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About DerickM

  • Rank
    Token Deist
  • Birthday 03/10/1984
  1. Happy 29th Birthday DerickM!

  2. Happy 28th Birthday DerickM!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary DerickM!

  4. DerickM

    420 news...

    Cannabis bigger cancer risk than cigarettes: study - Yahoo! News This wont end any debates, and probably start many more. I'm tired of how often this argument flip-flops. I swear it makes no sense when you have studies like the above vs. studies like this: Pot Smoking Not Linked to Lung Cancer because it's still inhaling burned shit into your lungs, yet a bunch of people swear up and down that it's true and present a slew of High Times articles assuring us that this is so, tied to hypothetical reasons why pot isn't appreciably carcinogenic when burned and sucked in the lungs (including the base radioactivity of soil that tobacco is planted in). And then more studies come out saying the exact opposite. Seriously, I could understand some small disparity in study conclusions but this is a veritable empirical gulf.
  5. DerickM

    Am I too liberal or...

    methinks the kid was taking a very detailed mental picture. God help his first gf...
  6. DerickM

    Why DerickM is going to hell...

    because I cannot stop giggling at this: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qknoN-mZAFE&feature=related]YouTube - Herve Sings "Why Do People Have To Fight"[/ame] It's Tattoo from Fantasy Island... singing... about love, or something. I discovered this an hour ago and I can't stop the laughing...
  7. DerickM

    "What happened to all the nice guys?"

    Holy Crap! I must have been absent when they taught us that!!! You don't say! and this absolve me of my right to piss and moan...how??? it was quite cathartic actually, for me anyway. :tt1::biggrin::frown: ......................... /´¯/) ......................,/¯ ..// ...................../... ./ / ............./´¯/'...'/´¯ ¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../... ..../¨¯ ........('(...´(..´...... ,~/'...') ........................ ../..../ ..........''............ . _.·´ ........................ ..( ........................ ...
  8. Election Results I think they call this a landslide, also known as 'obama drilled a hole in south carolina and made it his bitch' and 'obama put some coffee in their cream' I want to vote for Ron Paul but he won't win and I can't vote for him anyway becuase I am a registered democrat... I may be voting for Obama, the more I study him them ore I like the guy. I do not agree with him on more than a few things but what politician are you ever on a 100% agreement with. And he is bitch-slapping the clintons and that makes me warm and fuzzy inside...
  9. *begins playing worlds smallest violin*
  10. QFT!!! *Joins Jack in the standing ovation*
  11. Yes It makes the world more respectful of American power. I have no problem whatsoever with the idea of an American "Empire". If we are going to fall like the romans did (somthing I hear moonbats screech about all the time) then I say let us go out just like them! after 500 years of world domination!!! Your latent liberal racism is showing through. What makes a woman or black a "better" person to run this country? Shouldn't we have the best person for the job? Didn't I already explain this? I am no economist but doesn't the economy have its ups and downs? and for the past 7-8 years we have had an extremly strong economy with the Dow reaching record highs. Just like in the 90's Your president as well my dear, you arean American are you not? I assume you are speaking of the enron scandal, if so I remind you that the fraud was perpetrated throughout the 90s and many democratas were up to thier ears in the scandal as well. one of the hallmarks of a good economy mean that people get MORE money? I understand this is hard for you to understand but is IS pretty basic Eco. 101 a throughly bipartisan effort so I fail to see what your problem is. Yes
  12. DerickM

    Am I too liberal or...

    Nude buttocks may cost ABC $1.4 million - Yahoo! News is this crazy? Really...WTF?! all of the male stars have been put through the "get your butt ready for it's close up, Mr. Demille."
  13. DerickM

    Stupidity gene located...

    Some People Never Learn - TFOT Okay, it's not stupid, per se. But it IS the inability to learn from your mistakes.
  14. DerickM

    Parts is Parts...

    Organs to be taken without consent - Telegraph Organ donations have been the news recently. Most alarmingly, the new policy in Great Britain that allows hospitals to take organs without consent. This is wrong on more than one level, but without getting into these specifics at this time I want to propose an alternative: Organ selling. For starters, let's talk kidneys. Currently, sixteen people die in the United States every day while awaiting a kidney transplant. Good kidneys are not, and should not be, rare to find. Everybody is born with two good ones, and only one kidney is necessary to sustain life.So,yeah, there's all these spare parts walking around and no really good reason for sixteen deaths everyday. The issue then, is not one of limited supply, but one of supply and demand. Generally, some healthy soul assumes room temperature, and then the medical staff comes out, like vultures circling a fresh kill, and attempts to persuade the grieving family to part with some parts: "So sorry your child is dead. Can we have this?" or, "Before we pull the plug, we want something for nothin." Morbid. If families, or even individuals, were allowed to sell their kidneys, more kidneys would become available. Money is a great motivator. How many surviving families could be benefitted if they could get a sizable lump of cash after Daddy dies in a tragic accident,leaving his kids without the support of a father? Or, somebody struggling in poverty could offer up one of their spare kidneys to somebody with the means to save themselves while also helping out another? Now, before you go and turn all "Two Americas" on me about how 'the rich' will benefit off 'the poor', let me inform you: our current system of donation already favors the wealthy and the famous. Celebrities routinely move to the front of the organ line. This is not a not a secret to the mildly informed. And the wealthy, but not so famous, travel to third world nations like India to receive organs on the open market. I don't know about you, but if a family member could procure an organ for a price, I wouldn't hesitate to drain my savings and mortgage my home to save their life. Add in the charity factor of neighbors, co-workers, or church groups, and nobody will go without. As it stands now, I am forbidden from doing so as I do not have the means to go abroad, or a government that will allow this basic freedom. Right here, right now, in what is bragged of as the freest of nations, everybody makes money from organ donations except for the supplier of the organs. We need to change this. Sure, we could adopt the European-socialist-serfdom model that says you and your body are not your own, but wards of the state instead, to serve a greater good according to, and defined by, the The Powers. Or we could solve our organ shortage in a manner that respects individual freedoms and personal sovereignty.

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