasnt sure and im going to a friends house for game night and just wanted a drink or two!
  7. i was banded on 4/7/10 by dr jessee. doing good but yes im emotional. yesterday i just wanted to cry or scream which really sucks. im in st. pete i see your in tampa

  8. Readyformy30s

    About Yourself

    hello all, My name is Nicholl im 29 soon to be 30 yay. Im in st. pete fl. I was banded on April 7th and omg This is hell! but good hell. Just hungry alot and ready for my first fill. Im single and live with my two kitties which keep me very very entertained! My mom is a huge support along with my three best friends which they live in Inidana, Alabama or North Carolina. Yes i have lived in all three haha. It truely is a great feeling when you do lose weight and feel good, but to be honest it is one of the hardest things that I have ever done! I wish everyone the best of luck with there band and operations!
  9. Things went great! Im on mushy/pureed foods now and it sucks! but getting better! How did things go with you

  10. :thumbup:I was also banded on 4/7 I was in so much pain until 9th 10th then i was nausated for about a week probably do to gas build up. I have lost 10lb since surgery and 20lbs since preop diet. Im still sore around my port area but doing so much better. I still feel nausated from time to time but I think thats that hunger! This is a great tool so far and congrats to everyone on there success!

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