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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chocolate_snaps

  1. chocolate_snaps

    What am I doing wrong?!?

    Im sorry to hear you are so bummed but the truth is that the Dr works for YOU and he/she should not judge you and probably doesnt as harshly as you think. So dont sabotage yourself by missing your fill appt. Getting adjustments is going to help you to continue to lose, missing the appts are going to hinder it. I think you have to take your total weigh loss into account 21lbs in 1 month. That is awesome! Your progress is great dont get discouraged. Im getting banded on sept 25th and I hope I lose 20lbs in the first month! If you are still unhappy try logging what you are eating and stay on top of what you are drinking. Staying hydrated will keep you from retaining Water and getting false readouts on your scale. good luck!!!!
  2. Hey everyone! Im not really new to B2G but Im finally going to be banded! Sept 25th, Im a september bandster!!!!!
  3. chocolate_snaps

    Weight Challenge - September to Thanksgiving 2007

    I know my goal is lofty but I lose weight pretty fast and IM being banded in 18 days! IM IN! Name.............Chall. Start Wt......Current......Chall. Goal......To Go losingjusme..........273......................273. .............238.............35 faithmd................303......................30 3.............283.............20 mpalen.................229......................22 9.............200.............29 want2beme...........225......................225.. ...........195.............30 mcgreen...............236..................... 236.............210.............26 wombat712...........179..................... 179.............155.............24 Suzzzie. ...............346......................346....... ......315.............31 Chris_NJ...............284......................28 4.............250.............34 Cherrybomb...........311......................311. ............291............20 legster..................261.....................2 61..............235............26 Desertbunnee.........232......................207. ............180.............27 areellady...............232......................2 32...............212............20 sweethot143..........197......................197. ............175............22 gweniper...............253......................25 3...............223...........30 Jeni 85..................237......................237.. .............207...........30 dacer123...............243......................24 3...............223...........20 momlambert..........207.......................207. ..............185...........22 Rainer..................295....................... 295................255...........40 glindab.................277....................... 277.................250..........27 Soniacan..............198.5....................198 .5..............175...........23.5 ladydi..................233....................... 233.................208..........25 argon...................162....................... .162.................142..........20 jazzystouch...........246.......................24 6..................220..........26 chocolate_snaps.....344......................344...................299..........45
  4. chocolate_snaps

    September 07 Roll Call

    After a year of planning and red tape, I get my band on Sept 25th!!! Hurray I'm a September Bandster!
  5. chocolate_snaps

    Any September bandsters out there???

    I get my band on Sept 25th!!! Hurray I'm a September Bandster!
  6. chocolate_snaps

    September Bandsters

    Wow I guess I am a September Bandster! My date is Sept 25th! how exciting!!!
  7. chocolate_snaps

    NYer going to NYU med center

    i just found out that my surgeon doesnt place the AP band so im looking at other Drs. My question is: what was the wait time from the day you recieved your surgery date till surgery? I was supposed to find my date out yesterday but the receptionist kind of brushed me off and told me she'd call me next week. Im really sick of waiting. Im starting to get pretty bummed. Ive done an unrequired 6 month diet and exercise because of the bad info from this office. I could have been banded more than 6 months ago since my insurance doesnt require the 6 month D/E but the receptionist told me otherwise. I feel that if I am trusting my life to a dr, I should expect excellence and I have not seen that in this office. Depending on how long getting restarted will take I may or may not switch.
  8. chocolate_snaps

    America's best city?

    NEW YORK CITY! Come on its the capital of the world! Im a born and bred Manhattanite. If you want History:U.N., Grants Tomb, Inwood Park (where the sale of Manhattan took place), The Cloisters, Grand Central Station, Macys Herald Square, The Chelsea market (where the Oreo was invented and the home of the food Network and FAT WITCH BROWNIES), Lincoln Center, or just look up. Architecture: Chrysler Building, Flatiron Building. Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, George Washington Bridge, Wall Street, The Hearst Building (the new Green Marvel of NYC architecture) ETC. Culture: Museum mile (a whole mile of museums including the Met and the Moma), The American Museum of Natural History and the Hayden Planetarium, New Yorkers we are filled with culture, Shopping: Soho, Macy's Herald Square, Toy R US (the largest in the world), and those are ON the beaten path. For the summer come for SummerStage, Shakespeare in the Park, The RenFest in Inwood Park, NY street fairs, The NY Mets and the Yankees, come for one of the last years of Yankee stadium. Cirque Du Soleil's summer show on Randal's Island. I really could go on FOREVER. We have everything.
  9. chocolate_snaps

    What Books Are You Reading Now?

    Suze Orman's "The workbook for the Young Fabulous and Broke." I just graduated from college and I figured Id better prepare. Im waiting for Harry Potter7.
  10. chocolate_snaps

    What was the last straw?

    OH God Ive been there. I dont go to Six flags Great Adventure anymore because I dont fit into the rides anymore. Im a rollercoaster Junkie and it hurts me to my heart that I cant just go to any park and have fun. I have to choose carefully. Sucks really. I want to go to Disney World soo bad but my weight makes me fear that an expensive trip like that would go to waste because Im too big to ride. So I take relaxation vacations when I really want to take active ones. I mean Im in my 20's and I feel old. My last straw comes in waves renewing my resolve to get banded. So, I have several.
  11. chocolate_snaps

    I just had one of those nights

    Why is it that just because you are fat people think that you are a joke? Im a college student and tonight I went out with a friend to Celebrate our impending graduation. The night was the normal stuff till we left the bar and went to the dance club. Besides the usual being touched by strangers (which grosses me out) I was "hit on" by a fratboy type, aka a TOOL. I say "hit on" because it was an obvious dare or whatever between he and his toolbox buddies. Of course I recognized this from the start and firmly dismissed him at which time I heard him say to his friends "awe she said shes leaving". WTF!!! I am not anyones plaything or pitycase. It makes me sad though to think that people are so meanspirited and would stoop so low as to include someone in their chest-beating, penis lengthening game. I am not a joke. This hurts because this exchange made me feel as ugly as them. It was not random, I was targeted. The good thing is that after the VERY chilly borderline hostile reponse (stinkeye and all) he received will make him never try that crap with me again and hopefully never with anyone else. Groady jerk. This is so infuriating because this is the armour Im going to be asked to give up when I start losing weight. This armour is helping me deal with being scammed on, talked about, and being made into a joke. I am so afraid of what is going to happen once this weight is gone. Am I gonna become a victim of a**holes such as these? Am I gonna seek out guys like them to prove to myself and them that I am worthy of their "whatever"? Am I gonna keep a tight grip on my heart because I am terrified of being used. Is my Hyper-awareness of these possibilities gonna paralyze me? This surgery and this situation are opening up a huge can of worms that Im not sure I can control or deal with adequetly. Im still fat, guys still dont like me, toolbags still target me for jokes but Im still trying to get over all of it. The problem is that I was forced into the role of a victim, made to feel that something was wrong with me and that I dont belong here. Im tired of fighting other peoples insecurities along with my own. Im tired of trying to prove that I am good enough. Im furious, how dare they. WTF! I KNOW it doesnt matter what other people think of me. I KNOW I have to love myself first. I KNOW all of that, I even KNOW it is gonna get better but KNOWING all of that is not helping. Im just as self conscious as anybody else who looks like me in a place like this. Ive been working on it for years and years and I am where I am...frustrated. if you cant follow this pls forgive the rambling and typos. Its 230AM and Im pissed but I still want to be perfect. when will I learn.
  12. chocolate_snaps

    I just had one of those nights

    :biggrin1: I wish most of the guys that hit on me didnt make me hurl. Lucky But really I try not to assume the worst and try to correct it when I do. That automatic hate machine must run on duracells. Im flawed though and it was a weak moment. The place were I was made me feel really uncomfortable and maybe the tools say that and took the opportunity. I couldnt agree more about how you carry yourself. Its weird because Im really a head held high, shoulders rolled back kind of girl. Im definately an outgoing person who, on the outside, exudes confidence. Its the inside that needs the most work. The outside is amazing, blindingly so, even at 330lbs. Ive been told that I strut. Its something my parents taught me my mother with the book-on-head posture lessons. My father who was 6"5' told me to always hold my head high and if people are gonna look, make them remember it. I sure am trying. Its a struggle. bleh. But what doesnt kill you... THE VOICE REASON! I love good friends:D Here! Here! I cant agree more! All I can say=:hug: And you have great taste in shoes! I just bough a pair of cherry red wedges (Ill wait for the stillettos) to go with my 50's glamour graduation look. Pincurls+Red lips. Im telling you my fabulosity is unmatched. Youll see, its gonna be my Before pic.
  13. chocolate_snaps

    I just had one of those nights

    Well honestly when I typed that it was a weak moment. However underneath it all is that that is one of the things I believe unconsiously. Its the automatic self hate machine I know most of us have. I know its not true but that fact that I have not found any suitable takers in 27 yrs, added to years and years of being the "funny fat girl" have not helped. The guys that like me are usually creepy old men or greasy short guys looking for a challange. Im much bigger than most big girls. Im 6"1 and 330lbs, pretty intimidating to most guys. Im not as big around as I am vertically and my height hides alot of that 330 but the combination is immasculating to most men. I still wouldnt trade an inch of height for a pound. But I do tower over everybody. Ive never even been on a date, its sad really. Even those few guys normal guys who have shown interest have lost interest by the time i finally realize that they had it in the first place. I dont look for those "signs" because I dont trust myself to interpret them correctly. Ive been the joke too many times. Still I do my best to look nice and socialize. Here at school I am very popular, as a friend. I am very well dressed, I have a fat girl's dream wardrobe. My fabulosity is unmatched but I have more work to do on my selfesteem. I know I have a lot of things to be proud about and a heap of people who look to me for guidance and direction, Im a queen bee type (a nice one though). I also have a lot of qualities that a weak man couldnt handle such as i dont hide my intellect, I expect respect, I am very independant, and am not looking for a father figure. Then again maybe they shouldnt because Im not looking for just any guy. It would just be nice to have some options.
  14. chocolate_snaps

    I just had one of those nights

    Thank you all for your kind words. I sure needed them. Its just that sometimes those idiots out there get to you. That night they got to me.
  15. chocolate_snaps

    Through hell and back, With death knocking at my door

    Im so sorry to here how sucky things have been for you lately. I certainly understand where you are coming from. A while ago I had "double" Pneumonia, to the point where my lungs were each hours from collapsing and I was literally dying. There were several times where I feared that I would drown in my sleep because my breathing was so impossible. There was even a night where I was absolutely sure that I would not wake up. Needless to say by the grace I survived and so will you. I hope that this sickness passes quickly and that you recover 150%. I hope you feel better soon.
  16. chocolate_snaps

    Lower Body Lift Fun!

    Hahaha so funny! It would def work on me. Stinky breath is a serious deal breaker.
  17. chocolate_snaps

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    Chocolate Snaps are cookies. Cookies are my addiction. However Chocolate Snaps are better than most, they are made from whole wheat flour, cane sugar and other good things. Theyre crunchy and chocolaty enough. Very Healthy...so says my friend/trainer. Yummy.
  18. chocolate_snaps

    As I was bathing my shower tonight (NSV)

    I am soo happy for you. This is a victory I hope to experience myself. This post really made me smile. Congrats!
  19. Im a little scared. Ive never been a "normal" weight. I dont even remember what size I wore before a size 18 on top and a 22 on the bottom. I think it was a 2T. :faint:JOKING! But really Ive never been normal. Being 6'1 since age 14 Ive never even been a "normal" fatgurl (I said it...FAT). im a little freaked at what my face is gonna look like, because I have no frame of reference. My body is gonna need some work, and I know that for sure but my face is a mystery. I think Im pretty cute at 325 who knows what or who Ill look like at 160. Im also a bit afraid of setting a concrete goal lower than 200lbs but Im curious what a size 8 feels like. However although I have these fears I will not be stopped by them, will get to a size/weight where I feel the most healthy. With that said, I know I have to be mindful of how other people's perception of my weightloss effects me. I think that like you Crishell, I will recieve alot of "you're melting" comments. Im dreading and anticipating them all at once. weird. All in all I really want a life change. i want to feel healthy and enjoy the rest of my youth, which I dont think I am doing to the fullest at this weight. Self esteem is one thing and actual physical limitations are another. I hope you continue to lose. I know I cant wait to start.
  20. chocolate_snaps

    Did your shoe size change?

    Thanx! I thought that since this is a question Ive had for so long, others must also wonder. And what better way to satisfiy everyone's curiousity than by setting up a poll. I really hope a lot of people vote.
  21. chocolate_snaps

    Body Image

    Thanx Puddin. I wouldnt worry, even though Im a long way from goal and a far ways from handeling an abundance of suitors this is something I am working one actively. but it is definately scary. Ive been selfconscious for so long its going to be strange when I look different. Ive never been thin, ever and its going to be a serious adjustment. I read your Blog and have seen what youve gone through and I see myself. This is a good thing because youre handling it great, with a sense of humor and not falling into overeating. You keep going towards self improvement physically and spiritually (Im not religious at all but I certainly repect your dedication and faith) Your progress is INSANE! :clap2: Even though Im not much of an expert, I believe what conniesueb said, love find you when you least expect it. Wouldnt it be super if I responded on command. So while i wait, one of the goals in this Quest to change my life is to prepare my self to be loved and to give love. I also have to prepare for heartbreak and temptation. Im an utter newbie at relationships but I know that while Im not a "wait till marriage" girl I am a "serious commitment" girl. I understand that in this world that is going to be a hardsell for most guys but I must be strong. But as we all know the flesh is weak. kyethra, Your self esteem is awesome. Even though my soon to be skinny body freaks me out I do have a pretty good relationship with my 300lb body. I have great skin its soft, smooth, and clear. Im 6'1 so my legs go on FOREVER. I have a beautiful smile and a devastating rack (that im sure are gonna need some lifting at goal). One of my most favorite things about my body is that I am a true hour glass figure. I really like the idea of stating what we love about our bodies, wherever we are in the journey.
  22. chocolate_snaps

    Body Image

    I know this may not be exactly what you ladies are talking about but, I must say this has got me thinking about how my weightloss will effect my personality. Ive thought about it before but this is different. I know I have a great personality but what if my great personality is compensating for my weight. Ive thought (really superficially) that "Im gonna be a monster" but really what if that is true? wow. Puddin about the dating... Im where you were before your weightloss, really stuck (dating wise) in my teens. Ive never really dated, Ive had my small share of interested parties but Ive run away because I was to insecure. Im afraid of becoming Dr.Jeckyll and Ms.Hyde. before I though of it like a science experiment, kinda lets see what gonna happen but now that its getting more real to me, I feel like I should prepare. I have body issue with my thinner body (that I dont even have yet) good thing I already in therapy, huh. haha
  23. chocolate_snaps

    Any Younger Bansters Here?

    I agree.. once you get used to it its a breeze. But ya get tired of the same thing all the time. Rum is easy...of its good rum. I recommend Brugal. yum. My favorite drinks are Rum and Cokes and GreyGoose Screwdrivers or anything with GG in it. I cant afford the GG all the time being a poor college student. When I get baned I wont miss beer, cuz I dont drink it . What can I say Im a Top Shelf girl. Shot wise its Yager or yes GreyGoose! Im a graduating senior so this semester Im being good but I barely remember Spring06. I was out 4 times a week Open Mic night, thirsty thursdays, fri, sat. Plus on the off days we drank my roomate's mom's homemade stuff. needless to say my GPA suffered A true Hero can drink you under the table and never throws up. Im earing my cape this weekend. As for now I have a chem test then a 15pg paper to finish:help:. All nighters suck. Those are the only things I wont miss about college. My school's unoffical motto is: Geneseo. Out Drinking and Out Thinking Since 1867. sad really.
  24. chocolate_snaps

    AP Bandits

    Yep even though the FDA has approved the AP Band I havent heard of anyone who is placing them. Here we have the old Inamed bands in (I believe) 3 different sizes. Im hoping that by the time I get banded my surgeon is placing them.
  25. chocolate_snaps

    The Deciding Moment

    Cloe this thread is a great idea! My rock bottom came last Halloween weekend. My friend and I had a campus wide Haunted House. We were Zombies. I mean really scary Zombies with lots of movie makeup, corn syrup blood, on us and the walls (and floor) strobe lights and an industrial basement. At our after party we took pictures sitting around. I looked like the most well fed Zombie ever. I literally looked like I was smothered in my own fat. I was disgusted. It was that weekend that I decided to research WLS. Im not banded yet but I will be by summer. For the last 2 years Ive been a Dominatrix on Halloween but I cant wait till this one Im gonna be hot!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
