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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandradee0124

  1. sandradee0124

    How many of you drink coffee?

    1 cup regular (with fat free, sugar free creamer) early early in the morning and it takes about an hour to drink it down.
  2. sandradee0124

    Three Month Bandaversary and Ashley!!!

    Thank you so much to all of you for your wonderful posts! Two things: 1. I've lost 60 lbs since January 1. I've lost 40 since banding, or something like that :-). 2. Shoe size went from 8 1/2 to 7 1/2, and its all because my width of my feet shrank and I don't spread in my shoes so much (if that makes sense). Hugs to all!!!
  3. sandradee0124

    Not enough calories???

    Talk to the nutritionist. You are still on mushies so getting in enough calories may not be the focus where the protein is. When you get to solids I'm sure 500 is too low but again I'd check with the nutritionist. Don't you love that site for logging food???!!
  4. sandradee0124

    Day 15 Post-op - Serious band negativity.

    I went back in my blogs to two weeks post op and said a lot of the same things (well not the sex part -- not married or boyfriend so that one doesn't count). But the rest is pretty standard. My responses were that in a way you are mourning the loss of the lifestyle you had. A lifestyle that was not healthy. Sex is only a couple weeks away. Weight loss will come -- exercise, drink water and eat according to plan. Patience is the key (I know lots of days I don't have patience, but I'm learning it!). Your wounds will feel better day after day. Have you seen the surgeon for your post op? They will check them to make sure they are ok, but you'll be fine. Soon enough you'll be enjoying life a little more and as you lose inches and your clothes don't fit you'll be really excited! It doesn't take long.
  5. sandradee0124

    It's been 2 wks

    Great job! You are doing fantastic and your attitude will get you far. Best of luck to you..........
  6. sandradee0124

    Happy Wednesday!

    Running 2.2 miles is fantastic! I am not a runner, so I am in awe. I'm glad you had fun with your friend. I had my tonsils out at 3 so unfortunately I can't really help with that, but I'll be there for you any way I can. Think popsicles and ice cream (the good kind).
  7. sandradee0124

    Stressed Out?

    You are always so helpful and supportive on this site; I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. The way you deal with it, however, is very inspiring. I wish I could offer you a job, but then your commute (to LA) would be an issue. I'll keep you in my prayers for something better.
  8. sandradee0124

    It works if you work it!!!!

    I am sooooo happy for you! Someday I'll play on that playground with you! You absolutely have to weigh on one of those doctor's scales where you can put the bottom indicator on 150 now!!! Go Suthrn!!!!
  9. sandradee0124

    Band vs. Sleeve

    My choice was made for me by insurance. I've heard good things about the sleeve, but my experience will be based on the band. The fills? Not hard to deal with. But if you are paying for each one than I'd account for 3-4 year 1 (if you are looking at total cost analysis). The burping? Not a big issue. The stuck episodes? My fault. Pooping? You are making a major change in your food intake. This will be impacted no matter what WLS surgery you select. I had a tendency toward IBS before the band, and as I've improved my eating patterns it has become much better. Gas? Not so much better lol. But after buying stock in GasX I'm in a much better place with that.... Also I attribute a lot of that to eating more vegetables. In my opinion, most of what you read on this site is people looking for advice and information, not necessarily complaining. As I look back over the last 3 months I can honestly say I have no regrets at all, and I think the band is a great option for me. I did a lot of online (and book) research. I'd recommend taking those steps before making a decision. Best wishes in your process!
  10. sandradee0124

    Protein Shake Ideas- not my receipes but suggestions

    Fantastic, thank you! I'm 3 months in and I'm always looking for great protein shake alternatives!
  11. Thank you so much for your sweet words! Blessings.........

  12. sandradee0124

    Try try again

    How is your restriction? Do you get hungry in between the 3-4 hours? Are you still hungry after eating a cup of food? If answers are yes I'd consider getting a fill first. My next suggestion would be to read up on the program -- read through the forum and blogs here a little There are a lot of great suggestions on eating, exercise, motivation and support. The program might have changed somewhat. Finally, its great you are "coming back" to bandland! Give yourself credit for making that decision and, as we know, the biggest tool in the shed is there already --- the band itself. Take care and good luck.........
  13. sandradee0124

    NO Patience

    I don't know what happened to my patience. I had a little. It must have been stored in my boobs and it faded away...... I don't see any change or feel any change in my weight or clothing or looks for a LONG time. I'm losing, but VERY slowly now and its bugging me to no end. I work out 4 x a week at the gym and I don't eat over 800-900 cals/day. My hair is thinning and I'm tired. I feel like my house is not in order. My house where I live in this case. I spent hours this weekend washing blinds and cleaning cupboards and washing bathroom accessories. It doesn't seem like its been that long since that's been done, but it was all dirty and I'm mad about that. I am just impatient with my life right now. Nothing is in order (it feels that way to me) and I've lost control. As a Christian I realize I have no control but logically that is not computing right now. Thank you all for letting me vent. I'll get better............:biggrin:
  14. sandradee0124

    What should I do?

    I told too many people and I wish I hadn't. I feel like I have 100 people staring at me, expecting me to just be skinny tomorrow. Suggestion? Wait until you've spent a month on the band and see how you feel? Tell your closest friends/spouse etc just so you can get surgical support, but wait on the rest for awhile?
  15. sandradee0124

    Everything is going down except my stomach

    I never had a belly before I turned 40. Even morbidly obese at 35 I had like a 25 inch waist. Wierd. This time around? Quite the opposite. My belly/ab area isn't going down as fast as my legs, face and the proverbial boobies. I do 1000 situps on a balance ball throughout the day, and although I see changes there is a long way to go. I have a trainer too, and he agrees with your trainer. Core/abs are tougher.
  16. sandradee0124

    Such a looser...

    I am proud, happy and jealous at the same time! You are doing fantastic, keep it up! :-)
  17. sandradee0124

    Dont Get Angry and Eat!!!!!

    Not laughing at you, but with you :-). Can't eat when starving, angry, depressed or tired. Bad things happen!!!
  18. sandradee0124

    I Can't Shake this Weight!!

    Are you eating enough calories? I talked to the nutritionist yesterday who told me that if I work out more than twice a week high impact (45 minutes of cardio or more) I should have a small 150-200 cal snack like a protein bar or cottage cheese and fruit. A lot of people responded the same thing to my blog the other day -- 1000-1200 cals/day or your body will be in starvation mode. Hugs! It will get better. It will because we will make it get better!
  19. sandradee0124

    Seeing the Doctor vs. their nurse?!?!?!

    My surgeon has a Physician's Assistant. I haven't seen him since my first follow up (2 weeks post surgery). I heard they hired a second Physician's Assistant as well. I probably won't see him again, and I'm ok with that. If you want to see the surgeon, ask when you make your appointment and find out what their protocol is.
  20. sandradee0124

    Just my view!!

    What a great decision! In terms of our bands we need to feel that sense of empowerment -- that we have some control over that band. You took that control -- way to go!
  21. sandradee0124

    Learning to appreciate who I am in my "Own Skin" !

    Good for you! You are doing so much! And congratulations on the new grandbaby! Your reflections are inspiring and yes, your plate looks full, but you are very happy being who you are and you seem very comfortable in your own skin. Take care and best wishes on your journey(s)!
  22. sandradee0124

    Day 5 of Liquid Diet

    LOL @ the grouchy. I think its definitely a chemical/emotional bond thing with food and attitude. But I like your boyfriend's idea of working out hard -- that will help! Best of luck to you -- you sound like you have a great support system which is a big part of the solution :-)
  23. sandradee0124

    In search of.... Mexico...

    Check on the main forum -- there are lots of people that have gone to one of two doctors in TJ that are very happy with results. Best of luck to you!
  24. sandradee0124

    How much does a mile counter usually cost?

    You can get them online for less than $10. If you have an I Phone or a Droid you can download an app for free. Walmart has them for 7-10$. I wish you were closer -- I have one you wear on your hip that I got from Weight Watchers.
  25. sandradee0124

    Old patterns, a new life, history

    The band is a tool you use to help you eat less, but you need to follow recommended eating plans that include a lot of protein, water, low carbs. Vitamins and exercise. Smaller portions, chewing and waiting between bites. I live by myself and don't have junk food around. I don't allow myself to go near fast food joints. For now this is what I have to do to learn not to love the junk food so much. Its getting easier. I'm more apt to pick up water instead of go to the candy machine. You'll do it! You obviously have the metabolism and the willpower! Good luck and best wishes.

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