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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by qtney1

  1. qtney1

    Kansas City Area Sleevers?

    Just on my way home and was sleeved yesterday. I couldn't make the last meeting but would LOVE to meet the next one!!!
  2. I am! Surgery date is tomorrow. I am excited and nervous at the same time!
  3. qtney1

    Kansas City Area Sleevers?

    Hi, ladies! I think it's awesome that there is a KC group on here. I am a current LapBander, but beginning the process of getting a revision to VSG. I live in Greenwood and would love to meet up sometime :-)
  4. qtney1

    Slowly going down......

    I was so sad the last post...and frustrated. Since I am not a person who normally gets down, I try to LIFT myself back up :-) i am almost down the weight I gained on vacation. The scale is slowly dropping again. And, that is positive. Hope everything else is going great for other in band land!
  5. qtney1


    You might be a little too tight if you are chewing and chewing and still getting sick. You should go get a little taken out.
  6. qtney1

    From: What about beer?

    I still have an occasional beer from time to time. I am not one that has problems with carbonation. But, I wasn't a big pop drinker before so it hasn't been an issue giving it up with the band. Some people have a horrible time with carbonation. I used to drink a lot of beer when out with people. The difference is now, I don't have it very often and usually 1-2 gets me buzzed. It takes a LOT less alcohol with the band to get me tipsy. The vodka and Crystal Light mixtures are awesome, if you want to drink.
  7. qtney1

    One year has pasted

    You look so great and are such an inspiration!
  8. qtney1

    Bad Day

    I'm having a rotten day. So, I got back from vacation a couple of weeks ago. I managed to gain 7 pounds while I was there. 7 pounds!! I know it is my own fault....splurging in the high calorie drinks and zero protein shakes. I stepped on the scale and I was 284. I almost cried. At the end of this month, I will have had this band for 10 months. I remember, at the end of November, weighing around 297. That is so freaking discouraging. It's like I had to give EVERYTHING I had in me to lose the 50 lbs (which I am proud of). But, can not seem to go lower. I have 7.7 in my band right now. The only food I can not tolerate is some chicken. It comes right back up. Everything else, with the exception of breads (which I don't eat at all), is okay. I portion out what I eat and am hungry 1 1/2-2 hours later. You might say, "Well, get a fill." Which, is what I think, too. I go to the dr. in a couple weeks. But, when they had 7.9 in my band, I was throwing up everything. I can not seem to find that spot. When I think I do, I get all excited then it seems like once the swelling goes down, I'm not there. I just feel like I am on an eternal diet. I stock my house with protein, greek yogurt, veggies, etc, but I can still eat portions that are bigger than what I should be. It doesn't help when I eat the proper portion and am hungry again in a couple of hours. To make matters worse, I saw a friend who had the sleeve done 3 1/2 years ago. She went from 280 and is at a slim 130 right now. She just had a tummy tuck and boob job. She at 3 bites of a hamburger (with bread), a couple bites of fruit, and proclaimed, "Wow! I am STUFFED!" I didn't know whether I wanted to cry or strangle her! Meanwhile, I sitting across the table, with tiny bits of my half brat (I don't do the skin of it because it doesn't agree with me) and my tomato salad.......finishing it, feeling satisfied, then hungry again in a couple hours. My friend is never hungry and forgets to even eat. I. am. having. a. SUCKY. day.
  9. qtney1

    Bad Day

    I am drinking lots of water and powerade zero. I always have something with me. Don't get me wrong....I feel good for losing the weight that I have but super discouraged about the amount have I have lost in the past 8 months
  10. qtney1

    Are You Listening

    Stay strong! You don't want your liver to be nicked when they open you up
  11. qtney1

    DOWN 100!!!

    That is so FANTASTIC!
  12. qtney1

    Where am I going wrong?

    I was banded on 9/30/10. I stalled out for awhile, too. I read a post that suggested adding more protein....so, I have been. And, slowly, but surely, I am losing again. I went back to choking down my shake in the morning (I'm not a fan, but still drink em). I also have a lot of salads... I throw in bacon bits, sunflower seeds and avocado. Chicken and steak are iffy for me. Some days I can be okay with it and some days my band says, "No way!" I am losing slow and still have my plateaus for sure, but no worries, girl, it will pick up. Between month 5 and month 8 were the hardest. I couldn't get the scale go down for anything!
  13. qtney1

    Fat day...really?

    So, for the first time since being banded, I am having a fat day. I haven't lost anymore weight since my last posting and I know I need to work out more and add protein. I am leaving for vacation in a week and a half and having been busting my butt trying to get everything done. I make tutu princess dresses for babies and toddlers on the side, so I have been furiously constructing them to get them completed before I leave.....oy! A year ago, I stressed out for at least three months...at least...about the plane ride and being able to buckle my seatbelt. It was horrible. Everything buckled, thank goodness. One of the 4 planes barely buckled. This year, I am 50 pounds lighter but I started to freak out a week ago about the stupid seatbelts again.....yes, really, I did. It should be fine. While my body has changed, sometimes I still have the mentality that I originally started with. Strange, huh?
  14. qtney1

    Fat day...really?

    You are absolutely right!
  15. qtney1

    Chickens, Psycho testing and Sarah Palin

    I usually get my protein powder from Costco...it's pretty good. And, I also loved the Alaska series!
  16. Hi there, fellow Missourian. How are things going? You are in Belton? Not too far from me!

  17. qtney1


    is there another doctor in your area that you can try? If you are still throwing up/sliming, you will need to have some taken out. I was doing the same while overfilled and couldn't lose a thing.
  18. qtney1


    It took awhile, but I am finally at 50lbs down. WHOO HOO!
  19. qtney1

    No Regrets

    You are doing so great!
  20. qtney1

    8 months Post Op

    I feel so much better since that last fill! I have restriction back. YAY! No more bread eating or too many carbs...I love how my band helps keep me in line when I go off track. I hit 279 this morning....which, I think is great considering this is normally my highest time of the month (if you know what I mean). I have officially lost 48 pounds and am now 8 months out. Sometimes I sit and think about how slow the process is and how I should have lost more. Other times, I think what a big accomplishment this is.....considering I have had a couple missed appts and overfill recoveries :-) So, I continue plugging right along......
  21. That would be great! And, it looks like we were banded around the same time. Where in MO are you moving to?

  22. qtney1

    8 months Post Op

    Thank you both! I got one overfill and I couldn't even get liquid down. It was horrible! So, they took fluid out and I had to wait another month for fluid to be put back in....I was so hungry from not eating then I was so hungry from just being hungry (too little fluid :-( Then, I had a bad cold and the sinus drainage made me stuck and not able to get anything down. So, I got some fluid taken out and was unable to go have it put back for 6 weeks. BUT, I can say this...if you have too little, you won't lose. And, if you have too much, you also won't lose. It truly is a sweet spot that you have to find!
  23. qtney1


    Days 1, 2, and 3 are the worst. Just take it minute by minute, hour by hour. You can do this!
  24. qtney1

    The " wrong " answers

    I am guessing they are seeing if you have any comorbities. Sometimes, if you do, your BMI can be lower to have the surgery approved. There are no "wrong" answers :-)
  25. qtney1

    Non supportive Spouse

    I am not currently dealing with a non supportive spouse, but I can tell you this. You will have to ultimately do what makes you happy. Yes, at some point you will be too tight and throw up. I think those who never have this are completely lucky, but the majority of us bandsters have had that happen at least once. And, it's no big deal. You have a little fluid taken out or eat a little slower (and, you will recognize what food you can and can't have). But, ultimately, you will lose weight and will be able to tell him, "I told you so" :-)

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