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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandradee0124

  1. sandradee0124

    Recipe Of The Day! BBQ Turkey Top With A Mustard Sauce

    I'm reading the recipe and my stomach starts that STARVINGLY hungry growl (not a word, I know but very descriptive). I can't wait to try these!
  2. sandradee0124

    So far so good

    Congrats on all your hard work! I drank Low Carb Slim Fast -- they have a lot of protein. That was one of the two "meal replacement" shakes my surgeon recommended.
  3. sandradee0124

    A New Way of Approaching Monday :-)

    This morning I got up at 4:00 and left at 4:30 to drive up to work and work out at the gym by work with my friend at 5:30. I had my bag packed, my clothes in the car, and was totally looking forward to it! We worked hard on the elliptical for 45 minutes. It felt really good. I didn't mind the makeup/shower stuff at the gym and got to work by 7:30 which is great. Tonight is a healthy cooking class at the support group/surgeon's office and that will be fun. I'm always out for new recipes. A week from today will be my first fill. I'm glad for that only because I'm following the program on sheer willpower alone. This past weekend was hard for me -- ate too often not really too much -- and wasn't able to walk away from the refrigerator as often as I do during the week (at work). I still have a little swelling above my belly button and any gas is now from eating fruits and veggies (after the protein of course). I wonder if I can go back on align? It really worked for me? Have a great Monday everybody. :smile2:
  4. sandradee0124

    A New Way of Approaching Monday :-)

    Yeah! Enjoy your support group :-). I'm definitely a morning person -- I can go to bed at 8:30 and be fine with that lol.
  5. sandradee0124

    Trying to Beat My DNA - 2 weeks post-op

    I hope the pepcid works for you! How about sugar free jello or popsicles? And there is a good clear vegatable broth and beef broth too? You are doing fantastic, and this is a temporary thing. Your stomach is telling you to slow down and it will get better. I am still visibly swollen, and I'm almost 4 weeks out. I called this am again and they told me to make sure I'm not exercising too much and be patient. OK. Patience is not one of my virtues LOL. Hang in there!
  6. sandradee0124

    Might as well face it...

    May bandsters are there too, or maybe its just that I was banded 5/26 which is almost June? Its hard to stay strong at the beginning, which is why I think they call it bandster hell? Too hungry and easy to eat too much, loving the success of the post-surgical weight loss, afraid to see a scale go the other way.......... I feel like, even being almost 4 weeks post op, that it is still a daily (almost hourly sometimes) challenge. I put one foot in front of the other, try to stop beating myself up over straying when I stray, and continuously trying to focus on the positive. I get so much out of this website -- the blogs and the forums -- that I use in many ways. Keep going, keep smiling and picture the end -- you achieving your goal, being healthy and making choices in everything you do to make you happy, healthy and live a longer life :-)
  7. sandradee0124

    Guess what......? I need a BELT!!

    Fantastic! Two victories, enjoy :-). Thank you for the motivation :-)
  8. sandradee0124

    Omg feeling so guilty right now

    The way I look at this? Its a lifetime change here -- how you eat, what you eat, when you eat is all different. The band is one tool to accomplish that, but in 5 years you can't beat yourself up over an ice cream. There will be times when it just happens, times you schedule to eat like that, and you can't beat yourself up over it. :smile2:
  9. sandradee0124

    One more day till Mushies!

    Did you end up getting the car? As for derma bond (or whatever they call it), mine shed on the little incisions after about 10 days, and the port incision about 2 1/2 weeks. It peeled off in long strips lol. The thing that is the best about mushies? OK two things: some small amount of chewing required and salty taste on the tongue. Enjoy!
  10. sandradee0124

    So WEAK! No Energy! Help

    I had that weak feeling too. I added some sugar free jello, popsicles, and even some chicken broth at about 5 days (on my doctor's plan for that time), and I started to feel better. After I went on mushies (10 days out) I was better than my old self :-) Also, are your vitamins liquid or do you crush them? I found my crushed pills work better if I don't drink any water for about 30 mins afterwards (except for the sip to get them down). Seems to help absorption? If you have to go back to work tomorrow, plan on it being a light day -- not a lot of running around -- if at all possible. Pack some of the clear snacks (above) and get lots of fluids. Good luck! P.S. It does pass althogether. I have WAY more energy now (3 weeks post-op) than I've had for 5 years at least!
  11. sandradee0124

    Oh I forgot about that....

    I read your post and laughed but all associated with it. I'm still thinking a lot about what to eat when, but I don't think as much. A friend said to me last week -- you used to live to eat, now you just eat to live. So true. Nice job on the cake and the food booths :-)
  12. sandradee0124

    Gross question - SORRY!!!!

    I had the same thing 2-3 days post op. I got a couple painkiller shots and an antibiotic shot in the hospital, and my symptoms (identical to yours), were as a result of that medication, according to the surgeon's assistant. (Yes I called it was embarrassing). Only happened for about a day and then it was gone. I agree with the Fiber comments. 10000000%. :-)
  13. sandradee0124

    Happy Father's Day

    My dad passed away seven years ago already. He wasn't much to celebrate -- he worked, worked out and fished for most of the years between 50 and 65. Its going to be another busy day. I think my company should officially declare Friday a weekend day so I can get more done on the weekends LOL. Ate more yesterday than I do during the week. Funny how now "more" means 1200 calories. Six months ago "more" was probably 3500 calories? And at that I didn't go anywhere or do anything on Sundays. Certainly did not go on the Elliptical or (heaven forbid) a gym. At the end of week 3 here. I'm getting into a routine with eating, journaling food and exercise, walking more, exercising, fitting errands into the days. There are times when I know I need a fill, but I'm not really ever not following the program. I've gotten some yummy recipes and am enjoying learning new foods. The lifestyle is replacing the old one. Not a temporary change, but a lifetime replacement. Have a wonderful day with fathers and friends :-)
  14. sandradee0124

    tell me this is going to pass

    heating pad, liquid tylenol, rest. Yes it does get much, much better.
  15. sandradee0124

    4th of July Challenge!

    3.4 this week for a total of 7.4 since I started. Feeling great!
  16. sandradee0124

    Its Weigh In Day!

    Had another great week - 3.4 lbs. I eat solids and am doing pretty well. I exercise 6 days a week but I have to drink more water. I feel good about this loss and the fact that I went out to lunch three times this week and made really good choices and logged everything very carefully. I'm only hungry at night and I'm going to work on a plan to have a small snack while I'm making that 47 mile trek home -- a protein bar, definitely water, something. Otherwise I tend to overeat when I get home and then go straight to bed -- not a long term winning combination! Off to the gym and a personal training session. I can't do anything core or lower body, but I want to go over the upper body routine again because I can't seem to make it work on my own yet. My first fill is the 28th and I feel I'm being successful changing habits and managing hunger (although that starvation stomach thing is still noisy lol) pretty well. I hope this bodes well for continued success after the fill! Have a great day everybody!
  17. sandradee0124


    Its scary, but I promise you you will feel so much better -- energy, self-esteem -- in a very short time! Even before the surgery the sessions and support were tremendous. Look at this as a decision to improve your life, health, well-being. Take care :-)
  18. sandradee0124

    2 weeks down, a lifetime to go

    Nummy watermelon! I'm gonna get some tomorrow! I even find myself forgetting sometimes -- we were in a meeting today and someone brought in doughnuts. I was just about to reach in the box when I thought "what are you doing?" I just quietly walked to the other side of the table. I want to swim! I thought my dr told me 4-6 weeks which is why I'm waiting. But it looks so refreshing.......... My strips are gone and my incisions are all barely noticeable.......... Congrats on graduating to mushies! Enjoy the watermelon, and have a great weekend............
  19. sandradee0124

    1st follow up--and great news! (not band related)

    Congrats on the nomination and the great surgeon's appointment as well. I can't help with the fill because I haven't had one yet. I think you are doing so fantastic! Keep up the good work (in all aspects!) Sandy
  20. Hi Nean! I hope you are doing well!

  21. sandradee0124

    Gas still 10 days post-op?

    I had that pain for about 2 1/2 weeks after op, and I still get twinges once in awhile. The shoulder stuff -- my doctor said I could get that (he called it referral pain) whenever I eat too fast or too much. That is a place I feel the fullness. The majority of that went away at about week 3 though. The lower (and really low) left side is gas and constipation, according to the doc. I went in for my post op at week 2 and he pulled me off Slim Fast and put me on mushies as he felt I might be somewhat lactose intolerant. I also use Gas X strips whenever I start to get the feeling and it does go away fairly quickly. That's my experience, anyways :-). Good luck, congratulations on your surgery, and take care of you!
  22. sandradee0124

    Lucky 13 Things I have done to Improve my life since the LapBand!

    Fantastic! Congratulations on all your accomplishments and thank you so much for the encouragement! Keep it up :-)
  23. sandradee0124

    Finally Friday!!!

    I did the unthinkable -- fell asleep during the Lakers game lol. I was so tired I really needed the rest. Slept for almost 8 hours and I got up feeling a lot more energetic and chipper. I didn't eat well yesterday and certainly didn't do well on the water, but it taught me again how much I need to make sure I get some kind of unwinding in during the day or the drive home. I didn't work out at all yesterday and I also want to try next week to push myself for even a short walk on that day when I'm "exhausted". After next week I can swim and that would certainly be a good option for me. I typically spend the weekend running errands, church etc. This will be the first week I go to the gym both days, meet with my trainer one, and of course weigh in for the week. I'm actually looking forward to all of that! I love the feeling after working out! (OK, I've only been doing it for two weeks but.....). Big smile! Tonight I'm working out after work with one of my work friends. It will make the commute half the time after 7pm. I am also going to get a new picture of my face this weekend. I think I've lost all my weight there lol -- one of the chins is gone! Have a great Friday everybody!
  24. sandradee0124

    Food Diary

    Janet said it much better, but my only other recommendation would be to stay active -- get walks in when you can, maybe a treadmill? I think the exercise at 30 mins a day every day will be a big help. Congrats on the logging! I use daily plate and I love it!
  25. sandradee0124

    Getting my "Fix" from Lapbandtalk.com

    Thank you for the really nice blog and I agree with you totally. I actually check in a couple times a day from work and try to write something to someone. In the first couple weeks of this process I was checking different posts all the time on gas or pain or walking or whatever and the site helped tremendously. Have a great weekend!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
