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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by qtney1

  1. qtney1

    First Fill!

    I am excited, for sure! It was a lot easier than I anticipated it being. I was in and out in a flash!
  2. qtney1

    Just Checking In

    Well, the first fill is going to Monday. I really can't wait. My weight loss has definitely stalled out and I am excited to get this kick started once again. I am trying to plan a vacation to Mexico next summer and would LOVE to drop some excess baggage by then. The earlier, the better My doctor actually has me set up for an appointment on Monday, one two weeks from then, and one more two weeks from then. So, hopefully we will kick this in high gear...lol What do you all do the day of your fill? Do you eat light or do liquids? I suppose I should call the doctor, perhaps, but I'm curious to see what they have you do. My appointment isn't until in the late afternoon.
  3. Hi there! So far so good...Just waiting for my first fill Monday. I have kind of bottomed out on my weight loss since I introduced real food again. How are you doing? Everything going good?

  4. Thank you for the tip! I love Fashion Bug since they have cute clothes without paying OUTRAGEOUS prices. And a clearance center is a much added bonus....especially with the downward weight trends we all have. YAY!!!!!
  5. Well, I successfully (and easily) lost the weight I gained on last blog. Funny thing is, I don't really feel like I"m even trying. I do notice that I am eating less, but I don't have anything in my band yet. Which, I'm not complaining, at all! Today, I reached my first NSV. I tried on a shirt I was able to wear (and look good in) 3 years ago, but haven't been able to wear in at least 2 years. YES! It's actually exciting to look at the back of my closet now and see the clothes I will soon be able to wear again! Right now, I am only a couple pounds away from being under 300..I can't wait. 300 is such a gross number. I am READY for the 2's then the 1's! That was the good news I had to share. Now, comes the bad. Did you hear about this ridiculous article written by Maura Kelly in Marie Claire magazine? If not, I encourage you to read it and be completely outraged. I can't believe, in this society, we have people like this. I almost wish I had a subscription just so I could cancel it! WHAT A TOOL! Here is the link: http://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/dating-blog/overweight-couples-on-television
  6. qtney1

    no weight loss?!

    I am just over a month post op. When I started eating regular foods again, I gained 5 pounds, then lost it again. I think the key, for me, is eating 1100-1300/calories a day for me to achieve weight loss. I was eating too few and stuck for awhile. I am a huge believe in sparkpeople.com. You just type in your weight, your goal (by a certain date....ie. Christmas, New Years, etc), and it breaks down how many carbs, calories, amount of protein, fat, etc, that you can have each day and still achieve weight loss. You just input the food you have and VOILA! Good luck with everything. I, too, can't wait for the fills to start!
  7. qtney1

    1st goal in my reach

  8. qtney1

    Almost a month banded

    Well, as of tomorrow, I will be banded a month. I was a rockstar the first couple weeks post op. I did fabulously. Then, when my husband landed back in the hospital for 5 days, I slipped off the wagon and began making poor choices as far as food. Strangely, when he landed back in the hospital is when my hunger actually returned. I was set in my ways after the surgery, without much hunger, even though I knew it would return. I am finally getting back in to the routine of things and need to start keeping track of everything on sparkpeople.com again. I also have been slacking on my protein shakes the past week and need to do that, too. I seriously can't wait for the fills to start! My worst habit is grabbing something on my way home from work. I live about 45 minutes away from home and by the time i leave work, I'm starving. I need to just stock up on protein bars so i can have a mid afternoon snack. Can anyone recommend any good snacks that have nothing to do with jello? lol On the plus side, I am eating smaller bites and taking longer to chew. Therefore, I'm not eating crazy big portions And, I am starting Zumba this week. . On the minus side, I have gained 5 pounds...eeeeek! Must....lose.....again.
  9. qtney1

    8 days post op....

    Good way of thinking, girl! I had mine done a month ago tomorrow. I was doing fantastic up until I went back to full foods....well, i should say when my hunger finally returned AND I was able to eat full foods. It took a couple of weeks for the hunger to actually come back after my surgery. i have eaten some not so good things in the past couple of weeks and gained 5 pounds back.....eek! So, back to protein shakes and sparkpeople.com it is for me :-) I can't wait for the fills! My WORST habit is being soooo hungry and grabbing something on my way home from work (since I live 45 minutes away from work). on the plus side, since i have trained myself to eat slower and take smaller bites, I don't eat the same portions as I did before. Mind over matter...mind over matter!
  10. qtney1

    Good Changes

  11. qtney1

    19 days post op....GAINED 2 LBS!!!!!!!!!

    I had surgery 27 days ago. After losing 23 pounds during preop, I have gained 5 pounds back after starting solid foods. And, it has just held steady at that 5 pounds in the past couple of weeks. Don't worry...we are in bandster hell (oh, yes, I am starting to feel it). Fills are just around the corner!
  12. qtney1

    I'm a Bandie! :)

    Welcome! Keep on walking and it will help speed up your recovery. The throat pain was the worst for me, but the pain subsided within a few days....
  13. qtney1

    Happy Bandiversary to me!

    Congratulations! That is GREAT!
  14. qtney1

    surgery complete

    I was sore for about 5 days and it was about a week before I got completely off pain meds. Don't worry, each day you will just feel better and better. The first couple days are the worst as far as sitting up and sleeping, but I was up and around okay.
  15. Wow! What a week this has been! A week ago, I was celebrating getting down to 302 (losing 23 pounds since I started my liquid diet with almost no hunger after being banded 9/30/10). Welllll, my husband went back to the hospital on Wednesday morning and got discharged for good last night. It was an extremely stressful time and I wasn't home very much. Needless to say, I didn't have my protein routine to keep me in line. I tried to eat good and include plenty of protein in my "hospital cafeteria" diet. But, some nights, after driving home, only fast food was open (I didn't get a chance to replenish the fridge until last night). After being so exhausted, I gave in a couple of times. Now, here I am, determined to jump on the bandwagon and get back to losing again! My doctor cleared me last week for all foods again, so I stocked up last night again on all my "good food". I have gained back pounds (eeeeek!), but I think I can work that down pretty steadily with my mind put to it. I've had hardly any sodium prior to my husband's hospital stay and with the eating out several times, I'm sure I took in a LOT. Blech. Anyhoo, husband is doing great after 2 surgeries and will be out of work for several weeks recuperating. I have tried not to beat myself up too hard.....just climbing back on the saddle and WILL watch that scale go down again. This waiting for restriction is not fun, but I just have to be my own restriction :-)
  16. Thank you all for the great support! I have been packing my protein shakes and bars with me to work. I have a great routine during the week, but the hospital threw me off of that. Thank you also for the prayers. The husband is doing wonderful after 2 brain surgeries involving the shunt in his head. Everyday is a new day and I am determined to make this weight stay off!
  17. gained back 5 pounds, I meant to say...lol
  18. qtney1

    More progress pictures.

    You look FANTASTIC!
  19. I was on the fence with WLS for awhile...thinking I could do it by myself, but I wasn't comfortable with the risk of gastric bypass. And, insurance would not cover the sleeve. Looking more and more at the LapBand, I decided it was the perfect option for me. I was banded on Sept 30th and have just seen the scale drop....It's a wonderful feeling and you won't be sorry. Plus, with being a mommy, like myself, you won't be down hardly at all with the surgery! Good luck!
  20. qtney1

    1 week post-op

  21. qtney1

    Had my 3 month LB anniversary!

  22. Best of luck on your upcoming surgery! It was overall pretty easy. Just make sure to walk and keep drinking fluids. You will do great!

  23. Welcome! I was banded Sept 30 by Dr. Malley. I love the amount of instant support on this site. If you have a question about anything, there is someone here to help. Also, you can get some great recipes, eating tips, etc, from this site
  24. Ugh..yuck..don't listen to people who won't support you. You aren't overeating. You made a bad food choice and EVERYONE has. After liquid diets, surgery, etc, it's probably been forever since you even had a chance to eat something like this. I feel like this site is for support, not bullying. We all slip up once in awhile and it is, at least I hope it is, a good social network to have those in the same situation help you back up. I know I log on to give support, get support, etc. Someday I will have a slip up day, too, and God forbid someone tear me up over it and make me feel blue. Everyday is new beginning....just start back over with your calorie count the next and blow it off. If you are eating it everyday, there is a problem that needs to be tweaked to get to success. However, to err is human, friend.
  25. 5 months....I went to a couple different seminars in April of this year to choose a doctor. Then, I had the insurance hoops to jump through. Finally banded on Sept 30th!

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