Hey everyone - I am now at a 2.4 cc in a 4.00 cc band. I had my most recent fill about two weeks ago. I cannot hold down solids - only liquids and mushies.
Might I be too tight?
Whenever I eat solids, no matter how microscopic the bite, it feels like I have the WORST heart burn and that I need to vomit up the food as soon as possible in order to feel relief. Of course, I do not force myself, but there are times that I want to!
I do have quite a bit PBs on solids, but at the same time, if I were too tight, I couldn't hold down mushies could I ?
I am so confused...I can each crunchy things like corn chips or low fat wheat thins without any discomfort, but carrot sticks, deli meats, healthy stuff - that is a no-go. I know I cannot eat mashed potatoes, milkshakes, and Soup for the rest of my days and expect to lose weight...