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Everything posted by sbrewer67

  1. sbrewer67

    Afraid to eat...

    Hi Palmtree Girl, it is your hospital buddy. SOrry I am a little more alert today. I am glad you do not have the gas pains, I am having them pretty severe. I am staying with liquids and some SF jello right now. I also have the rumbling of the stomach all day long. Wasn't sure what that is from but I assume the gasses and just the upset of the surgery in general. I have been doing a little amount all day long as to be sure I don't throw up. I just sip on something to keep hydrated, small drinks (very small)... So far so good. I do get the feeling I am going to throw up, and it has always been gas bubbles coming up, the dr office said that is normal when I called about it. I absolutely didn't want to start throwing up...

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