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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tonya66

  1. tonya66

    getting banded jan. 3rd

    Hi Kellie, I'm waiting on my insurance approval and I am hoping to be banded in January too. We can be banding partners! I sure hope I get approved. The waiting is killing me.
  2. Well, My DH had an affair on me and we went thru months and months of therapy and a separation. He was truly sorry, and I ended up forgiving him but it was the most painful thing I had ever endured. To love someone and they ruin the trust and respect you have for them. He ended up moving out (this was by the way 10 years ago), and we actually started dating again and rekindled the love we had when we first met. I'm happy to say that we got thru that nightmare and we have the best marriage now that I could ever have hoped for. I remember my therapist saying that if we could get thru this affair, our marriage would be stronger. And she was right. I trust him now, and he has proven to me that he would never do that again. He makes sure he is never put into a situation again like that. He is often invited out to lunch by the girls in his office, and he refuses or the few times he has gone, he has invited me to join them. Cheating on someone is so hurtful to the one being cheated on and it is wrong. If you feel like you need to cheat, then I believe you need to get out of the marriage. Love that person enough to be honest with them and let them find someone else that won't cheat on them. Thats my opinion. My husband & I case is rare, I was able to forgive, and in time, have pretty much forgotten about it. But I promise you this, if it did ever happen again, I wouldn't stick around, I could not go thru it again.
  3. tonya66

    It's set Dec. 19th

    Yay, congratulations! I'm still waiting on my call! But Its only been 6 days, so I need to be more patient.
  4. I just did the exact thing last night. I had a turkey breast and cooked it on low in the crockpot, mixed in lipton onion soup mix with about 1/2 cup water and let it cook all day yesterday (7am - 6:30 pm) When we got home it smelled heavenly, very tender and tasty. Also, lots more juices. I saved the broth and the leftover turkey - I'm making turkey noodle soup tomorrow night (I'm taking my bowl out before I add the noodles).
  5. Just checking in to see how the trip went? How did you do with the incisions? I am planning on having my surgery next year and shortly afterward, we will probably be going on a cruise with our family and was wondering the same thing.
  6. tonya66

    One Year!!!

    Your one of my heros now! I'm hoping a year after my band surgery i can say the same.
  7. How is it looking now? Are you healing okay?
  8. tonya66

    Waiting for approval

    Me too, I'm waiting on insurance approval!!!! You might call your insurance and ask them what critera you have to meet. I called mine (twice) and they told me my BMI has to be a 40 and that it. I called again to make sure and was told the same thing.....mine was 41.2 when I went to the doctor. But I am waiting now for the final approval.....I hate the waiting game! I have no patience.
  9. tonya66

    Any Regrets

    I am hoping to be banded in January 2007. I had my doctor appointment and started wondering if anyone was having regrets that had the surgery - 5 years ago or even 3. I know Sharon Osborn is having her band taken out. I found a friend of my sister in laws that had the surgery by the same doctor I'm going to 3 years ago. I called her to ask her honestly how she feels. She has had no problems, except occasional PB - when she eats to fast, or wrong foods. She said she has lost 130 pounds and still misses some of the foods at times, but that doesn't compare to the energy level she has and she said she has NO REGRETS. She loves it and will not give up her band for anything. Its a good question, and I know there are problems with some people, and I'm hoping I'm not one of them. But I decided that I will do the surgery and see what happens. I'm following the band rules and eating the bandster way and hopefully will not have any problems. But again, I have to make the decision for me, and decided if this is the right surgery for me. I have read about other complications and it scares me. I know the band is not for everyone, and I am willing to give it a try and honestly stick to the eating that is recommend by the band. So, I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I don't want this to fail or be a failure, which is one of the reasons I've chosen not to share this with anyone right now - my friends & family have no idea - except DH. I'm going in with a positive attitude, and giving this band my all. I've started eating right - gave up pop, sugar and bread already, even though my surgery is not until January. I've started exercising, and will continue. The band will be a tool for me not a magic cure. So, if I am a success, I will post 2 or 3 years from now to let everyone know that I am a success. I often wonder why there are only recently banded people posting, or 1 or 2 year bandsters. I have respect for everyone on this board and their decisions. Geezersue is a great example of someone who didn't let the band failure get her down, she chose something else and it was worked wonders for her and I'm so happy it worked out great (read her one year after surgery story - amazing). Anyhow, I know I'm rambling on, but the key I wanted to make is everyone should be as informed as possible before getting any type of WLS surgery, read the good, read the bad then make your decision. There will always be ones who regret it and ones that don't, the key is, is this the right decision for you? Its a tough question and only we ourselves can answer that question. Good luck to everyone.
  10. tonya66

    More Post Tummy Tuck Pictures

    WOWZA, girl, you got some abs! You look so good! You should be very proud of yourself!
  11. tonya66

    Going strong so far

    I didn't weigh this morning, I'm trying not to look at the scale except for 1 x per week. I also didn't get up to exercise, it was raining hard this morning and I just didn't feel like dealing with it. Menu today Breakfast weight control oatmeal coffee with cream lunch taco soup snack string cheese 1/2 piece of sausage link dinner sf jello turkey breast
  12. tonya66

    Going strong so far

    I didn't weigh this morning, I'm trying not to look at the scale except for 1 x per week. I also didn't get up to exercise, it was raining hard this morning and I just didn't feel like dealing with it. Menu today Breakfast weight control oatmeal coffee with cream lunch taco soup snack string cheese 1/2 piece of sausage link dinner sf jello turkey breast
  13. tonya66

    FREE lap band update

    This is so great. I have insurance and am thankful I have such a wonderful insurance program, there is no way I could be banded self pay. I know there are so many out there that can't either. So your guys are so wonderful to offer such a great gift. Has there been many applications/essay submitted? Just curious how its going. This is so exciting!
  14. Wow, you are doing GREAT!
  15. Wt 234 Oh, its so hard to get back on track. I did so good with eating on Friday & Saturday, and partially Sunday. Then Sunday night, broke down and had some yummy cheesecake. I brought my lunch to work today so I can stay on the LC Atkins track. I'm basically going to follow the Atkins plan until after I'm banded, then I'll do more of low fat and low carb. Todays menu: Breakfast scrambled egg/cheese 3 slices of thin bacon Lunch Chef salad Snack LC yogurt Dinner Turkey breast green beans I tried to get up at 5:00 am to make it to the gym, just couldnt drag my fat butt out of bed, I went to bed too late last night and I needed my sleep. So, I plan on exercising tonight at the gym. - I MUST get back to exercising!
  16. tonya66

    Hey! New and Need Advice.

    It depends on your insurance. I just went to my first doctor appointment on Wednesday to start the process. I was told that you needed 2 comorbities and/or some things that make life difficult. Here are some things they look for: diabetes sleep apnea - almost everyone that is overweight has this back pain high blood pressure weak bladder - leakage when sneezing, coughing - very common in overweight people as well High cholesteral - high trycliserides (sp) There were some others too, but these were the main ones I remember. If you are above a 35 and below a 40, you can get approved if you have some complications. Some might seem minor, but you sometimes do have to appeal the process. I noticed you said you were going to OSU, is that Ohio, or Oklahoma?
  17. tonya66

    Getting back on track

    Wt 234 Oh, its so hard to get back on track. I did so good with eating on Friday & Saturday, and partially Sunday. Then Sunday night, broke down and had some yummy cheesecake. I brought my lunch to work today so I can stay on the LC Atkins track. I'm basically going to follow the Atkins plan until after I'm banded, then I'll do more of low fat and low carb. Todays menu: Breakfast scrambled egg/cheese 3 slices of thin bacon Lunch Chef salad Snack LC yogurt Dinner Turkey breast green beans I tried to get up at 5:00 am to make it to the gym, just couldnt drag my fat butt out of bed, I went to bed too late last night and I needed my sleep. So, I plan on exercising tonight at the gym. - I MUST get back to exercising!
  18. tonya66

    Starting LC today

    Even though my surgery won't be until probably January, I'm not waiting around to get on a good eating program. I am hoping to lose another 20 pounds by the time the surgery rolls around. Today's menu: Brunch (got up at 4:30 am to get a deal at a store, then came back and went to bed and didn't get back up until 11:00 am) 2 slices of roast beef, left over from dinner last night unsweetened tea Dinner grilled bell pepper & onions roast beef No exercise today - but planning on getting back to the gym on Monday, or sooner Wt this morning 235.2
  19. It was tough, kinda like taking a shot of whisky or something I guess, but it has been working for me and I was desperate, so I choke it down. I'm kinda used to it now, so it doesn't bother me too much.
  20. tonya66

    Lapband Cookbook?

    I read somewhere that Patt Levine who is the author of the book also had the Lap-band and not gastric bypass. But I can't remember where I read it or if it is really true. I'm going to be purchasing the book myself. I've been hunting for it on Ebay, but so far, it hasn't showed up yet.
  21. tonya66

    Starting LC today

    Even though my surgery won't be until probably January, I'm not waiting around to get on a good eating program. I am hoping to lose another 20 pounds by the time the surgery rolls around. Today's menu: Brunch (got up at 4:30 am to get a deal at a store, then came back and went to bed and didn't get back up until 11:00 am) 2 slices of roast beef, left over from dinner last night unsweetened tea Dinner grilled bell pepper & onions roast beef No exercise today - but planning on getting back to the gym on Monday, or sooner Wt this morning 235.2
  22. tonya66

    Day After

    I like your NSV! I can't wait to have some of my own!
  23. I had my doctor consultation and he answered all my questions. I told him that I wanted a low-profile port and he said he would have to order it but could do it. Once the insurance approves my surgery, then they will order the port. My case worker told me I should hear something by the end of December. I'm so excited. I should have my surgery sometime in January.
  24. tonya66

    Waiting on Insurance Approval

    I had my doctor consultation and he answered all my questions. I told him that I wanted a low-profile port and he said he would have to order it but could do it. Once the insurance approves my surgery, then they will order the port. My case worker told me I should hear something by the end of December. I'm so excited. I should have my surgery sometime in January.
  25. tonya66

    long time bander, first time poster!

    Another thing you might consider if you are having the port moved, is asking for the low-profile port, its much smaller than the regular port. Just a suggestion.

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