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Blog Comments posted by Robin825

  1. I didn't tell too many people I was having the surgery. As the psychiatic doctor who did our evals and runs the support group says.. " our health is private information".

    The statics show that with conventional weight loss programs a obese person has a 90% ( number can be a little off) chance of gaining all weight back within a year.

    A person who has bariatric surgury and follows the program has a much higher rate of keeping that weight off. Too early can't remember those exact numbers.

    Have faith in yourself. I myself did not do this surgery to fail.

    I am following the book.

    So far so good. Much luck to you!

  2. Just wanted to say hello my name is Robin .

    I just had my surgery last Friday April 2,2010.

    I was held over night ( my doctor said I looked too green). I was glad he was being careful. I have a history of vomiting after surgery. I was given a seasick patch behind my ear,seabands and I still was green. I didn't vomit. YEAH! Post op I had the left shoulder pain. That was a 8-9 at times. I had so much gas. Unfortunatly the other problem I had was a IBS attack. Although it doesn't take much to bring one on . Shoulder pain is gone, diarrhea as well. The surgery itself wasn't a problem. BUT.... the port is on my right side at my waistline and because I was having extreme diarrhea for three days the port location is SORE!!! Hopefully this to shall pass. Especially when the belly folds of fat decrease.

    Time for rest.


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
