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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bklynike

  1. Bklynike

    Do something else with your mouth....

    I am so happy for you. Getting back to singing is great. I used to love going to the gym, and now that I have to go I am really enjoying it again. I love to dance, but my husband has 2 left feet, so as long as I can get him to the gym with me, I'm happy. Keep singing!
  2. Bklynike

    5 more pounds down...

    You were down 5lbs and not overly excited? You should be jumping for joy. 5lbs is terrific. Every ounce you lose is a triumph - 5lbs is amazingly wonderful. Keep up the good work.
  3. Bklynike

    Turning Over a New Leaf, contd....

    Making behavioral changes now will certainly help you later on. Exercise will make your recover easier as well as help you continue to lose weight. I hope you get the approval quickly and start on your very special journey.
  4. Bklynike

    Slipping into a routine

    Hi, Blondi: I was banded on 6/21 and I am supposed to get my first fill on Thurs, but I am not sure I'm ready yet. I've lost about 19 lbs so far and I really don't count calories. I eat the right things, and when I feel satisfied I stop. I have not gotten sick or felt over-indulged at this point. I only get hungry sometimes between breakfast and lunch at work. I have my breakfast around 7:00 and I don't get to lunch at work until about 1:45 or 2:00. If I have my water, I am fine. But like you said, I get so involved that I slack on the water then the stomach grumbling starts. Have you been going to the gym? I really love it and I think it will help keep me motivated and on track. I will decide by Tues if I will wait a week for the fill, or do it on Thurs. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  5. Bklynike

    I chose Lap-Band - Yea for me!!!!!

    I am so happy I chose the Lap-Band and not gastric bypass. I originally thought the gastric bypass was the answer. I went to the meetings but was very nervous when I heard not reversable, hair loss, dumping syndrome, 6 weeks no work, only 1 year to lose your weight and $25,000. My insurance company was going to approve it, right? Wrong. The day before I met with the surgeon, I got a call from his office to say my insurance company had an exception to my coverage and wouldn't pay anthing for weight loss surgery. So I went home and cried. I thought I would have to live my life miserably fat and on every medication you would imagine a fat old broad would have to be on. The sleepless nights caused by my sleep apnea, the diabetes, the high blood pressure, the high tri-glicerides and high cholesterol, knee and back pain, and on and on. I was heartbroken. But I decided to start saving and hoped that one day... I started hearing about Lap-Band and actually knew someone who had it. She was so happy and excited and started looking and feeling really good. So, I went to some meetings to see what I could learn about it. I met my surgeon and decided this was the surgery for me. I started saving every penny I could. Then, in May of last year my mom passed away leaving me a small inheritance. So I was scheduled for December 21st for lap-band. Well, as you all know I had been diagnosed with breast cancer in October and had my mastectomy in January. Which of course meant I had to postpone my lap-band. I rescheduled it for my birthday. The greatest gift I could possibly give myself on my re-birthday. Yes, I was sore the day of surgery, but got around pretty well on day 2. By Wed I was up and moving without very much discomfort and the rest is history. I never looked back. Well a young woman who worked for me scheduled her gastric bypass for the week following my surgery. She spent 4 days in the hospital, in pain all of the time. Then after getting home, she ended up back in the hospital because she was dehydrated. When I spoke with her today, she was still having trouble drinking water! Lap-Band - life saving tool. A couple of days of discomfort and a lifetime of good health, normal weight, and happiness. I am so glad I made this choice.
  6. Bklynike


    Stay excited because the lap band will be the best gift you will ever give yourself. Go for it and keep blogging and let us know how you are doing. We are a family here and wish each and everyone of us the best of luck and support.
  7. Bklynike


    I don't think it is really about your eating habit. We are all heavy and now that we have the band and are losing weight, we are just afraid that we will gain it back. It is a normal thing. I know I do EXACTLY what I am supposed to do. I eat what I am supposed to eat, I drink what I am supposed to eat, and I watch everything I put in my mouth. But when I step on a scale, which I only do at the gym, I always think I will have gained weight. So, I think it is normal. Enjoy your weight loss and try not to obsess.
  8. Bklynike


    I really disliked the chewable vitamins I got from my nutritionist so I take a one a day, 2x a day! Also, liquid calcium.
  9. Bklynike


    I think all the time - I had surgery just a short 3 weeks ago. I actually chose to have a band wrapped around my upper stomach giving me a small pouch that will make me eat less or I will get sick. I will have a few more incisions in my stomach, but I am not a bathing beauty to start with, so short tops and 2-piece bathing suits have been out for years. And by doing this, my entire life is going to change. I paid over $13,000 for this surgery out of my own pocket, after saving several years. I actually took this money away from my family - perhaps a special vacation or new car? After so many diets and dumb programs, is this actually going to work? Heck Yes It Is!!!! My life has already started to change. First of all, I am losing weight. I have always been able to lose about 25lbs and then it was over. No matter what I did, I couldn't lose more than 25lbs. I am at about 17lbs right now. I have no doubt that I will break through that 25lbs within the next weeks to come. You bet I will report it here. Secondly, my medications have been cut down. I am actually sleeping better. I have much more energy and am walking with some pep in my step. Thirdly, I have met so many wonderful people on this site. I wish each and every one of you lived in South Florida - I want hugs! I will keep reporting my progress and I love reading about all of yours. I try to respond to as many blogs as I can because there is nothing like finding messages in reply to a blog I wrote, so I would imagine you like getting responses to. I will be taking pictures this weekend, and will try to post them. I see the difference already and am loving it. Good luck to you all - I love our friendship.
  10. Bklynike

    6 weeks post and surgeon visit

    Most surgeons don't see you much after the first time because they spend most of their days in surgery. I have a 2-year follow up, which was included in my surgery. I will see him if needed, but he has many other nurses and doctors in the office for fills. But he is only a phone call away, if needed. Good luck to you.
  11. Bklynike

    Positive Feedback

    You are doing great. The liquid diet gets old really fast, but the pureed diet is just around the corner. Enjoy your new life and the journey. Keep posting!
  12. Hi, Blondie. I will be taking a new picture this weekend and will probably change my avatar. I really never liked the picture I am using, but it was the most recent one I had. I am actually wearing a wig in the picture, which is similar to my actual hair, just lighter in color.


    The reason I had a wig on is that I had breast cancer surgery (left breast mastectomy) on Jan 5th and I was scheduled for chemo and radiation, which thank goodness it turned out I didn't need. But I got the wig because I was told I would lose my hair within 11 days after starting chemo. I took the wig pic to show friends who lived out of state.

  13. Bklynike

    Great Visit

    I couldn't have been happier to hear my doctor's excitement as she read my blood test results. My A1C came way down, which is so great. She cut my cholesterol medication in half and said when I go back in 3 months she will probably be able to take me completely off it, as well as my diabetic medication. She is going to test my blood again in 3 months, including my thyroid, to see if I can stop that med, as well. The blood pressure medication will probably be the last one to be removed, but she said it will not be necessary any longer if I keep losing and exercising. I have my first fill scheduled for next week, but I am not sure right now if I will need it yet. My surgeon said if I don't feel that it is necessary, wait one more week. Sometimes I think I do need it, but I think I will wait until Monday to make my decision. I am not over eating or eating anything that I have been told not to eat. I've been losing about 5lbs a week. Last night I had 1/2 a hamburger, no bun, with mozzarella cheese and some broccoli and was very content. When served, I immediately cut the burger and veggie in half and put it in a to-go box. Today's lunch was last night's leftover. Eating this way is certainly less expensive. I am truly happier than I have been in years. I know I have written this statement before, but it is true, and I want everyone to know it. I will lose the weight this time, I will get off my medications, I will hit the gym and build muscle instead of fat, I will ward off getting cancer again. I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR! (Thanks Helen)
  14. Bklynike

    Great Recipe

    I had the most wonderful dinner tonight, so I thought I would pass along the recipe. This comes directly from my nutritionist. If you like crab, shrimp or scallops, this one is for you. This recipe makes 2 servings - I can't wait until tomorrow night to have the remaining half. 1/2lb crab - I substituted shrimp 1/2lb scallops 2T Smart Balance spread 1/2c 1% milk 3T Parmesian Cheese 1/2c Park skim mozzarella cheese, shredded Saute seafood in the Smart Balance over medium high heat until mostly cooked. Add milk and salt/pepper to taste. (I added some garlic powder and parsley flakes.) Lower heat to medium. Add most of the mozzarella and stil until thickens. Pour mixture into a casserole dish and add teh rest of the mozzarella. Broil until brown and bubbling. This would be great over pasta, but of course we can't have pasta. This portion was more than enough for a meal and so tasty. Enjoy!:rolleyes2:
  15. Bklynike

    had my band done yesterday

    You are now a Bandster-Sister! Welcome to our club. We are glad to have you. Don't worry about the pain meds because by tomorrow, you will probably not need them. I wonder why the doctor didn't give you liquid - odd. Did you have stitches - is that what was bleeding? My doctor used some kind of glue, so I never bled. If you are watching TV, everytime a commercial comes on, get up and walk. Drink plenty of liquids and get as much rest as you can. Walking is the best thing you can do for yourself. Let us know how you are doing.
  16. Bklynike

    Bandster Bashers

    I wasn't going to tell my co-workers but them I got breast cancer. I figured if I started to lose weight, they would assume it was the cancer and I was not doing well. So I told them and they were extremely supportive. Now, I will tell anyone who will listen to me. I am very proud of what I am doing - the band is a tool, but I am doing all of the work. Watching my food intake, exercising, drinking my water, attending group and blogging. My insurance company would not pay for any of it. I am hoping that perhaps enough people will see how well I am doing and will encourage their friends and family. Perhaps one day the insurance company will realize how this surgery can save people's lives and help those who want to be banded after me.
  17. Bklynike

    much better today

    You had enough saline in your band that he was able to remove 2cc? That is remarkable. My doctor puts almost nothing in the band when first attached. My first fill will be next week, and he will add 2cc at that time. I may postpone another week because I am not sure if I need a fill right now - I am 3 weeks post. I am glad you are feeling better. You will wean yourself off the meds, just take it one day at a time. Good luck.
  18. Bklynike


    OMG, what a difference. You have got to be so proud of yourself - I know we are proud of you. Keep it up girl, you are looking hot!
  19. Bklynike

    Thursday is the Day!

    You go girl! I am glad you are taking this journey with us. It isn't easy or the "easy way out", but you will succeed. Just remember to walk, walk, walk.
  20. How are you doing, girlfriend? What are you eating? Have you seen your primary or surgeon yet? Get a blog going so we can keep up with your progress.

  21. Hey, Cris:

    Do you feel like you need the fill? Sometimes around 11:00am I start to feel hungry and get that stomach growl that is so loud everyone who shared my office start laughing. But then I realize I hadn't been drinking my water. I get so involved at work; I am training some new employees so I just forget. But other than that, I am not really getting hungry. My surgeon said if I don't feel that I need it next week, we can wait another week. He says usually 4-5 weeks and most patients need it. I think I feel I am doing well now and I am afraid to get so restricted that i have problems eating at all. He said they usually add about 2cc a fill. How about your doctor?

    I thought once you were on thyroid medication you can never get off it, but my doctor says depending on my numbers, I could stop it. It is a very low dose.

  22. I love your photos. What a difference - you do notice it don't you? It is amazing. You are shining now. Keep up the good work.

  23. You must be getting so excited and anxious to join those of us who have been banded and feeling great. I hope you will post when you have time to let us know how you are doing. It is the greatest gift you can give yourself.


    Remember, walking is the most important thing after the surgery to get rid of the gas you are going to have in your upper back and shoulder. It will pass, just give it a couple of days. Some people use GasX, but I just walked. Take it slow the day of surgery, but the next day push yourself to get up and walk. I watched TV the day after surgery and on every commercial, I got up and walked back and forth in my condo.


    I will be thinking about you - we all will.

  24. Bklynike

    Primary Dr Visit Tomorrow

    I am really looking forward to my visit tomorrow with my primary dr. I am excited to see how my blood work turned out. I will find out if I can eliminate or cut back on some of my meds. Being diabetic, luckily Type 2 and on oral medication, since the surgery I have been able to cut my Metform down from 500mg twice a day to 250mg twice a day. I was also told to cut my high blood pressure from 180 twice a day to 120 twice a day. Nothing was said about cutting out or lowering my cholesterol medication yet. I know my thyroid meds will not be stopped and I will be on the hormone therapy for my breast cancer the next 5-10 years, so I am not really concerned about them. If I had gastric by-pass I would have stopped the diabetic meds the day of surgery. It doesn't work the same way with lap-band. I just hope my numbers are good enough to cut it out. But I know in my heart, that if this isn't the visit where they say I can stop these medications, it will come one day. I feel good, am losing weight and exercising - hopefully I won't need the meds. The hubs is now back from his "Horror Convention" in Indi and he had a blast. I am glad he is back - I really missed him. So, I am going to go watch Next Comic Standing and have a good laugh. I hope you all enjoy your evening. By the way, please keep good thoughts for tomorrow and wish me luck.:rolleyes2:
  25. Bklynike


    This is a great start. Talk to everyone you can who has had the surgery. I am 3 weeks out and it was the best thing I could have done for myself. This is a great website. Everyone is encouraging and helpful and it feels like family. Good luck and let us know how it went.

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