Thanks Shirley. I will try to stay with my name here, halesredrose. Will let you know. I need al the help I can get. You are so right about the 2nd time around. I was so nervous and a worrier the first time out!
What happened back then?Experienced some major trauma, so I exercised to excess, ate very little, then started throwing up and couldn't get out of the habit. It took it's toll and I finally ended up doing some outpatient eating disorder treatment last fall. I am now in better condition health wise and ready to lose again.
I also think since I've been through it before, it is easier in ways. However, the head hunger(as you called it and you are so on target!) is driving me batty!
Do you snack any? I am not suppose to at all. that's tough. Right now, I am still having to go back to liquids and it's been a week. I think I am eating too quickly when I do have regular food like grilled chicken. that's what happened today so I had Soup tonight.
Can you give me some ideas of good meals that stay down?