At work today I was sitting in the cafeteria with a friend eating a muesli bar and chatting. Next thing I know I am back in my office with my friend saying "are you ok" etc. I don't remember leaving the cafe, walking across the road and going back into my work building heading up to my office. Thankfully I work in a hospital and the girls called the RN and she came and took my blood sugar level and that was fine. She then checked my blood pressure and that was about 150/105. I honestly don't remember going back to my office, I don't think I blacked out, but I felt fine. I did worry my work colleague and she said I should go home. Honestly, I have not had a good couple of days at work and haven't slept a full nights sleep since last Thursday, I also haven't eaten a proper meal since Saturday - which I know is bad. I haven't been drinking my water and just have been tired, stressed and such things.
I am sorry I worried my work colleagues, and the RN did scare me a bit and say I could have blood clots and I should go to my doctor, but I know that I haven't been sleeping, haven't been eating, haven't been drinking but it was hard to convince them that I was fine. Sorry for the long winded story, but has anyone else had a same sort of episode. I am not on BP medication, actually the only thing I take is my vitamins.