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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandradee0124

  1. sandradee0124

    Back at it

    I agree totally about the days when you are off and eating more. I know all the books say "get walking" or get out and do something, but it is much easier said than done. I talk all the way home on my phone too! It helps pass the time and I get updates/updated on family and friends like my mom and my daughter. I hope the new bluetooth works!
  2. sandradee0124

    Feeling Great

    I hear you on the fish and chips and the "night off". I think, over the course of 10 years or so, I've had more "nights off" than "nights on". Don't overdo! But congratulations on feeling better, and thanks for the suggestion of Bio Oil. You should feel positive and upbeat; you are doing FANTASTIC! Have a great day! Sandy
  3. sandradee0124

    Sunday Morning..........

    Got up, did 45 hard minutes on the elliptical almost right away. Its hard and I start to watch the clock at about 30, but I always feel good when I'm done (after my face turns from red and I cool down!). Despite the emotional setback yesterday I'm doing good and staying on track with the liquid diet. I'm looking forward to the appointment with the doctor and the nutritionist tomorrow. It is going to be hot today. Spend the morning working (yep gotta get some stuff done) and getting ready to go to a friend's son's birthday party. Got my Slim Fast shake and some water freezing to have while I'm there so I don't lose resolve over food and wine! I need to learn how to focus less on an ounce or a pound and more on the journey. Even though my scale is packed away, I find myself trying on clothes until I find something even remotely loose and wearing that around to the store or whatever. I have to focus on other things and I will keep trying! :thumbup:
  4. sandradee0124

    6 th day

    I'm glad you are feeling better! I'm ten days out, but the night when I could sleep on my side was fantastic -- fell asleep and stayed asleep better. Now I'm waiting to be on my stomach -- I have a funny tan line lol.
  5. sandradee0124

    Peace -- the magic that helps all

    Wonderful post, thank you for sharing. Whenever I write an email or text I always say "God's Peace". You are right: Isiah 26:3 "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you". Best wishes and God's Peace :-) Sandy
  6. sandradee0124

    What Now??!!

    Thanks drowsy :-). Nice words. After I posted I went down and put 45 hard minutes on the elliptical. I have set myself up for disappointment. I had it in my head that, on 570 calories a day with this exercise I would lose 10 lbs this week. On to next week! I have a dr appointment Monday and maybe figure out some realistic goals for myself.
  7. I got banded on the 26th. I follow the meal replacement diet pretty closely -- only add a couple berries or 1/2 banana 2 x a day. Starving -- stomach makes noises I haven't heard in years. Have a couple popsicles and jellos through the day. Nothing else. Elliptical 45 mins a day good pace. And I have lost 7 lbs since the 26th. I am sad, disappointed and disillusioned. I take this very seriously and very hard.
  8. sandradee0124

    what do you do for exercise?

    It seems, from reading all these posts, that everyone is doing a lot of exercise (average at least an hour a day almost 7 days a week). I'm sensing that is a big part of continued success? Can you guys make any recommendations to a time-crunched exercise newbie how to fit all that exercise in? I will do it, I just don't know how? Between work and commute time, I'm gone 11-12 hours a day M-F.
  9. sandradee0124

    MAY BANDSTERS ~ How are you doing?

    See if you could put a banana and your Meal Replacements in a blender? That might be a good change of pace? You are doing amazing, congratulations! We got banded the same day and you are exercising a lot! I was proud of walking an hour a day. This spurred me on this morning to get on the Elliptical and do 30 minutes. I am on the left side of the country (LOL), and I need to drive about 5 mi to the beach to see the sunsets, but I'm going to do that this weekend and next week (before back to work) as well. Time to smell the roses, so to speak!
  10. Good luck with your surgery! It really made me feel good to realize the pain was not an early sign of heart attack. My heart rate is good, but I'm exercising a lot more than I used to and I thought..... (I feel a lot better today thanks again!!)
  11. sandradee0124

    MAY BANDSTERS ~ How are you doing?

    Curious to know how your doctor's visit went? Hope all is well....
  12. Thank you for the response! I had severe shoulder pain post-surgery and it went away at about day 4. However, I am starting to eat a little, and I get this pain in my shoulder back whenever I eat more than 2-3 bites without taking a short break. Its not my stomach feeling full, its definitely my left shoulder. I guess, until I get some fill in the band, it works as a reminder to slow down and pay more attention!
  13. sandradee0124

    Looking for May Bandsters

    Well said, ACP, and congratulations on your success. I'm sure given your outlook and drive it will continue. I was always a fast, "on your feet" eater -- ate in the car, standing up, at my desk and practically devoured the food whole rather than take time to chew, enjoy and let it settle. I agree with you, changing your mind is a big big part of this great journey we have chosen :-).
  14. sandradee0124

    Looking for May Bandsters

    Amen to that! I went to see Sex and the City yesterday and walked the outside mall before the movie to get some extra exercise. The popcorn smelled good but I had a water. I was gone from home for about 4 hours which was a nice break. Gonna plan something every day for about that now that I know I have the strength to do it. No real cheating yesterday, no pain and lots of walking. Have a great day everybody!
  15. sandradee0124

    Looking for May Bandsters

    Thank you so much for your post! It is exactly what I'm going through, just a week later into it. I woke up today telling myself I would do better, and I have. I didn't really do BAD yesterday, just didn't follow the "only meal replacement" edict for the first two weeks. Anyways, I made notes to myself about things I want to get done while I'm off work -- mini buckets -- mostly chores -- and started ticking items off. Working from home (limited), chores, posting (smile), and exercising have kept me busy so far. The list is long (and growing). This is my way of staying away from the TV, fridge and pantry! The commercials are too tempting!
  16. sandradee0124

    Was this a waste of time?

    Great points. I think in some ways even though I had had a lot of counseling on the band, I looked at it like a magic wand that got waved, I felt bad a couple days and then looked like Cindy Crawford :-). Reality is setting in. It is a good reality and one I'm accepting with a smile, but it is still reality. Eating, exercising, taking care of myself are the three priorities :-).
  17. sandradee0124

    Was this a waste of time?

    So what do you think the odds are of me getting my first fill next week? (probably 0). I'll be interested in hearing how you feel the next couple days! Good luck...............
  18. sandradee0124

    Was this a waste of time?

    Good point, and congratulations on your weight loss! I had a friend ask me last night why I didn't do the bypass -- I didn't qualify for it -- and she said -- you have to work harder with the band. True. But learning how to eat healthy, work in exercise, and just think healthier is the process I'll be going through, and I've accepted it with a smile (most days lol).
  19. sandradee0124

    Looking for May Bandsters

    My doctor did just the opposite -- didn't restrict at all. Since I just got banded last week I haven't really been hungry, but now I'm starving and have to keep busy all the time and give away all my "trigger food". Hopefully he'll fill me next week when I go in???
  20. sandradee0124

    Looking for May Bandsters

    That sounds so nummy! I'm with you on the energy thing. I was banded a week ago today and I feel great, but no energy despite a lot of walks, arm weights etc. I guess the body doesn't have much energy on 600 cals a day does it? I'm trying your "shake" tomorrow :-). Hope all is well!
  21. sandradee0124

    Looking for May Bandsters

    Thanks for the great recommendations. I use my blender now to mix the meal replacements with ice and fruit because they are getting a bit "boring". That blender is gonna get a workout! (Along with me lol).
  22. sandradee0124

    Looking for May Bandsters

    Anne, best of luck to you. At least they found the hernia and repaired it enough to do another procedure. Take care!
  23. sandradee0124

    Looking for May Bandsters

    I wasn't even conscious an hour after surgery?! And the first day -- would not have worked for me. Congrats on the grat recovery!
  24. sandradee0124

    Was this a waste of time?

    105 lbs in a year! Fantastic, congratulations :-)
  25. sandradee0124

    Was this a waste of time?

    I got banded a week ago and once I started feeling good its as if I have no band at all (without the incisions of course!). I am on a Meal Replacement diet for 2 weeks and did really well until yesterday. Now I have had to give anything not frozen away today because I start to eat it: olives, turkey... nothing terribly "bad" but against the diet that was established for me. I went back to my surgeon's guide and noted that the original band is not very tight because the stomach is swollen from the procedure. The first fill is usually weeks 3-6. I'm thinking week 1 would be a good idea lol. I spent the afternoon at the pool. I drank lots of Water. My stomach literally growls so loud! I remind myself of the journey, and how I felt waking up after the surgery. I'm lucky to have gotten a job last year, and insurance to cover this great tool to lose weight and get healthy. My follow up is early next week. Until then I'm going to walk, sit at the pool, go to the library...anything to stay out of the kitchen.

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