Hi everyone my name is Rob :thumbup:
I just made the call for my Info night down at lehigh valley hospital in allentown. I went to my doctor this week and she did a BMI on me. I am 6-4, 466lbs right now with a bmi of 57.5!! I was shocked. she told me that I had almost 90 lbs of muscle and my ideal weight would be 265. That seems like a little on the big side still hehe. about 7 years ago I looked into the surgery...where they cut the intestine..roun-x-y or something like that but decided I wasnt keen on re-routing the plumbing!! so now im back bigger than ever and a little bummed out. but im taking the first step to finally making a change!! with better insurance this time to!! hehe "BCBS mass" hoping for the best! im looking forward to posting some positive results!!:thumbup: