I was banded on July 1st, so I'm still pretty new with this.
Who did you guys tell? I told my supervisor (who I am close with) since I needed the time off of work. I told one other person at work who is like a mother to me. I also told my mom, best friend, and another close friend. But that was it.
What are your regrets about not telling? People were concerned about me when I shared I was going in for surgery. I felt badly because I didn't share, but I am glad I kept it limited.
It's also tricky since not many people know that I had this procedure, so it's hard to find support.
What are your regrets about telling? I don't have any. But I was really intentional about who I would tell. My theory was that I can't unring the bell, so I wanted to be intentional about it.
What's the purpose of telling? I needed to tell my supervisor for the time off. My mom was involved in the beginning. I couldn't not tell my best friend (although I waited until a week before surgery). I wanted to include my other close friend who has sometimes felt left out of things. I kind of got guilted into telling the other person at work - but it wasn't a bad thing.
Should I wait for results then tell? That would be up to you!
Are you able to eat in front of people without having to explain your eating habits? What do you say to explain them? This has been tricky. I've tried to replace activities where I would eat with others with healthier habits (going for a walk, going to the library, taking the dog out, etc.). I think it'll get a lot easier once I'm able to eat food again. I usually just say that I'm not hungry, just ate, etc.
Good luck!!! I hope this helps you a little bit!