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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chocolate_snaps

  1. chocolate_snaps

    I've Lost An Irish Setter And A Chihuahua

    I lost the World's Largest Ball of Tape!
  2. chocolate_snaps

    Before and After Pics thread.

    It is really interesting on what and whom people comment about on that board. Interesting. I'm gonna leave it at that.
  3. chocolate_snaps

    Before and After Pics thread.

    It is really interesting on what and whom people comment about on that board. Interesting. I'm gonna leave it at that.
  4. chocolate_snaps

    Crazy Skinny Goals!

    You all have great ideas! Im not quite skinny but Im gonna try my luck at Six Flags this summer. I am a HARDCORE coaster fiend. My big Skinny Goal is learning to surf. Ive been wanting to learn my whole life and Im planning on taking a clinic next summer. So this winter I am taking classes to buck up on my regulation swimming. Of course I want it to do it all in a bikini! May be a long shot though. Speaking of coaster parks! All of the talk about six flags made me remember one of my absolute dreams that I gave up when I thought I would always be fat. I want to go to every serious roller-coaster park on the East Coast. Other places will follow but I have ALWAYS wanted to ride Alpinegiest at Busch Gardens and Batman Six Flag Great Adventure.
  5. chocolate_snaps

    What foods can you NOT eat since the surgery?

    I love salads! Never had a problem. The only thing I "cant" eat is rice. Not because I get stuck or slime or anything but because I realize now that it gives me gas. I hate gas so I refrain.
  6. chocolate_snaps


    Holy shit I am OBESE! Not severely or morbidly obese but regular obese! Holy crap! Ecstasy!:biggrin: I hit 262 yesterday which is the lowest weight of my entire adult life. There is so much to say but I haven't the time...later.
  7. chocolate_snaps


    Holy shit I am OBESE! Not severely or morbidly obese but regular obese! Holy crap! Ecstasy!:cool: I hit 262 yesterday which is the lowest weight of my entire adult life. There is so much to say but I haven't the time...later.
  8. chocolate_snaps

    Tim Russert died

    I was so sad to see this on HuffPost. Tim was one of my fav MSNBC interviewers. I really enjoyed watching him on "Meet the Press" and on the Tim Russert show. It is a sad day for news junkies everywhere.
  9. chocolate_snaps

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    NAME .............Start Weight ...REVISED Goal ... Current Weight ... To Go Chocolate_Snaps.......292..............250................264 ................14
  10. chocolate_snaps

    coming out of the closet...

    Congrats LJM!
  11. chocolate_snaps


    Thanks so much! Im trying really hard to stay on plan, its a struggle sometimes. Good luck on your surgery.
  12. chocolate_snaps


    Nope it is current. BUT that ticker isnt for my overall weight lost, it is for my goal of losing 100lbs this year. I am down a total of 75lbs in 8 months. Pretty freaking sweet!
  13. chocolate_snaps


    I dont know about body shape but I was similar to your height and weight stats at surgery. I'm 6"1" and was 344lbs at surgery. There are some tall bandsters closer to goal that myself. Like BooBooKitty and Rainer.
  14. chocolate_snaps

    Size 10...Plus Size???

    Freaking Ridiculous!
  15. chocolate_snaps

    Revelation re portion sizes

  16. chocolate_snaps

    This is what doing the headwork looks like.

    I am a very personal person. I dont tell everybody everything. I have two distinct sets of friends, my home friends and my college friends and the two rarely meet. Then there is my family, I dont tell them much of anything. This was all working out for me until people started making things up about me. I dont want to feel faulted for being secretive. I don't like my personal business discussed and then the result of that meeting of the mindless to be brought to my attention by strangers or even my ten year old cousin who thinks he knows everything. I know that you cant stop people from talking about you but it doesn't make it hurt less knowing that the things they are saying are untruthful. I had a life where anything that was different or wrong or even right about me has been used to embarrass me or hurt me. So I don't let many people in. There are some things about me that only certain people know. It has gotten to the point where the fact that I haven't had a boyfriend means that I must be gay. First thing that no one seems to understand is that while I do have issues with men, none of them is that I dont like them. Ive believed so long that men didnt like me. I have spent my WHOLE life so far believing that I was ugly, disgusting and utterly unlovable. I hid under a tough image and under tons of fat. For two years in my adolescence I actually hid from the world. When my friends were dating I was in my bedroom trying not to kill myself. There is no other way to say that, its the truth. DO I feel like I missed out? Yes. I feel cheated. I cant lie. Does part of me feel like a loser because of it? Yes. Its hard growing up thinking that no one would ever love you. So I kept my eyes down. I gained LOTS of weight. I became the best friend anyone could ever have. I got pets. I became a gift giver. I got used to the idea of being alone. I expected to be alone. I freed myself of the notion that any man could find me attractive which made it easier to be social with the opposite sex. I tried my best not to be jealous when my close friends and family got paired up. I never offered relationship advice so as not to look jealous. Far be it from me to assume that I know anything about relationships, that would be laughable, right. AND...I hated myself more than ever through it all. NOW because Im losing weight and Im starting to feel good about myself and what I am capable of I see that I was reacting to a childhood and adolescence full of rejection. However, a lot of those feelings hide in my subconscience. My real issue here is that I feel like a failure that I have never had a boyfriend. Plus now I am a laughing stock again. Everyone makes jokes either I'm a loser or I'm gay. Good times. Its so much easier to assume that I am I the closet than to except that I'm not promiscuous like one cousin or a gold digger like another. If I where gay I sure wouldn't be in any closet. But since I'm a 28 year old virgin I have to be in there behind the coats. With no religious reason for being a virgin I'm all fucked up. So many of the people who know I'm a big ole virgin have told me, "oh yeah its better that way, I wish I had waited". BTW I find that completely patronizing (so please don't offer up any of that bullshit). So what? I get to call myself a late bloomer? But while I do so I also get to be the big old joke. This my friends is why I haven't told anyone anything till now. Am I feeling sorry for myself? Yes a bit, I'm still learning my worth. I don't know why I'm spilling guts on here but...those are my intestines and my banded stomach Im a closeted virgin. Funny.
  17. chocolate_snaps

    Band Buddy wanted

    Hi Janelle! Im 28, Ive been banded for 8 months. Im 6'1" and At surgery I was 344lbs wearing a 24/26. Im may not be what you are looking for in terms of a band buddy but I am open if you have questions or concerns. Getting banded was one of the best decision I ever made. Good luck on your journey.
  18. chocolate_snaps

    Trouble Allowing

    OMG! Today I am soooo obsessed with food. Im looking up food or nibbling or watching something about food. My mind is hungry or something. Or maybe my heart/soul is hungry. But for what? What will fill the void. I don't know. I think I need a purpose. Ive been pretty bored, lonely, bored, unmotivated, blah. I am tired for no reason. I think the kjey is to get my ass back in the gym. Ive been having a hard time getting to the gym but I have been trying to supplement my workout needs with walks. I see that I need vigorous exercise to feel awake. The walks are nice and all but I dont feel more alive afterwards. New York in the spring is an amazing place, the people are like flowers. The sun comes out and out comes the fabulousness that id NYC style. I had hoped that I would be able to participate this spring but I still haven't a job, money, or the amount of weight lost to shop at better stores. I guess I feel like a failure. Its been a year since my college graduation and a little more than a half of year since getting my band and I dont feel that I have done enough since either. I had expected to have my paper published and have lost way more lbs by now. Im having a bit of trouble accepting that Ive done what I could with the life and time that I have. The truth is that there has been death, illness, and depression all within this last year but I still feel like I am making excuses. I need to cut myself some slack. Therapy here I come.
  19. chocolate_snaps

    Trouble Allowing

    OMG! Today I am soooo obsessed with food. Im looking up food or nibbling or watching something about food. My mind is hungry or something. Or maybe my heart/soul is hungry. But for what? What will fill the void. I don't know. I think I need a purpose. Ive been pretty bored, lonely, bored, unmotivated, blah. I am tired for no reason. I think the kjey is to get my ass back in the gym. Ive been having a hard time getting to the gym but I have been trying to supplement my workout needs with walks. I see that I need vigorous exercise to feel awake. The walks are nice and all but I dont feel more alive afterwards. New York in the spring is an amazing place, the people are like flowers. The sun comes out and out comes the fabulousness that id NYC style. I had hoped that I would be able to participate this spring but I still haven't a job, money, or the amount of weight lost to shop at better stores. I guess I feel like a failure. Its been a year since my college graduation and a little more than a half of year since getting my band and I dont feel that I have done enough since either. I had expected to have my paper published and have lost way more lbs by now. Im having a bit of trouble accepting that Ive done what I could with the life and time that I have. The truth is that there has been death, illness, and depression all within this last year but I still feel like I am making excuses. I need to cut myself some slack. Therapy here I come.
  20. chocolate_snaps

    Twenties Chat

    Welcome MsJessy and Drew!
  21. chocolate_snaps

    Twenties NSVs

    Its been more than a month since the last post on here. I know you lot have had some NSV's:sneaky:. Dont hide them. My newest one is that even though Im a ways away from goal I can see that Im going to have a space between my thighs. It looks like its gonna be there before I get under 200lbs. I almost have it now and Im still pretty heavy. My legs look really long! Im 6"1' so they are long, but I never thought they looked long. I guess thats something else the fat was hiding. I really love my body's new shape.
  22. chocolate_snaps

    Twenties Chat

    Hey twenty somethings! Where is everybody?
  23. chocolate_snaps

    This is what doing the headwork looks like.

    Devan, thanks for the support. Ive been working really hard to prove to myself that I deserve respect. What angers me is the total lack of respect I am being given. I will definately try that affirmation, even if it just works to attract some respect from the people around me.
  24. chocolate_snaps

    What kind of cheap food or meals you eat?

    I just made my favorite cheap and easy meal, Turkey Stir-fry with asian vegetables and Quinoa. I started making this in my poor college student years. For under $10 I (preband) was kept fed for about a week. If anyone is interested in the recipe here it is. Im not adding measurement because there really arent any specific measurements except for the quinoa. P.S. I cook everything on high. Ingredients Raw Ground Lean Turkey (white or dark meat) Frozen Veggies (I buy the costco or Walmart Asian Vegetable mix) 1/2 cup of cooked Quinoa (cooked in LF/LS chicken broth) Optional tbsp. of Wegman's Store Brand Spicy Asian Barbecue sauce. You can use your own Asian flavored sauce. Season raw turkey to your tastes (I use seasoned salt or LS Sason). Brown turkey in Olive oil or Olive oil pan-spray. When turkey is almost completely browned add minced garlic (as mush as you like). Turn down the flame and let flavors mix for about 2-3 mins. While the turkey is cooking, defrost veggies in the microwave. Drain and add to the Turkey. Increase the heat until the veggies have kind of dried. Add sauce then simmer for 1 min. Serve alone or over quinoa (or brown rice). The whole deal takes about 30 mins to prepare and thats mostly for the quinoa. If you serve it alone or cook quinoa before hand cooking and prep takes about 10 mins.
  25. chocolate_snaps

    This is what doing the headwork looks like.

    I am a very personal person. I dont tell everybody everything. I have two distinct sets of friends, my home friends and my college friends and the two rarely meet. Then there is my family, I dont tell them much of anything. This was all working out for me until people started making things up about me. I dont want to feel faulted for being secretive. I don't like my personal business discussed and then the result of that meeting of the mindless to be brought to my attention by strangers or even my ten year old cousin who thinks he knows everything. I know that you cant stop people from talking about you but it doesn't make it hurt less knowing that the things they are saying are untruthful. I had a life where anything that was different or wrong or even right about me has been used to embarrass me or hurt me. So I don't let many people in. There are some things about me that only certain people know. It has gotten to the point where the fact that I haven't had a boyfriend means that I must be gay. First thing that no one seems to understand is that while I do have issues with men, none of them is that I dont like them. Ive believed so long that men didnt like me. I have spent my WHOLE life so far believing that I was ugly, disgusting and utterly unlovable. I hid under a tough image and under tons of fat. For two years in my adolescence I actually hid from the world. When my friends were dating I was in my bedroom trying not to kill myself. There is no other way to say that, its the truth. DO I feel like I missed out? Yes. I feel cheated. I cant lie. Does part of me feel like a loser because of it? Yes. Its hard growing up thinking that no one would ever love you. So I kept my eyes down. I gained LOTS of weight. I became the best friend anyone could ever have. I got pets. I became a gift giver. I got used to the idea of being alone. I expected to be alone. I freed myself of the notion that any man could find me attractive which made it easier to be social with the opposite sex. I tried my best not to be jealous when my close friends and family got paired up. I never offered relationship advice so as not to look jealous. Far be it from me to assume that I know anything about relationships, that would be laughable, right. AND...I hated myself more than ever through it all. NOW because Im losing weight and Im starting to feel good about myself and what I am capable of I see that I was reacting to a childhood and adolescence full of rejection. However, a lot of those feelings hide in my subconscience. My real issue here is that I feel like a failure that I have never had a boyfriend. Plus now I am a laughing stock again. Everyone makes jokes either I'm a loser or I'm gay. Good times. Its so much easier to assume that I am I the closet than to except that I'm not promiscuous like one cousin or a gold digger like another. If I where gay I sure wouldn't be in any closet. But since I'm a 28 year old virgin I have to be in there behind the coats. With no religious reason for being a virgin I'm all fucked up. So many of the people who know I'm a big ole virgin have told me, "oh yeah its better that way, I wish I had waited". BTW I find that completely patronizing (so please don't offer up any of that bullshit). So what? I get to call myself a late bloomer? But while I do so I also get to be the big old joke. This my friends is why I haven't told anyone anything till now. Am I feeling sorry for myself? Yes a bit, I'm still learning my worth. I don't know why I'm spilling guts on here but...those are my intestines and my banded stomach Im a closeted virgin. Funny.

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