I went for my lap-band® consult about 6 weeks ago. I had heard that United-health care approval process was rather fast so after 2 weeks I called UHC to find out that I was approved!! :thumbup:I am happy and very excited but that became very short lived once I tried for over a week to get in touch my advocate. After a dozen messages and hunting her down I was finally able to make my pre-op appointment which was 3 days later. That was 2 weeks ago and I still do not have a surgery date! Everyone that was in my group at the pre-op appointment had a surgery date but me! :mad2:I have called, and called and called. The surgery scheduler is always either not in the office, super busy or tells me she would call me the next day!!! (which still hasn't come) I am beyond pissed and am now questioning should I even have the surgery anymore? If so should I go with this doctor since his office is god awful? My insurance is thru my husbands work and everyone that has had the LAP-BAND® there has gone to one doctor that is closer and I hear is wonderful but I really don't want to have to go thru that process all over again. I don't know how long should I wait to call this doctors office and tell them to shove it since they don't want my business! Is this normal to have to wait this long to get a surgery date after everything is taken care of but that? I know that I am really upset and venting about my situation but I had to tell some people who would know what I am going thru so any advice that anyone could give me would be great appreciated.