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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bklynike

  1. Bklynike

    GIBY97, Advice for Traveling Request for all bandsters

    If you can get menus, either by going to the restaurant or on line before you get there, you can plan your meals ahead of time. I usually feel pretty safe with steak or prime rib for dinner. I always ask if they put butter or sauce and then ask them to leave it off. Fish/seafood is also a great way to go. Watch the fried, ask for grilled again without butter or sauce. I usually do egg whites for breakfast. You can do it and you will be successful.
  2. Bklynike

    THE CALL.... what i been waiting for

    Best of luck to you. It will be the best gift you could give yourself.
  3. Bklynike

    fallen off the earth.

    Stepping on that scale every day can make you nuts. Good for you to restrain yourself. Once or twice a week is good just to help keep you on the right road. Keep up the good work and good to know you haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
  4. Bklynike

    Stressed Out?

    I have a horrible job. Yes, there I said it. I am a customer service manager for a national costume and uniform company. It is so stressful. There should not be this much stress working for a costume company. I don't work for the White House, the Pentagon, or Homeland Security. People place orders for merchandise, we make their items and ship them out. So, you would think it was an easy job. Well, not so much. People are rude and obnoxious. I have been yelled at and cursed at. As bad as our customer's are, the owners are worse! I have 10 people working under me and I always tell them if they get a waco on the phone, screaming and cursing at them to tell them hold for their supervisor and transfer me the call. That is why I get paid the big bucks (not really big...) I especially love the people who order late and when they can't get their items when they want them, all hell breaks loose. Why am I telling you all of my woes? Why am I moaning and groaning? Well, it would be great if someone offered me a new job. Anyone need a great employee, in South Florida? The Hollywood/North Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area. If so, make me an offer. :wub: The real reason is because the old me would have come home and stuffed my face with pizza or pasta, Enteman's pound cake, POTATO CHIPS (my favorite), and bread. The new me has been maintaining my new lifestyle. I don't use food as a crutch any longer. I completely understand that over eating all of the wrong foods will not make me feel better, but will make me sick and disappointed in myself. I am working too hard and long to get on this journey. So I guess I have learned something after all :thumbup:. Have a great night everyone. Don't forget, all job offers will be considered!
  5. Looked at your photo album and you look great! How are you feeling? Did the fill make you feel any different? Haven't had one yet, perhaps on the 2nd of Sept, so I am curious.

  6. Just checking to see how you are doing on your journey? I hope you are losing tons and feeling fabulous!

  7. Bklynike

    Perhaps it is time

    Thanks for all of your comments to my blogs. I try to respond to as many other people's blogs as I can because when I get home from work, the first thing I want to do is read your comments. So I figure, other people want to read comments to the blogs they write. Anyway, as you know, my surgery was on 6/21/10. I have not had a fill yet because everytime I was scheduled (3) I went to have the fill, but after my discussion with the doctor or nurse practioner, we postponed the fill. They kept saying I wasn't ready yet. Today for lunch I had 9 large shrimp, 6 cherries and an entire banana. This was the largest meal I have had since the surgery. Tonight's dinner was 4 oz of steak, a little broccolli and some romaine lettuce with grated cheese and dressing, on the side of course. I am full now, but I can't believe how much I had for lunch. My first actual fill is scheduled for 9/1 and I think by then I will be ready. We'll see how it goes. If I am not losing, eating more or hungry between meals, I will not walk, but I'll run to get the fill. I am so afraid of not losing or even worse, heaven forbid, gaining some back. I've worked to hard to get where I am now, so I refuse to go backwards! Have a great evening everyone. I'm going to watch some TV, relax and get to bed early.
  8. Bklynike

    Ok, finally deciding I need support!

    First of all, you need a new doctor - one who will motivate you. You need a partner to work out with and you need to journal your food. I wish you luck.
  9. Bklynike

    Learning to appreciate who I am in my "Own Skin" !

    You got it going on. Congrats on the grandbaby and for learning to what you need to do for yourself. The lap-band is a great start. Keep on the road to a healthier you.
  10. Bklynike

    Just my view!!

    We all have to be our own advocate. If you don't feel you are being treated the way you should, find someone else. I am so glad you listened to the other patient. Why didn't she change offices?
  11. Bklynike

    A step closer to the lap band surgery!!

    You are going to get there and when you do, remember we are all here to hear about your journey. Good luck.
  12. Bklynike


    Congrats to you! Do what I did, purchase some inexpensive tops at Kmart and get a belt! Everytime I say to my husband something is too big on me, he says "you're not complaining are you?" Of course not, I am thirlled. and You will be too. Keep up the good work.
  13. Bklynike

    What's that feeling in my stomach?

    Once you get off the liquids and on to the next stage - pureed/mushy, you will not feel or hear the hunger pangs. It gets better, so hang in there.
  14. Bklynike


    Sorry you had a bad day, but look at the good things that happed to. And, you have a lap-band, something thousands of people want but either their insurance company won't give them or they can't afford one. You are losing weight, and outside of the tonsils you are doing well. You even got into some new clothes (from a previous blog). So take a deep breath, put a smile on your face and remember all things happen for a reason and all good things come to those who wait. Have a great evening.
  15. Bklynike

    Seeing the Doctor vs. their nurse?!?!?!

    Your surgeon is just that, the surgeon. He inserts the band and the PA, Physician's Assistant, takes over from there. Most people see the surgeon on the first follow-up visit so he can make sure there are no surgical problems and then his "job" is done. I am sure if you needed her/him, you could make an appointment, but there is really no need. The PA is well trained and there to make things easier for you and to answer your questions. So, I guess you really don't want to see the surgeon beause by not seeing him, there are no problems. Make sense? I hope so.
  16. Bklynike

    Weekend Challenges

    My husband and I just returned from a weekend in Orlando with our good friends. We were invited to come and visit, so we rented a Charger (our van has over 200,000 miles) and took off. The drive was very nice - 3.5 hours. The challenge I had was the food I was going to eat. My girlfriend layed out a terrific spread of cold-cuts and different breads and fruits for lunch. I had brought some string cheese with me. I remembered someone on this site had said she ate cold-cuts wrapped around the string cheese, so I had 2 sticks - one with a slice of boiled ham around it and one with a slice of roast beef wrapped around it and a couple of cherries. That was enough for me. Everyone else had thick sandwiches and potato chips. Boy, do I love the chips but did not have crumb one! At dinner, 6 of us went to a great restaurant called Manny's Chop House. They have an unlimited salad that they mix at your table. One of the couples ordered a hamburger with the works, including fries and his wife ordered some kind of fried fish. The other couple ordered the rib/chicken combo and his wife ordered the full rack of ribs. My husband ordered steak and steamed veggies. Now, when we go out to dinner I usually order steak because it doesn't have any kind of sauce on it and I can make 3 meals out of a 12oz steak. But I wanted something special so I ordered a 6 oz lobster tail and corn on the cob. A 6oz lobster tail is all shell, but it was more than enough for me. I love lobster, so it was terrific. So I am sitting at the table looking at all of the fried foods and sauces they were eating. Oh, did I mention the fresh baked yeast rolls with whipped butter? And I am thinking that the old me would have had an appetizer, full rack of ribs or the fried shrimp platter with french fries and many yeast rolls. But I had none of it. I was so proud of myself. Then we went out for breakfast this morning. I had some scrambled eggs and 2 strips of bacon. I know the bacon was not my best choice, but I really wanted it, so I had it. My girlfriend, gotta love her, had biscuits and gravy. I LOVE BISCUITS! So when they hit the table, my mouth was watering. I considered, but only for a second, reaching over and stealing one of those beautifully golden brown bundles of happiness and joy, but I held myself in control and did not have to run from the restaurant with her biscuit in my mouth.:biggrin: So the cravings have not gone away, but my will power is very strong. I can't wait to get to the gym on Tues and work out. I missed going Friday night and today because of our trip, but I was so good and feel that I can do this.
  17. Bklynike

    NO Patience

    We all get to a point where we feel we need a change or that something we have been doing isn't working any longer. I agree that you may not be feeding yourself enough protein and/or calories. If you body thinks you are starving it, you won't lose the weight. So, perhaps a protein shake or a little more food will help you speed up the loss. Your comments are always and I mean always supportive and encouraging. You should go back and read some you have written just to me, and you will see how great you are. I am pulling for you - I know you can kick butt. Don't give up, don't get upset, just do it. I know you have it in you.
  18. Bklynike

    So many questions about Lap Banding

    The lap-band was the best decision I have ever made for myself. It is a tool, and I work my butt off at the gym 4 times a week to keep on losing. I was banded on June 21st and will have my first fill on 9/1. Most people have their first fill around week 5, but I was not ready because I was losing and not hungry. Go to a seminar or two and speak with people who have had the surgery. I think you will find this "tool" will help you control your intake. But, it is a choice to exercise and cut out the bad foods from your diet. You have to be ready or it will be a waste of time and energy on your part. Good luck.
  19. Bklynike

    Day 17 of 27

    You go girl. You look amazing. Keep up the work, it is really working for you.
  20. Bklynike

    EGD today - now the wait begins!

    I wish you the best of luck, an early surgery date and a great Lap-Band future. Remember, the band is only a tool, so make sure you are up for it. And, once you have the surgery you must do a lot of walking to get rid of the gas you will feel in your upper shoulder and neck.
  21. Bklynike

    sooo many questions

    I was self pay because my insurance wouldn't pay for anything either. I went to several seminars until I found a doctor I felt comfortable with. My girlfriend used the same office as I did, but she went with another doctor. My surgeon is the one who teaches the operation to other doctors. Do you know anyone who has had the surgery? How many surgeries have they performed? What kind of follow up do they offer? My payment, $13,400 includes 2 years follow up and all fills during that time. The first year is monthly, the 2nd year is quarterly. I have 6 nutritionist visits included, as well. Ask your primary if he/she knows of anyone. The most important thing is to feel content with the doctor you choose, their office and personnel. This is a huge decision, but the best one you will ever make. Good luck.
  22. Bklynike

    Day 13 Post-op -- WEIGH IN

    take your baby steps because when you add them all together, you will be at the end of the road. Keep up the good work. We are all pulling for you.
  23. Bklynike

    Protein Question

    I do not do protein shakes. I absolutely hate them. I really tried at the begining when I first got banded because I was not allowed to have anything mushy. I know when I get my first fill, perhaps 9/1, my doctor will tell me to go back to liquids and that would include the protein shakes before hitting the pureed stage, but I still hate them. I am 8 weeks post-surgery and get all of my protein from regular food. How about you? What is everyone else doing? Please let me know - protein shakes or not? Strictly protein from your meats, cheese and eggs? I am curious to see what comments I get. And I hope I get a lot.
  24. Bklynike

    searching for advice

    Avoid anything that is high sugar and calories. Remember, protein in without the sugar/calories will help you lose weight, feel full and keep your strength up. Remember, take your vitamins. Good luck.
  25. Bklynike

    My first fill experience/ 10 cc band with 2cc fill

    Congrats on your first fill. I am glad it went well. I've had heel pain and wore a boot at night. But it was extremely uncomfortable for me. What I found worked was a Dr. Shoals insert in my shoes. Losing weight has also helped a lot. Keep up the good work.

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