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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chocolate_snaps

  1. chocolate_snaps

    NeoMail to My cousin.

    Cousin: Do you still exercise? Me: Yeah but not as much at the gym. Ive been walking everywhere, doing videos, and fitv shows. I try to get to the gym at least once a week. Lately Ive been at the pool, park, beach, or mall so that a lil bit too. I joined a weightloss challenge yesterday so Im gonna step up my exercise starting this week. The challenge runs from Monday to Labor Day, I have a goal of 20lbs. Its gonna be hard but its doable. So Im back at the gym at least 3-4 times a week starting tomorrow. I have to get fit for all the things I want to try. Im planning on starting hiking this fall and climbing next spring or fall. Plus this Fall/Winter Im taking swimming classes, I will start training for lifeguard proficiency. I dont necessarily want to lifeguard but I am planning on learning to surf next summer so my regulation swimming has gotta be in tiptop shape. Ive always want to surf but it never seem feasible til now. I have a school scoped out and everything, they give vacation clinics in Costa Rica. I have become a exercise fanatic. I think I have always been one underneath. I have had a huge list of this I wanted to try when I lost weight. END I have grown. Funny how it took that question for me to actually believe it. Its all true Im just loopy.
  2. chocolate_snaps

    NeoMail to My cousin.

    Cousin: Do you still exercise? Me: Yeah but not as much at the gym. Ive been walking everywhere, doing videos, and fitv shows. I try to get to the gym at least once a week. Lately Ive been at the pool, park, beach, or mall so that a lil bit too. I joined a weightloss challenge yesterday so Im gonna step up my exercise starting this week. The challenge runs from Monday to Labor Day, I have a goal of 20lbs. Its gonna be hard but its doable. So Im back at the gym at least 3-4 times a week starting tomorrow. I have to get fit for all the things I want to try. Im planning on starting hiking this fall and climbing next spring or fall. Plus this Fall/Winter Im taking swimming classes, I will start training for lifeguard proficiency. I dont necessarily want to lifeguard but I am planning on learning to surf next summer so my regulation swimming has gotta be in tiptop shape. Ive always want to surf but it never seem feasible til now. I have a school scoped out and everything, they give vacation clinics in Costa Rica. I have become a exercise fanatic. I think I have always been one underneath. I have had a huge list of this I wanted to try when I lost weight. END I have grown. Funny how it took that question for me to actually believe it. Its all true Im just loopy.
  3. chocolate_snaps


    GeorgiaGirl, luvmyband, and Jfc you all look great. Im right behind you, Im down 84lbs so far. We are doing so well! Here are my halfway to goal pics. Who knew my face was so fat.
  4. Lets not forget anyone. NAME ____________weight now____ goal___ lbs lost *************** :frown:****************:tt2:***** aJoneen............230.........220.......0....... Babs0101...........185.........170.......0....... Chocolate_Snaps....260.........240.......0....... FloridaGirl........235.........215.......0....... HeatherO...........172.........155.......0....... KarenG.............166.........158.......0....... Lunabeane..........221.........200.......0....... Luu2008............219.........189.......0....... Luv2Laugh..........232.........212.......0....... luvinke............206.........190.......0....... NANAbanded.........225.........199.......0....... Ollie..............242.........210.......0....... Renewedhope........179.........155.......0....... slgandera..........185.........173.......0....... StartingOver.......220.........205.......0....... want_so_bad........170.........155.......0....... Bunkey1965.........212.........205.......0....... ronni_NC...........243.........220.......0....... (cut and paste above into your reply. Add your info)
  5. chocolate_snaps

    Nsv :)

    Im am keeping my former favorite pair of jeans a sz24. I couldnt fit into them a year ago and now they are pretty baggy. I want to have that reminder of where I was and where I will be. I say keep the big pair. Pics are a great thing, until I took some pics I really couldnt see my weightloss at all.
  6. chocolate_snaps

    Share your NSV's

    This is a great story! One of the best NSV's is being an inspiration to others. :wink_smile:
  7. I took a nice long break from challenges, mainly because I never seemed to hit my goals. I have since learned to be more conservative with my goals and more aggressive with my journey. With that said...COUNT ME IN! I am going for 20lbs by Labor Day at -2lbs per week. Good Luck Everyone! Name..............Current.....Goal......Lost..... Babs0101...........185.........170.......0....... Chocolate_Snaps....260.........240.......0....... FloridaGirl........235.........215.......0....... HeatherO...........172.........155.......0....... Lunabeane..........221.........200.......0....... Luu2008............219.........189.......0....... luvinke............206.........190.......0....... NANAbanded.........225.........199.......0....... Ollie..............242.........210.......0....... Renewedhope........179.........155.......0....... slgandera..........185.........173.......0....... StartingOver.......220.........205.......0....... want_so_bad.............170..............155............0.......... __________________
  8. chocolate_snaps

    Share your NSV's

    Thanx Renewed!
  9. chocolate_snaps

    Anyone extra-emotional??

    OMG! I was an absolute wreck the 2 months after surgery.
  10. chocolate_snaps

    Share your NSV's

    My latest and maybe greatest, heck they're all great! Is that I can fit the GAP! Its been a dream my whole life to buy clothes there and now I can. Im fitting size 18 and 20 bottoms and XXL dresses. At old navy I tried on and fit an XL dress. I can barely fathom! My 1 year anniversary goal is a sz16 bottom that way I can actually by pants/jeans there. Gap talls start at 16; I need that extra 2 inches. The best part is that I am really on my way! OH YEAH! I am too small for some of my favorite plus size catalogs.
  11. chocolate_snaps

    NYU Medical Records Question

    kristen, I am def interested in a NYC area get together. Im not a NYU bandster though.
  12. chocolate_snaps

    NYC and HIP health insurance ??

    HIP never give you a straight answer. My surgeon's office made me do the 6month thing because they couldn't ever get a straight answer. Only to find out at month 4 and the middle of my final semester in college (so i couldnt drop everything to get banded) I found out that HIP doesnt require a 6month diet and exercise thingie. But I was approved after all of the many hiccups in like 3 days I think, maybe a week.
  13. chocolate_snaps

    How Do You Take Medications?

    I had a terrible experience of not being able to drink enough water to lube the way down and havign a pill stick in my throat which kinda "burned" it. The result was reflux like symptoms and serious restriction for about 2 days. Not my best bandster moment but my only negative experience ever. Now i take my pills with food.
  14. chocolate_snaps

    New from nyc!

    Hey Samantha! Fellow NNYC girl. Good luck on your journey, its so worth it.
  15. chocolate_snaps

    Food Journaling.

  16. chocolate_snaps

    Food Journaling.

  17. chocolate_snaps

    Food Journaling.

    So Im gonna start to actually count my food calories, instead of estimating. So far today: Food___________Serving______ Calories Farina........................3/4 cup.............120 L.C. Chix Philly.............1......................330 Club Crkrs...................4 crackers..........70 Apple Butter................1 Tbls................25 Wendys Grl.Chx Wrap....1......................260 Jr.Vanilla Frosty...........4oz...................150 TOTAL...955 Not great but not too shabby either!
  18. chocolate_snaps

    Food Journaling.

    So Im gonna start to actually count my food calories, instead of estimating. So far today: Food___________Serving______ Calories Farina........................3/4 cup.............120 L.C. Chix Philly.............1......................330 Club Crkrs...................4 crackers..........70 Apple Butter................1 Tbls................25 Wendys Grl.Chx Wrap....1......................260 Jr.Vanilla Frosty...........4oz...................150 TOTAL...955 Not great but not too shabby either! :cool2:
  19. chocolate_snaps

    POLL: how much fill in a 10cc band?

    Im glad to see this because my surgeon had me thinking I was an anomaly needing 8.5ccs to feel any restriction at all. Thanx
  20. I got acne, dry skin, and dry hair. But nope, I didnt lose any hair. My hair and skin arent dry anymore but I do still have acne.
  21. chocolate_snaps

    Which type are you?

    I dont normally post on the RnR board, shoot I rarely read posts here (I havent even read this thread past the first page). BUT this time I must comment. I totally agree with you Jachut, whole heartedly! While I dont have anyone on Lbt that I feel this way about, my personal life is littered with the kind of people you are talking about. Boy does it tick me off! Someone very close to me is thinking about the band but has the total wrong tude about it. She sees me losing weight and admittedly not working extremely hard for it but I am exercising and eating right. She seems to think that the band is going to do all the work for her and she can just continue to eat crap and sit around all day. Its a little frustrating mainly because despite my insistence on her doing her own research, like I did, she refuses to. She makes every excuse in the world why she cant do the minimal amount of work. I doubt that will change after surgery. I know someone else that claims her band didnt work for her but she eats crap, doesnt exercise, and doesnt get fills. She isnt facing truth about failing which is that she didnt do her research before or after surgery and she hasnt sought guidance from successful bandsters. I also agree that some people need psych and should be doing serious work on themselves before having wls. I did and do! I did mountains of research and was an active member of LBT and multiple other sites before surgery. I started psych well before banding and it has been a big help with all of the issues I had with food and with the real issues.You know, the ones that issues with food were hiding. I have spent years working on me and it was time well spent. Ive never really been a "just get over it" kind of person but like alot of things this too has changed. When it comes to this lapband tool, I think people should get off there rears and do the research, do the work, and stop making excuses. I am in an a constant mode of self-enrichment. My choices to get therapy, my education, and my band are all means to that end.
  22. chocolate_snaps

    How do I buy regular clothes?

    My go to place for cheap work apparel and casual basics is Old Navy. Always look on the sale racks. Its how Im staying fabulous while Im still losing.
  23. chocolate_snaps

    Which browser do you use?

    Im a die hard Firefox surfer. I just downloaded Firefox3 and it is SO much faster than the previous versions. The only thing I miss is my neopets toolbar. Yeah I play neopets. I considered Opera when I first cured my IE affliction but I didnt know anything about it.
  24. chocolate_snaps


    suck it! Delete you bastard!
  25. chocolate_snaps


    suck it! Delete you bastard!

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