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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by qtney1

  1. qtney1

    Day 1 Pre-Op Diet

    Thank you all for the encouraging words. I was so thankful to have a Smart Ones meal for dinner last night. Today has been better. I made a protein shake, blended with ice, and it has helped alot. Thank you, Bklynike, for the Isopure suggestion. I may have to try that! I am keeping the attitude that I can do this!!!
  2. qtney1

    Day 1 Pre-Op Diet

    Thanks! I have been drinking a lot more today. Today, I'm thinking of making a tutu for my daughter then going to sleep early :-) The morning was a little rough, but the afternoon has been pretty decent
  3. I went to two seminars with two different facilities when I was searching. The doctor I chose to go with did not have a consultation fee, per se. I paid $150 on my first consult and they submitted it to insurance. After insurance paid, they refunded me $125 (minus my copay). Now, the other facility wanted to charge $500 on the first visit with insurance paying nothing. They claim it is for the necessary office staff to help tackle approval for insurance companies. They claimed that they had to keep multiple people on their staff just to deal with all of the paperwork and approval process for insurance companies.
  4. qtney1

    unexpected self control..Pep Talk

    Your blog made me SMILE! Great job on having such a great attitude through the liquid diet. I started mine today and I am already hunnnngry, but I keep looking towards the greater goal. Great job, girl!
  5. qtney1

    Pre Op Diet starts in 2 days!

    I can't believe the countdown is almost here. These past 5 months have really been something. All this visiting the doctor, jumping through hoops, researching, etc, has finally resulted in surgery in 2 weeks. I am so excited! I start my pre op diet Thursday. I am supposed to have a protein shake for breakfast, for lunch, and a Lean Cuisine (or something similar) for dinner. Also, I can have chicken broth, sugar free popsicles, sugar free jello, and sherbet (up to 2 cups) during the period. I have to admit, though, saying goodbye to food is actually quite sad. I had my "final dinner" Sunday night...which, consisted of a feast at Red Lobster (oh, I will miss you cheese rolls!). However, I told my husband, it will feel good to leave a restaurant and not be hungry or overly stuffed. I am one who never finds a middle ground between the two and end up STUFFED! But, I'm ready to say goodbye. And, I know I'm ready to say goodbye to all the bad foods. Tonight or tomorrow night, I will do what I have never done before, but SHOULD have done years ago. And, that is buy a scale. Before, I always avoided the scale because I was deathly afraid of what it might read and feel horrible. Even during my pregnancies, I only got brave to look at it a couple of times. But, I think the scale might be a good friend to me for the rest of my life very soon. It will be a friend to help keep me honest and speak nothing but the truth. I can't wait to begin the journey of being banded and I am soooo glad that this website exists, as you gals and guys are a huge wealth of knowledge and support for me. I know I don't know you all personally, but you help me out more than you will ever know! :thumbup:
  6. qtney1

    T-15 Day 1 of Liquids

    I don't know if it helps at all, as I haven't even started my liquid diet yet, but I have heard the first few days are the worst. I start mine in 2 days and my doctor said I can have a protein shake for breakfast, one for lunch, and a Lean Cuisine type meal for dinner. I plan on working out in the morning when I first get up (since I'm usually not starving..lol), then downing a protein shake afterwards. Good luck on your diet, girl!
  7. qtney1

    Liquid Diet 09-14-10

    Oh, I totally know what you are talking about! I start mine on Thursday and the breakfast stop will have to cease. I think if I have my protein shake before I leave in the mornings, it will help me. Good luck to you!
  8. qtney1

    Our newest Grandchild is here! Ava Born Yesterday!!!

    Congratulations...she is beautiful!
  9. qtney1


    Great work!!!
  10. qtney1

    4 days left of regular food

    Wow! I start mine on Thursday, too! I am going through a whole range of emotions to prepare myself for Thursday. Are you doing strictly liquid? My surgery date is September 30th and they are putting me on a lo-cal/high protein shake for breakfast, lunch, and a Lean Cuisine for dinner. I hope I can make it!
  11. qtney1

    pre op diet

    I start mine on Thursday, too..Good luck on the diet....Your surgery date is coming up quick!!
  12. qtney1

    100 Pounds Gone -- I Love My LapBand

    That is excellent! You are doing wonderful!
  13. qtney1

    Renewed vigor!

    You are doing fabulous, girl!
  14. qtney1

    Liquid Diet

    So, after I had Panera this afternoon at lunch (instead of my normal soup, I got a sandwich...kind of as a goodbye to white breads!), I started to think about this liquid diet coming up next week :wink:. When I go to the store this weekend, I need to start picking up some items. My surgeon's office is mailing me a packet with pre op instructions, but I want to know from all of you what are the best things you had during this time to get you through it. Was there a particular broth, sugar free jello, or something like that that you enjoyed having? Also, how did you get through this time without actual FOOD?! Did your body go into shock :eek: ? I figure it'll be a mental game that I can play and just try to get through each day. Truly, the thought of no physical food is scary. Okay, last question, what are some good sugar free treats that you enjoy either before or after the surgery?
  15. qtney1

    Liquid Diet

    Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions! You are wonderful! My doctor's office said I need to have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and I can have a Lean Cuisine for dinner. But, I can have as much chicken broth and sugar free popsicles and Jello as I want. Hopefully, I won't be too awfully starved. At least it's better than all liquids..lol. My daughter's sitter had it done and she recommended Bariatric Advantage shakes so I am going to stock up on those, too.
  16. I hope the diet is starting off well for all of you! I start mine on Thursday (my surgery date is September 30). My doctor wants me to have 2 protein shakes a day and a Lean Cuisine type meal for dinner (with unlimited broth, sugar free jello, etc, if I want). It's going to be hard to make the transition but I am ready. Best of luck to all of you!
  17. qtney1

    Leaf Defies the Laws of Physics...

    They will probably make you jump through some hoops, but it really goes pretty quickly. My nutritionist gave me a website that I LOVE to use to keep track of my calories: Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople It's fabulous!
  18. qtney1

    Approaching the Century Mark!

    Wonderful blog! You are an inspiration!
  19. qtney1

    Being Healthy

    That is wonderful!!!
  20. qtney1

    Looking for September 2010 Bandsters

    Yay! I am September 30th!
  21. qtney1

    Getting banded September 23rd!

    Congratulations on a band date! I am getting banded on September 30th and had the same question for my surgeon (since my daughter just turned 15 months old). The only restriction he had for me was to lift nothing over 20 pounds for 2 weeks (my daughter is 21 lbs and he said that was okay, but for me to limit bending over and picking her up if at any time possible). Since your son is 5 months, you should be good to go. And, he is having me start to walk immediately. The first couple days probably won't be more than the mailbox but he wants me up and moving. That being said, stairs would probably be okay. Best of luck on everything! Have you started a liquid diet yet?
  22. qtney1

    Approved! Surgery date is September 30th!

    Thank you....I just keep thinking that no food can taste as good as skinny feels
  23. Wow! That was soooo quick! Given the fact that BCBS of KC didn't get the paperwork until last Friday and yesterday was a holiday, we got a written approval in a little over 1 business day! The doctor's office had a cancellation and was ready to schedule me in two weeks from today, but that is a bit too quick for my liking :-) I'm not prepared for the liquid diet to start today...lol. So, they scheduled me in on September 30th, which means I start my liquid diet a week from Thursday. I already am wondering where "the last meal" will be. I know it will most likely take place Monday evening :-) I am sooo excited and so nervous all at the same time. I am ready for this new life to start!
  24. Congratulations on the fast response....I am practically biting my nails off waiting for mine, and it was just submitted Friday. lol. Best of luck!

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