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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by qtney1

  1. qtney1

    Another fill.. 7 1/2 months out

    I FINALLY got in for the fill that I seem like I have been waiting forever for! YAY! I had a little fluid taken out in March, due to me having a cold and the drainage was miserable! I couldn't hold anything down. I made an appointment for April, but I couldn't get off work to make the appointment as our owners were in town. So, I finally got to go yesterday. They had taken .5 out of my band and put .3 in this time around. I should be around 7.7 in my band. Up until yesterday, I felt like I was eating more than I should and definitely hungrier. No fun. I could eat biscuits (even though I know I shouldn't) with no problem...I didn't get stuck on anything! Amazingly, i still lost a pound during that time. Now that I have a nice bump, I'm ready to get on the weight loss train fully. I have been trying to get my daily workout in and also trying to keep track of myself on sparkpeople.com. When I weighed this morning, I am 282, still up from my lowest of 280, but I know water weight can fluctuate, so whatever. Goal for next weight in: 272. Full steam ahead!
  2. qtney1

    Another fill.. 7 1/2 months out

    Almost forgot..went to Fashion Bug yesterday. And, I am now a size 20/22. I stopped buying clothes in real sizes when I grew out of size 24 pants and opted for the 1-7 sizes Lane Bryant/Fashion Bug offered. I was a tight 5, but really could have been a 6. Now, I can pull off my size 5's without even unbuttoning And, my bra size also decreased! No longer a 46 F/DDD, I am now a 44 DD. Yippee!!
  3. qtney1


    Great work!
  4. qtney1

    Fell off the wagon....

    Since my last minor unfill, I have been able to eat more and I don't like it. I have been able to eat and enjoy food that I couldn't before. i know, it's bad, I should have more willpower, but my band is my buddy that helps keep me in line. I have managed to gain 4 pounds back and I am super disappointed. My next fill scheduled for Monday so i am on my p's and q's with the strict "no eating out" and protein shakes again. I just hate how you still have to "diet" in between fills and watch everything **sadface**. Oh, well, I wanna see that scale go back DOWN!
  5. qtney1

    Fell off the wagon....

    I am back in the same boat with you, Kelly..In fact, I think I just posted on your blog....haha. I am going to have them put a little in. Before, as long as I got protein in, I could have what I wanted (except for bread and dry chicken--made me sick) and still lose. I just need to hang in until Monday.....
  6. qtney1

    I need some advise please

    Maybe they can fill you somewhere in the middle. I am going through the same thing and have been banded now for 7 months. I feel like I am eating too much and foods I shouldn't be eating (breads). I fluctuate the same 4 pounds every month and feel like I'm dieting...without losing. I had a problem and they took some out. I think I am going to have them put a smidge back in. Good luck to you!
  7. qtney1

    BEFORE and AFTER Photos

    Fabulous job! I read your blog and it's really neat. I also have Dr. Malley and was considering doing the Reboot program. I am a little scared, though, because I feel so out of shape to even start!
  8. qtney1

    First Blog!

    Congratulations on your new journey! It sounds like you are a great start! Welcome to Kansas soon!
  9. qtney1

    Need a fill

    Well, I had a little fluid taken out about 6 weeks ago, due to me getting sick from all of the drainage when I got a cold. And, I have been naughty....very very naughty. I have no idea who much fluid she took out (although, I'm guessing not alot) and it made a HUGE difference). However, I need it put back in ASAP! My weight has officially stalled completely out. I can eat more than I should and am hungrier in between meals. I keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds. I had an appointment a week and a half ago, but had to reschedule, due to work conflict. The soonest they could get me in was May 16th, but I am going to BEG to get in sooner, if they have a cancellation, next week. I ate a donut (I know, I know) with absolute ease and no problem. I am leaving for Mexico in less than two months and was hoping to have a little better weight loss by the time I left. I want my restriction back. Unfortunately, it just means that I have to work on my self control a little harder :-) On the plus side, I'm walking more, hoping to counteract the new position of being able to eat any type of food (not that I should).
  10. qtney1

    Need a fill

    I think I do better with more restriction and being a bit tighter. Bread is a downfall for me and I can unfortunately ea tit now. I have to stay STRONG to keep it away :-) I have been hovering around 280 and just want to get over this hump!
  11. I cooked Easter dinner, as well, and it was so hard to have all the yummy food around!
  12. Yay! I just sent you a friend request on fb. We will definitely have to meet up and walk!

  13. I have been losing on the slow side, but every pound gone is another smile gained!
  14. Yes, we should! I have been dying to get out of the house and walking. I have been taking my daughter out to the park everyday but I just wanna w-a-l-k some of this weight off :-)

  15. Hi there! I thought I would check in to see how you are doing...hope all is well!

  16. qtney1

    6 Months Out

    Well, I am officially a little over 6 months out. I have lost a total of 46 pounds total, including preop. It is coming off slowly, but surely. I have been at a plateau the past couple of months and need to make better food choices and definitely work out more. Overall, though, I am very happy being 46 pounds down. It is 46 less of me that I have to lug around. I am going to Cozumel in just a couple months and my goal is to get down even further and finally invest in some new clothes! Right now, they are hanging on to me for dear life (YES!). I may not have lost as much weight as my friend who had RNY at the same time, but I still feel great and feel this choice is a "for life" commitment. And, on days I feel sad I haven't lost as much, I look at my before pictures and take notice of the weight that IS gone.....forever!
  17. qtney1

    6 Months Out

    Thank you all for the support. This site has truly been a wonderful source of support! best of luck to you all!
  18. I have hit a plateau and I think it's because of food choices, as well. I was at my sweet spot, but they took a little out because my sinus drainage was making it so I couldn't hold anything down. I have been able to eat more and have things I couldn't have before and i don't like that. Hoping for a little more of a fill next time! I'm glad you are almost to your sweet spot! Feels nice!

  19. Hi there! Just checking in to see how you are doing :-)

  20. qtney1

    very slow weight loss

    I've been slow as well. It has almost been 6 months and I am at 46 pounds (of course, I weight more than you, so it's slower than I thought). I have been trying to increase my protein and it seems to be helping
  21. qtney1

    Unfilled a smidge..so much better!

    So, after my sinus drainage last week, I made an appointment with my doctor's office to get a little fluid taken out. They took out just a bit and what a difference! I was able to eat, drink, and start losing again! I have lost 3 pounds since they took the fluid out. I think because I can get my protein in now! I am officially 46 pounds down and almost 6 months out. Once these 280's are gone, I will feel so much better. I feel like I have been stuck here forever! Now that I am finally where I need to be (fluid wise), I am hoping it will start coming off quicker now. Too much fluid, I don't lose. Too little, I don't lose. We went out of town on a shopping trip this weekend and I was really proud. Instead of getting steak or something like it at Outback, I got a small size seared tuna appetizer at Outback. And, it was filling! I have found that I need to just order small portions when I go out. Even if I get a smaller meal and box half of it up, I will still try to eat more than I should. It's all mental. If I get just what I need (usually a kid sized portion is plenty), I do better at limiting myself. It's taken 6 months, but I am finally starting to "get it" and adjusting. Everyday is a struggle for a recovery food addict, but I am getting better and better at eating better. One upside to eating out? Instead of going for the most bang for the buck (I used to choose the biggest portion item sometimes!), I can get a better quality, tastier, and healthier item for the same price and be okay with the fact that it's a tiny portion. I love my band. Sometimes we bicker, by my love for it is unconditional :-)
  22. qtney1

    101 lbs gone!!

    Congratulations! What a great job you have done!
  23. qtney1

    My Story

    Thank you for sharing your story...I think a lot of us have struggled with the same issues. I am almost 6 months out from surgery and have had to totally readjust my relationship with food. It's a daily struggle, but I am still plugging along. Best of luck in your journey!
  24. qtney1

    Post Plastic Surgery

  25. qtney1

    Help! Drainage!

    I think I have a sinus infection and this drainage is making me feel stuck. I haven't been able to keep anything (non liquid) down in two days. Anyone have any suggestions or experiences?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
