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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chocolate_snaps

  1. chocolate_snaps

    Do you think it possible....

    Sorry but that sounds doubtful. I have averaged about 10lbs a month. Its been varied i.e. one month 15lbs the next 10 (thats why the average). I tried really hard to manage 15lbs a month on no restriction but that is when I began needing fills. Not having a month to month consistency is normal. However I did lose more during my first 2 months because of the restricted diet and post op restriction. So since you've just been banded (CONGRATS!) that may work to your advantage. Even still I think it is doubtful, but not impossible. Id love to see you succeed at it. What is your vacation goal?
  2. chocolate_snaps

    Twenties NSVs

    Awesome! I love when that happens! I lurv those Supergirl drawers in your siggie. Did you make it?
  3. chocolate_snaps

    Bander's pets? Post them!

    OMG somebody plz resize my pic. I dont know how to yet.
  4. chocolate_snaps

    Bander's pets? Post them!

    Im sure this is a hugely big Pic but here is my Mr Baby. Baby-kins is my sweet little kitty, he is more affectionate than any other pet I have had.
  5. chocolate_snaps

    No longer "plus size"!

    Congrats! I really cant wait till I am no longer plus sized!
  6. chocolate_snaps

    Spring Into Action Weight Loss Challenge

    Im in! Chocolate_snaps................274...........260...........0................14...
  7. chocolate_snaps

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Hey everyone congrats on your weight loss! I didnt hit my Greenday goal but I did make my 10lbs a month goal. I lost 10lbs on this challenge. Im trying to be okay with that. Unfortunately, my restriction seems to have been fleeting, Im about half as tight as I was 2 weeks ago. Stats are the same Starting weight: 284 Current Weight: 274 Green Day Weight: 268 DOWN So Far: 10 lbs
  8. chocolate_snaps

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    I havent updated in a bit but here it is. Im right on track with my minimum 10lb a month target. Chocolate_Snaps...292..... 242 ....... 274 .................... 32
  9. chocolate_snaps

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on plan today because today I am the lowest weight I have been in 10 years.
  10. chocolate_snaps

    Ode To Lane Bryant! WE ARE OVER!

    I wrote this on the Peeved at Lane Bryant thread but I am so in love with it Im posting again: I am ecstatic that LB has gotten so expensive and boring. It is incentive to trudge on, to eat bandster portions, and to exercise daily. They've gone insane and I am happy. I love that I will never have to pay $40 for one of their cheaply made tee shirts again. I'm glad that they don't make 36 inseam Supreme jeans any more. I'm glad that they have converted to that new (nonsensical) sizing. I'm happy that their coupons are scams. I'm even happy that they never have my bra size in stock. I am overjoyed that they have become so inhospitable! I am so happy because I am leaving them behind! I am on my way to the Gap, BananaRep, JCrew, Regular stores! When I want to breakdown and buy something there, I come here. Seeing everyone's (many of you are on this thread) progress, NSVs, and before and afters makes it sweeter. For a long time all I could wear was LB, now I am almost at the point where if I do shop there it isn't out of necessity. Hurray! I love my band!
  11. chocolate_snaps

    Ode To Lane Bryant! WE ARE OVER!

    I wrote this on the Peeved at Lane Bryant thread but I am so in love with it Im posting again: I am ecstatic that LB has gotten so expensive and boring. It is incentive to trudge on, to eat bandster portions, and to exercise daily. They've gone insane and I am happy. I love that I will never have to pay $40 for one of their cheaply made tee shirts again. I'm glad that they don't make 36 inseam Supreme jeans any more. I'm glad that they have converted to that new (nonsensical) sizing. I'm happy that their coupons are scams. I'm even happy that they never have my bra size in stock. I am overjoyed that they have become so inhospitable! I am so happy because I am leaving them behind! I am on my way to the Gap, BananaRep, JCrew, Regular stores! When I want to breakdown and buy something there, I come here. Seeing everyone's (many of you are on this thread) progress, NSVs, and before and afters makes it sweeter. For a long time all I could wear was LB, now I am almost at the point where if I do shop there it isn't out of necessity. Hurray! I love my band!
  12. chocolate_snaps

    Rollercoasters - no, NOT the emotional kind!

    I'm 6"1' and at 346 I was riding at Dorney pk. My best friend is 6"2' also and bottom heavy, she had very little problem at 350. But its best to take it at your own pace. It can be really disheartening to have to get off of the ride. Ever since my incident at the Batman I have been very care which rides I try. Ive also come up with a large rider strategy: Arrive at opening, then go to the coaster at the farthest reaches of the pk (most people start with the first thing they see, so there wont be many, if any people riding with you and no lines (at DP its Steel Force at Great A's its the Scream Machine)) I have ridden the SteelForce back-to-back at least 3 times using this method and even more on the Scream Machine. Its sad what we have to do just to have the same fun as normal sized people. Thank goodness for the Band. Elise please do share if you find that site, my bestie weighs much more now and I miss riding coasters together.:angry_smile:
  13. chocolate_snaps

    "Green" Day Challenge

    I know I only weigh on Super Fantastic Weigh in Wednesday but, I broke down this morning. Yep, I'm weak, BUT HAPPY! Ive gone down 2lbs since Wednesday! I wont make this a habit but whoo whoo! No more updates till Monday, I promise.:angry_smile: Starting weight: 284 Current Weight: 274 Green Day Weight: 268 DOWN So Far: 10 lbs LBS TO GO: 6 lbs
  14. chocolate_snaps

    Calling All Vanguard Bandsters!!!

    Im at 8ccs on my 3rd fill, and I think Im at the sweetspot.
  15. chocolate_snaps

    Anybody else peeved at Lane Bryant?

    Actually I am ecstatic that LB has gotten so expensive and boring. It is incentive to trudge on, to eat bandster portions, and to exercise daily. They've gone insane and I am happy. I love that I will never have to pay $40 for one of their cheaply made tee shirts again. I'm glad that they don't make 36 inseam Supreme jeans any more. I'm glad that they have converted to that new (nonsensical) sizing. I'm happy that their coupons are scams. I'm even happy that they never have my bra size in stock. I am overjoyed that they have become so inhospitable! I am so happy because I am leaving them behind! I am on my way to the Gap, BananaRep, JCrew, Regular stores! When I want to breakdown and buy something there, I come here. Seeing everyone's (many of you are on this thread) progress, NSVs, and before and afters makes it sweeter. For a long time all I could wear was LB, now I am almost at the point where if I do shop there it isn't out of necessity. Hurray! I love my band!
  16. chocolate_snaps

    Bad fat girl....no doughnut.

    My protein bars have been helping me kill chocolate cravings. They taste like chocolate bars, good chocolate bars.
  17. chocolate_snaps

    Rollercoasters - no, NOT the emotional kind!

    OH goodness I'm jonesing for a coaster! I haven't been able to ride at Great A's in more than 7 years. I had an embarrassing time trying the Batman there. I never had a problem at Dorney Park though. Mmmm the Steelforce...I need a moment. Anywho, I understand your frustration, it is one of the things I miss most in the whole world. I'm hoping that at 250 I wont have the problem I had at 344. I am hitting all of the NYC area coaster parks this summer! Sorry I don't know of any accessibility sites for obese riders. I see you are in the NYC area, try Dorney Pk. Most of their rides have leg bars as opposed to shoulder bars, which made a difference for me. Also some coasters are built with handicapped seats. Although they aren't fully handicapped seats (i.e. they aren't built for wheelchairs etc.) and they don't publicize them, they do offer a bit more room for a larger person. Those seats are usually in the middle of the train, ask the operators. So, depending on how and where you carry your weight, Dorney PK may be doable at around 350-360. It is worth a try at DP because the crowds are smaller than Disney/Great Adventure type parks, so it will limit the embarrassment factor. Also if you go and don't fit, you will know approximately how close to that goal you are. Even better it is two parks in one (regular/water), so if you cant do the coasters there is a whole other park to explore. That is definately getting your money's worth. Either way you'll have fun.
  18. chocolate_snaps

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    Im staying in plan today because I can taste The Gap and I want to be shopping there for the summer.
  19. chocolate_snaps

    Hate Exercising- any suggestions?

    OMG! I am so clumsy and my motto used to be "exercise? No way, sweat offends me". I have done a complete 180! I love to exercise now. I love to sweat, the more the better. I started on the elliptical, they have lots of handles to keep you from hitting the deck. BUT what I noticed and trainer have told me is that it takes about a month before your body stops fighting against the exercise. So dont expect to like regular old exercise right away. Chickie is right try EVERYTHING a few times. And I found out that I like sports! Who knew that there was an athlete inside of me the whole time. In fact, one of my goal rewards is going to be a week long surfing clinic where Ill learn to surf. Before that though is my midway goal reward, swim classes. I have to relearn regulation swimming. Im even going to buy a bike. Even though I swore that after almost falling into the mighty mighty Hudson:lol: I would never ride another bike. All of this started After banding. I wasn't motivated before and I feared that I would hurt or embarrass myself. After losing the some weight, exercising regularly, and regaining some self esteem, I am a different person. I am willing to try any sport just for the fun of trying it (even golf). Give it time your outlook may change too.
  20. chocolate_snaps

    Share your NSV's

    Thanks luluc! My latest NSV is: MY HEAD HAS SHRUNK! At the gym I wear my MP3player around my neck. I also wear a small gold chain with a diamond pendant which I have been afraid of losing since I got it. I pulled the player over my head and set it down. A little while later I reached for the pendant and it wasnt there. OMG I was so scared! I searched the car and my clothes but nothing. I looked to where my mp3player was and there also was my necklace! I had pulled it off with my mp3 player! MY HEAD GOT SMALLER! I noticed recently that my necklace was hanging really low in to my cleavage. When I first bought it it was dang near a choker! :grouphug:
  21. chocolate_snaps

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Good job Georgia Girl! Im so happy for you! You are the biggest cheerleader for us all I am very glad that you made your goal.:grouphug:
  22. chocolate_snaps

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Today is MY (drumroll plz) SUPER FANTASTIC WEIGHT IN WEDNESDAY! Today I am 276! That is three lbs this week. Am I happy, not really. I had a fill a week ago and possibly found my sweetspot but because of lots of reasons I only made it to the gym twice since then. I really want to work the restriction while I have it. Bottom line it could have been more. I feel like just when I start to get on track something always gets in the way. I dont think Im going to make this goal either:angry: Esp since my birthday is Sunday and there is much drinking to be done:thumbup:. SOLUTION=Im hitting the gym HARD for the next 4 days. Good job on your losses everyone! Starting weight: 284 Current Weight: 276 Green Day Weight: 268 DOWN So Far: 8 lbs LBS TO GO: 8 lbs
  23. chocolate_snaps

    Spaghetti Squash Pesto Casserole

    Im definately gonna try this!
  24. chocolate_snaps

    I need a pin up name!! Help me!

    Hahaha! I knew a Brenda Cooter (not sure how its spelled). She didnt find out the other meaning of that name till she was over thirty. So everyone had been laughing behind her back for her entire life. harsh.
  25. chocolate_snaps

    Sexy Sexy Sexy!

    I am loving this new hourglass figure! Today it was called sexy. I havent been called sexy before this day! It is a MONUMENTAL event in my life. Sex appeal is new to me. Yesterday I found myself flirting with who was walking across the street in front of my car. I did the smile-look away-smile bit and he responded. Besides the fact that he responded (because I am AGHAST that he did), what is so exciting is that I didnt freak out. I did drive away though but, I didnt freak out. I would pre-weightloss have freaked and not even looked at him. I would have come out of the situation sad and frustrated. He was cute and we flirted, I cant believe it is that easy. It is really that easy, wow. I am considering it part of my workout yesterday (I was on my way to the gym). I am working out my sex appeal. I may need to be contained, there is a beast inside and its getting hungry. Mmmm boys:tt2:. This crazy, I am still trying to understand that I look so different. Weird, but I can get used to this kind of weird.

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