So, my younger brother has had really bad acne for a few years now. After trying every option available to him, his doctors came to the conclusion that the only option he had left was to start taking Accutane. This Friday he will have been taking it for two weeks. Since he started taking it, his skin has become extremely dry and flaky. He's tried a number of moisturizers and all of them cause his face to burn so badly that he has to wash them off.
So, what I'm asking is if anyone has any suggestions of a moisturizer he could use that won't cause his skin to burn? I've read a little bit about jojoba oil, but I can't find enough information about it online to know if it's the right thing for him to use, and some of the information on one site contradicts information found on another site, as is customary with the internet.
So, if anyone has any advice or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!