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Everything posted by Feigie

  1. Sorry, I should have told you about my post op. I was comfortable to go home the same day. I had my surgery at 8 am and Dr. Fielding sent me home after seeing me at 7pm. I only needed pain medication...IV in the recovery room. I didn't ask for it again. I took tylenol when I got home for the next 24-36 hours. I mostly took it, before bed. So I'd be most comfortable for sleep. I slept on pile of pillows as sitting up and lying down is the hardest move to do. I found at one week I was back to normal. Moving around and driving, cooking, shopping....but no heavy lifting. If you want to know more. Email me. put subject in email....otherwise I won't open.
  2. I had my surgery done by Dr. Fielding on august 7th. The first 2 weeks you aren't very hungry. I was fine with the protein shakes. I started getting hungry around my 3rd week post op. I worked really hard not to eat wrong foods. I couldn't wait for my first fill....6 weeks post op. I've had a 2nd fill and on Oct. 31 I expect to go for another fill.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
