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Everything posted by Krinz

  1. Krinz

    What I eat...

    I live in Australia and im interesed in this greek yoghurt it sounds yummm!! do you know the brand name??
  2. Krinz

    Whats with the stitch!!

    I had my op in August 09, overall im super happy with my progress i feel great :thumbup:. I do however have a niggling pain under my right rib (a stitch like feeling) every now and then. I have brought this to my doc's attention and she seems to think its nothing to worry about and could be due to trapping gas???? I find this pain only to come on if im hungry and due to eat or about 1/2 hour after eating?????? Has anyone had any simiallar pain?? :tongue_smilie:
  3. Krinz

    Whats with the stitch!!

    I had my op in August 09, overall im super happy with my progress i feel great :thumbup:. I do however have a niggling pain under my right rib (a stitch like feeling) every now and then. I have brought this to my doc's attention and she seems to think its nothing to worry about and could be due to trapping gas???? I find this pain only to come on if im hungry and due to eat or about 1/2 hour after eating?????? Has anyone had any simiallar pain?? :w00t:
  4. Krinz

    Oy! My Shoulder!

    Hi there, i totally understand your shoulder problem as i had the same thing really bad too and i hate to break it to you but i still suffer with it every now and then and my op was 8months ago. My suggestion is though a heat pack worked wonders for me just prop it up behind your shoulder and try to realax as much as possible.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
