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About johnphx

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/03/1965

About Me

  • Biography
    Started this journey at 400 at surgery time on Apil 16th. Now as of 05/25/10 down 37 pounds! But have a long way to go
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Transport Dispatcher
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  1. Happy 48th Birthday johnphx!

  2. johnphx

    Do any of you take Prozac?

    I take a 40mg and 20mg pill every day and swallow and have no issues. just use enough water to wash it down. I am able to take all my pills, my doctor said if you can't take an average sized pill there is an issue. but that is my doctor and my experience...
  3. Happy 47th Birthday johnphx!

  4. Now I'm not perfect but I have noticed that when you scrutinize every thing you eat and drink you no longer want to put that "bad" thing in your body. I think to my self: "Do I really want these few seconds of enjoyment to delay my goals?" I am so grateful to have this current attitude about food, I am not going to take it for granted. I have to remember, I eat to live not live to eat!!!!
  5. Thank you all for your kind and encouraging words... it's good to know that I'm not alone in our road to success.
  6. i was one year out when I had my slip. My doctor said they would either just fix the slip or if the band has deterioration at all they would just replace it. Took a few months to get back on track...YOU CAN DO IT.
  7. So on April 16th was my 2 year anniversary with the Lap Band. I lost a total of 100 pounds. Felt awesome, but did nothing. It just fell off. Then had a major life move and stopped doing all I used to and slowly gained weight back. Found out I had a slip and had that corrected. Still gaining. I've gained a total of 36 pounds back. Depressed, hated my self and the band. The Band was a waste of money... blah blah blah...... Went to my doctor to whine and complain what a waste of money it was. Well he spent over an hour with me and we talked. I finally realized 3 things. I DIDN'T EAT THE CORRECT FOODS. I DIDN'T DO ANY EXERCISE TO HELP ME. I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY SUCCESS OR FAILURE. The doctor gave me a small fill to bring me up to 7.5 and I changed my attitude. Week later following a 1000 calorie diet, drinking my protien shakes, NOT drinking while I eat and only eating about 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food, I've lost 9 pounds. Funny thing is, I am NOT hungry!!!!!!!!! I feel different. Not bloated, more energy. Funny when you do the right things, good things happen. Exercise? Well, still working on that. Walking a bit and doing some small weights but it's more than I used to. So the moral of my story, when you start blaming the band look hard at yourself and say; "Am I doing everything I am required to do?" Dr Myers in Greenville, PA is an outstanding Doctor that took the time to help me understand that my weight loss and future is in my hands. That small piece of plastic is not in charge, I AM!!!~!
  8. johnphx

    My Lap Band Slipped

    After a year and 100 pounds down, I started gaining weight again and found out my band slipped. My doctor opted to do the revision surgery and my insurance covered it do to the risks of not getting it done. Come to find out that when most surgeons do the band they take part of the stomach up over the band and suture it on both sides. My doctor only did one side so the other slipped up. My new doctor was able to get it back in position and get it tied down. He also put 4cc's in at that time. I am on the liquid diet again till i heal but I am so happy they where able to fix it for me without removing it. The lap band saved my life and sets backs or not, I owe my life to the band.
  9. johnphx

    2 years since being banded

    Thanks for responding... I got over my hump. I got a fill on Dec 13th of 2010 and it must have been my sweet spot... at that time i was 326.. not sure why i put 320.. anyway as of friday i am at 301 so it's working. I just joined a gym to start working out. I can finally see small differences in my face.. that was my biggest peeve.. my chins and chins.. they are going away!!!!
  10. johnphx

    2 years since being banded

    I'm a newbie with the band (banded 04/16/2010. I have lost a total of 60 pounds. I haven't been at this weight (320) in over 15 years. Sounds great right? I think it sucks. I should be lower and losing more. Crazy huh??? Huge accomplishment but my fat mind that is so used to years and years of self hate (i'm 45) at my weight is saying your still to fat. I was talking to someone with anorexia and they felt the exact same way. I'm not a therapist or even going to one, but after talking to her, I realized our brains where acting the same. She was to fat, I'm still to fat. But with her she didn't eat. With me I eat out of disappointment in myself. It's like winning a million dollars and thinking, damn why didn't I win 2 million. So I now understand how powerful the mind is. People always tell me how great I'm looking and how my body has changed, but me? I look in the mirror and see fat ass John. So now on top of focusing on my portions, I am working on my brain. I have an old work ID badge that I carry around with me and when I start getting that nasty thinking, I look at all my chins. I still have chins but not nearly like I did. I can see the difference only in that pic. It's a process. I'm so lucky to have supportive friends that accept me and don't judge me. That really helps. The staff at True Results Scottsdale have been incredibly supportive to me also. Thanks for letting me share.
  11. Great seeing someone fron AZ on here!

  12. johnphx

    When did you see the difference?

    hey guys, I so can relate to this post. Went in for my second fill on friday and was down 37 pounds so far. My starting weight was 380. I notice my pants getting bigger(lost 2 inches around my stomach area). But I don't see any changes. I have COPD so exersising is hard ...well that and being lazy!! Ha Ha. Many people have come up to me and told me how good i've been looking since losing. I just don't see it Diane at True Results says that mentally it can take 3-4 months for your brain to catch up with your body. So when i lookin the mirror, I might finally say "wow i'm getting smaller" Now don't get me wrong I can tell something is happening, I can tie my shoes, feel the soft skin what is starting to sag (yuk) but i can't wait to lose more so I CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE. My hardest thing is eating slow. I grew up in a family that power eats. Sit down, shovel it in and done! That's been the hardest part. For a while I thought my band was broken, I heard so much about people sliming and I haven't yet. Thank God. The mental part is the hardest for me. Mental hunger sucks! I get guilt when i eat and feel real full. In diet days that meant your not doing it right. So i have to get over the guilt. I started doing a food journal on lapband.com today and so far i've eaten 1170 calories. But in my head I ate 3000 calories based on how full i was. Does that make sense? I'm happy that people are using this site. Support is hard to find . Thanks for letting me go on
  13. LOL Thank you, your response made me laugh out loud!!!
  14. This site has been an amazing source of good information to get me ready for my surgery that happened on 04/16/2010. I read these posts and get a bit frustrated sometimes. Not at my progress or my band but what others say. Alot of people talk about how they only lost xxx amount or they are not losing fast enough. I scratch my head. I started at 380 pounds. I could not walk without stopping to take a break. Could not bend over without losing my breath. Haven't worn shoes with laces in years. So for me losing one pound was exciting. Let alone the 46 that I have lost so far. I won't go from John Candy to Brad Pitt over night and if I think I will, then I will live life depressed. Also, I do not weigh myself like others do. I decided to only weigh myself when I go in to see the doctor or once a month. When I look in the mirror and think I'm not losing, I don't blame the band, I look at what I might be doing that could hamper my improvement. Attitude of Gratitude. We have all made a huge and wonderful life choice to use Lap Band as a TOOL to help us lose weight. I have to keep this in mind at all times. If I want to dig a hole, I can grab a shovel to use as a tool, but if i don't dig with that shovel I won't have a hole. I'll have me standing there with the shovel and no hole. Don't know if that makes sense, but it does for me. We are all awesome for having this procedure done, we are on the path to a new and better life. So lets get walking down that path and see where it leads together!!!!
  15. I'm a bit scared but mostly excited to begin my new journey!!!!!

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