My surgeon tells me to eat as soon as I get hungry. My surgeon places and fills the band so that it will restrict food intake. He wants me to eat frequent small meals. Everytime I go in he asks what volume of food I can eat at one sitting with the goal being less than one cup. Once I got to that restriction, the weight started falling off with no counting calories, no weighing food, no feeling of starving, and no exercise (although I'm trying to get into the habit). The only thing I do is make sure I have more than 60 g or protein a day. I don't feel guilty, I don't feel like I'm on a diet, I just eat what I want when I'm hungry. It just happens to be in very small bites and very slowly. I've stopped craving sugars all together. This has made me greatly enjoy meals with my husband and friends because I have more time for conversation instead of just shoveling food into my mouth. If I do have sliming episodes, I go back on liquids for the day and stop trying to force it. I love my band, and I wish everyone on this forum was a patient of MY surgeon, because he has SO much experience and I really feel like he uses the band as the tool it was intended to be.