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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jens2boys

  1. I will be getting my endoscopy this weekend but i was wondering about the beer part. I heard you were able to drink Guniess

    Is Guiness Carbonated?

    Is it ok to drink after being banded?

    I have drank Guiness, and other beers, and wine and have been fine. I think the alcohol relaxes the band therefore making it pass through easier. I don't drink pop though, only a few sips here and there. Maybe just try a little at first and see how you feel. High in calories but you gotta enjoy a treat now and then! Enjoy! ;-)

  2. Firstly I'll say that I do understand that many people really NEED that tight restriction to lose because their bodies require very very few calories to run and thus calories must be extremely low for weight loss and also because some people really do have such issues with cravings and lack of ability to control their intake.

    But I tend to agree with my doctor that the band is safest with less restriction and that the high levels of slippage and erosion you read about are in large part due to poor band management - over restriction, and more pbing and stuck episodes than is ideal - once in a blue moon is normal, several times a week isnt.

    that said, I'd be the first in for more fill if I gained even an ounce!

    However, my band is fairly loose and I like it that way. I seen to actually have a pretty fast metabolism in that I can eat WAY more than most bandsters both to lose and maintain but on the other hand I've been away on school camp this week and eaten with five other adults for three meals and two Snacks a day and I'm quite literally reeling in disbelief at how much food some normal to only slightly overweight people can put into their bodies!!!!

    Nonetheless, I was able to eat what was put in front of me - including sandwiches and hard foods like muffins, fresh fruit etc with not one single problem. I can eat enough to nourish my body properly - plenty of leafy greens, two fruit and five veg per day etc. I dont need Protein supplements and shakes.

    My issue in particular though is we've got a lot of bowel issues in my family, and several are starting to become apparent in me as I get older, i've had some issues over the last six months. For me a very high fibre diet containing loads of fruit and veg and wholegrains is imperative and I would never follow the lower fibre, higher Protein type program, as I have a very irritable bowel!. Having my band loose, but filling up with more volume of those good foods keeps me healthy and prevents the awful cramping/constipation issues I can get if I dont eat right. And it never stopped me losing.

    I also notice if I eat too little and too little good carbs, I just slow down. I cant exercise as hard, I dont feel as good so I burn way less energy, so it seems to me better to eat more, burn more.

    So i tend to err on the side of loose. I can eat a Big Mac, yes, but I just choose not to most of the time.

    Thanks so much for the reply. It helps me make my decision to not go any tighter. Better to get all the healthy foods in! Congrats on your success!

  3. HI Alison, would love a mentor! I was banded two years ago. I am down about 40 lbs but have another 45-50 lbs to go. I am getting back on track now after being off the wagon for a few months but at least I maintained, just didn't loose any for those months. I am always torn between a looser vs. tight fill as I fear if I am too restricted it will restrict the healthy food too much and lets face it some of the unhealthy food go down way too easy. I think staying a bit looser and really working at it is probably the better way to go. Any support and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Would love a mentor!

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