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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bklynike

  1. Bklynike

    Hard to Keep Food Down Ater Second Fill

    How much of a fill did they give you? Perhaps you are now too restricted? I've had one fill and will probably have a 2nd in a week or two, I just hope I don't have the problem you are speaking about. Please keep us posted about your condition.
  2. Bklynike

    Green Shirt Picture

    Hi, Everyone: Today is November 1st and I just took my monthly green shirt photo. I can't believe the changes in how I look and feel. It has been just a little over 4 months and I am down 46 lbs, plus the 14lbs I lost prior to the actual surgery. That is 60lbs folks. I believe someone told me today that 60lbs is about the weight of a 2 year old child. This surgery has saved my life in more ways than one. Besides feeling amazing, I am so much happier. I can do things now that I haven't been able to do in years like tie my own shoes, cross my legs and walk up a flight of stairs. I am sleeping so much better and I can actually see my feet! For anyone who is thinking about having this surgery, don't walk - run to the nearest surgeon and get it done. I will have my pictures posted by the end of the week so look for them. All I can say is I hope each and everyone of you who read this blog are feeling as good as I am.
  3. Bklynike

    November begins

    You go girl. You are doing so well. Down 75lbs is so amazing. I used to love Jazzercise but I blew out my knee doing it, so I go to the gym. At least now that the election is almost over those darn ads will end. I guess the candidates have nothing to brag about because of all of the negative ads. I would like to know where some of them stood on some of the issues, but I guess they didn't want to tell us.
  4. Bklynike

    6 days post op and down 11 lbs..

    It does get easier, but you have to help. You say you have a lot of free time, so you have to make use of it. Take a walk, call a friend, go to the gym, clean your house. Drink a lot of fluids - water with Crystal Lite. If you get in your fill of water, 64 oz a day, you won't be hungry or think about food. Best of luck.
  5. Bklynike

    after surgery

    I had a lot of salads: tuna fish, canned chicken, canned shrimp and canned salmon with lots of lite Helmann's mayo. Scrambled eggs made with 1 whole egg and 1/3 cup egg whites. Best of luck.
  6. It is a lot of work, but worth every single second. Best of luck and congrats on graduating college.
  7. Bklynike

    no weight loss?!

    Hi, Kelly111: I can't imagine how you feel, but let's try to figure this out. First, you say you eat lots of protein and very few carbs. What type of carbs are you eating, how much and how often? I do not eat any carbs, unless they are naturally in veggies. No bread, no crackers, no pasta or potato - none since my surgery in June. My doctor said to wait about 1 year before adding carbs to my diet, and so I will do exactly that. How much and what kind of protein are you eating? How many meals a day are you eating? How many and what kind of snacks? How much fluid are you taking in? How often do you go to the gym or exercise. My suggestion is you get a journal, or a pad, and write down everything you eat/drink and at what time you eat/drink. Write down your exercise regiment and then make an appointment to discuss your list with your doctor or his assistant. You might already need a fill. But, don't give up. You will lose the weight. Don't get discouraged - you will not fail. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us informed as to what is going on with you.
  8. Congrats for reaching the Onederland. I have about 10 lbs to go before I get there, but I know it is coming. Keep up the good work.

  9. Bklynike

    Under 35 BMI and banded

    I was self pay, $13,4 on June 21. I was 251 and I am now 210. I want to get down to 140 or 150, we'll see how much I need to lose as I am getting closer. I didn't know they would do LP surgery unless you had 100lbs or more to lose????? This was the best thing I ever did. Good luck.
  10. Bklynike

    Three months today!

    I am so happy for you. Please join the gym and continue on your journey. You are doing so well. Heck, I'm almost excited as your husband!
  11. Bklynike

    2nd Fill

    Are you losing what you think you should? I wasn't sure if I was losing enough. 41 lbs in 4 months seemed like a good amount to me, but I read blogs here and some people are losing much more than I am. Some have lost less, but I wasn't sure. I felt that by talking to my doctor's PA, I would learn what was right for me. I wanted to make sure I was still on the right track with the foods I eat and with the 4 trips a week to the gym were enough. So, I went to get my second fill today. My first fill was a piece of cake, so I didn't expect today's fill to be any different. So the PA comes in and we start talking. How are you feeling? I am feeling great. Absolutely amazing. Are you losing? About 10 lbs a month, consistently. Are you hungry between meals? No. I am usually satisfied with my 3 meals a day. Have your portion size changed? No, I am still eating about the same amount as usual. Protein first, then veggies and if I have room, salad. I stop eating when I feel satisfied. We spoke about the fact that people who have let's say 200 or more lbs to lose will lose in larger quantities - 5-10 or more lbs a week, as opposed to me. I have about 60 lbs left to go, so my loss of approximately 10lbs a month is a great accomplishment. We decided I didn't need a fill today. She said she didn't want to mess with something that was working so I will go back on November 12th, if anything changes. If not, I'll reschedule for some time in December. What did I learn at my doctor's visit today? I learned that I should not compare my loss or gain to anyone else's. Each of us has our own journey to take and each journey will be different. If I have any doubt, my doctor and his staff will be there to keep me on track. I also realized that I love myself more and more each day. I am so proud of myself and I am starting to really like the way I look. I now have clothes that fit and it makes me happy to see myself looking so much better. I love hearing friends and coworkers comment on the changes I have made so far. I took this journey so I would be healthier, get off my medications and to look and feel better and I did it for me. My husband and family will also benefit from my Lap Band because if I am healthier, I will live longer. Thank you Dr. Bass, thank you Lap-Band. :thumbup:
  12. Bklynike

    On an upswing today!

    You are a wild woman and the chair is awesome! Best of luck on the 5K. I am hoping to do it next year for breast cancer. I don't think I could run a 5K, perhaps walk one???? Happy Halloween.
  13. Bklynike

    A lost soul

    You know what has to be done. You know how to do it. The band is a tool, so every single ounce you lost, you did it. Every drop of sweat you lost working out, you did. You did it once and will do it again. Don't allow yourself to play the pity card. Get up, get moving and get back on track. Thousands of people would love to be on the journey we are on, but for one reason or another can't do it. Make us all proud - continue on track. I wish you the best of luck.
  14. Bklynike

    HELP...How to tell...????

    It is no one's business, but it is also nothing to be ashamed of. I tell anyone who will listen because my insurance company would not cover penny one. I did not have the surgery for vanity, I had it for health reasons and I am hoping we can turn things around for the next person who isn't as fortunate as I was to be able to pull $13,400 out of the bank and have life saving surgery. If you are not comfortable telling, don't. You are going to work very hard to lose the weight because the Lap Band is only a tool. You will have to watch what you eat and work out. So, no one will be the wiser. Good luck and I hope you make the right decision for you.
  15. Bklynike

    It was so worth it! Happy Happy happy!

    You are doing really well. I hope you continue to enjoy your journey. It is the best thing we could have done for ourselves. It can be hard work, but it is soooooo worth it.
  16. Bklynike


    I hope you are all having a great Sunday. I am so excited. I weighed in today at the gym and I was 210.2. I lost over 2 lbs this week giving me a total weight loss of 41.2 lbs since my Lap Band surgery on June 21! Prior to my LP, I was on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutra System, etc, etc, etc. Each time I reached a 25lb loss, I would stall. That was it, all she wrote, the game was over. Then I would gain it all back, plus more. I am so close to the onederland that I can almost touch it. So, what do you call when you are 210-219? My trainer says you are in the countdown. OK, so I am in the countdown. I have my 2nd fill scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'll see if the doctor feels that I need it. I got 1cc in my 14cc band at about 9 weeks, so we will see what they do tomorrow, which starts my 18 week. Well, enjoy the rest of your Sunday. :smile2:
  17. Bklynike

    Five Months Already!

    You are awesome. Very inspirational and always supportive. I am so happy for you and I appreciate your comments to my blogs. You are 5 months, I'm 4. I have not been this happy in a long time. Isn't it great to hear peoples comments? I love it too. You keep up the good work.
  18. Hi, Rose:

    I ended up not needing it yet. So I made an appt to go back on Nov 12th, if needed. The PA said I was doing so well that she didn't want to mess with a good thing. I am losing consistently around 10lbs a month and not hungry between. I am so glad you are doing well. Keep it up.

  19. Almost 40 lbs - congrats to you! Keep up the good work. It is amazing how wonderful I feel at 41 lbs. You must be feeling like a million bucks too.

  20. Hi, Mezzo:


    I actually joined the gym a month before my surgery so I was able to do a little walking to help rid myself of the gas. Then I returned to the gym less than 2 weeks after my surgery. I walked on the treadmill at a zero incline at about 2.5 mph and used the new-step machine. If you don't know that that is, you pump your feet forward and back and there you use your arms to push forward and back also. I also used a machine that you sit at and use your arms only called a Sci-Fit machine.


    Today I walk the treadmill at a 12% incline at about 3.1 mps. I row, use the 2 machines I listed above, I use the eliptical machine and lift weights. I LOVE THE GYM.


    I hope you are doing well and are as happy as I am that I was banded.

  21. Bklynike


    BEST OF LUCK. We are all pulling for you. Enjoy your journey.
  22. Bklynike

    Beginning this process

    I was sitting on my couch last week and I crossed my legs. Just like that, I crossed my legs! I haven't been able to do that in 15 or more years. My surgery was on June 21st and as of this morning I have lost 41.2lbs. I feel amazing. This is the best gift you could ever give yourself, your children, husband, family and friends. Remember, the lap-band is a tool. You have to do the work. Gym 3-4 times a week or work out at home and eat right. The weight will come off, but remember you didn't get heavy overnight and you won't lose it overnight. Best of luck on your journey. It is AMAZING!
  23. Bklynike

    In limbo in bandster hell

    How long did it take you to put on the weight you are now trying to lose? Where were these other people while you were putting on the weight? Were they trying to help you back then because they are certainly not trying to help you now. The Lap Band is simply a tool. You have to do the work. You have to eat right and exercise. The tool will help you lose more quickly had you not had the LB. But any loss is a great loss, whether it is a tenth of a lb or 10 lbs. Slow and steady will help win the race. But remember, you didn't get fat overnight and you will not get thin overnight either. Give yourself a break and enjoy the journey - you will be so happy you did.
  24. Bklynike

    2nd Fill-Easy Squeezy Lemon Peazy

    Hi, Rose. I am so glad to hear that your fill went smoothly. My 2nd fill is on Monday morning. I hope mine goes as easily as yours. I can't stand the liquids anymore, so I am hoping to be allowed to have some soft eggs Monday night for dinner. Keep in touch and let me know if you feel more restricted. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Eileen
  25. Bklynike

    I've Changed for the better

    This journey is all about you. The hell with a man who doesn't realize your worth, but you do RIGHT! You have to get on the right track, lose the weight and become healthier and a better you. We are all behind you.

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