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About Leecelove70

  • Rank
    ONE YEAR POST-OP 6.13.07!
  • Birthday 01/06/1970

About Me

  • Biography
    Married with young son!
  • Interests
    I love to read New York Times Best Sellers and Book Clubs
  • Occupation
    Stay at Home Mom
  • City
    North East Bronx
  • State
    New York
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday Leecelove70!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday Leecelove70!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary Leecelove70!

  4. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Poodles : What are you talking about I proved my stereo type? Iam not a rude person! I really feel for you in your many problems with the band and I supported your so much. As for my Bipolar Iam not using it for any excuses in my weight or in my life. Unless you have a mental illness and deal with depression yourself please do not judge me or others who do. You were very cruel in your post by judging others. Not all of us are where we want to be with our Band, I know Iam not. Iam thankful for whatever I have lost. I am sorry if I took offense to your post or it seemed I came across as " Bitchy" it is not in my nature! What Iam about to say truly comes from my heart whether or not you believe me or not- I REALLY WISH THE BEST FOR YOU AND HOPE THAT ALL WORKS OUT FOR YOU WITH YOUR BAND. I realize that you are really hurting right now and you needed to vent, that is what the board is here for, we are all intitled to our opinions. When these are hurtful or bash others who have worked hard and have reached success that is when I feel is is not fair so that is why I took offense. For those who felt I was wrong in what I wrote, Iam truly sorry! Lisa A former June Bandster Crew Member!
  5. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I really hope that your above statement is not about me since I take very strong offense to it! You do not know what Iam going through right now in my life! Yes, I have lost 80 pounds going from 290 to 210, but its has not been easy since I have Bipolar! My husband just had another health scare, we had martial issues and debut to deal with. You do not feel sorry for me! I surely would not wish all of this on you, and they say those from the South are nice people. They give us New Yorkers a bad wrap for being insensitive and rude! I have been right there all this time supporting you and I relate to you the most since I have Biploar just like your sister. Please do not bash others for your problems, its just not fair to us! Thank you, Lisa **This will be my very last post on this board since I have joined another board and found a much needed support group in New York. While I did find some support on from some of you in this room, others were not as nice or supportive to me. I might be from New York, but Iam not your typical stereo type of a New Yorker that most of your in Texas seems to think we are. NOT ALL OF US ARE RUDE! There are nice people out here who are living our lives day to day just like you back there. I would hope that over these almost 18 months that most of your realized that I was one of these people with a caring heart who was looking for and was willing to give love and friendship and support to others. I did not care about your race, or religion. I just cared the we were all in this Lapband thing together looking to support each. For those of you that were my friends I will greatly miss you and I want to wish you continued success in your journeys.
  6. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    IAM STILL AROUND BUT NEED SOME MUCH NEEDED TIME OFF THE BOARD! I needed some must needed time off the board since there have been alot of both personal and health problems in the family. As my 18th month Surgery Anniversay nears on December 13th(my surgery was on June 13, 2006) Iam extremly depressed since Iam not where I had planned to be weight wise at this time. I have gained and lost weight but Iam maintaining a 80 pound weight loss, which Iam thankful for. I am feeling so discouraged and not eating healthy at all due to stress and other factors that I can not name here since they are to personal. I need to make a checkup appointment since it has been over three months since I last saw my Nurse Pract. and Dietician but because they do not take insurance and money is extremly tight! I know that my health is suffering since Iam not eating well and vomitting alot more often. Christmas shopping and purchasing gifts on a budget is hard but we did it! We finished all our shopping as of last weekend thanks to my husbands early holiday bonus check. My personal life is so in shambles right now and I can so relate to the posts made by Regina even thougth I would love to be as close to goal as she is ! Since I do not drive and my husband works until 7pm, I have not be able to attend any of the support meetings that my doctor had at the hospital where my surgery was done. (I did go to the required seminar before making an appoinment for my consult with him and his surgical team). I have looked continously for support groups and meetings in my area and the times and dates do not work for me. They are either during the time when my husband is working or when he is on his way home. I do live downstairs from my mom in her house but these meetings also confict with her work schedule and she is unable to watch my son for me so I can attend. When I first went looking for support online I went on Obesity Help only to have them bash me since I have the LapBand and not gastric bypass! They are not the kindest group of people online, even thought the site was helpful in giving me the name of some Lapband doctors in my area. Then I found this site and this group and it has helped over the past 18 months. The only thing is just about all of you are from Texas! That is so far away from me here in New York!- lol I really was hoping to find some local support and I have not been able to find any. I even at one point tried to start my own post much like Melissa and asked New Yorker Bandsters to join and only recieved two replies -- How sad is that? So right now Iam so dreading the Holidays! I hate especially New Years Eve since every year I look back at another year that I failed to lose weight and I cry. I also cry on New Years Day since every New Years is the same resolutions to finally lose the weight and be thin! My greatest wish is for that not to be my New Years Resoultions anymore. I read in this weeks People Magazine that Valerie Bertinellie felt the same way about her weight and said that this is the first year where her New Years Resoultion will not be to lose weight! She also used Jenny Craig for the past 8 months!-lol So ladies this is where Iam right now, I am sorry if I depressed anyone-- I just thought that maybe a few of you can relate to what Iam going through. I want to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy Healthy and Safe 2008! As always I sign this ......... Love and Hugs, Lisa
  7. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Regina: Wow! What an incredible story! I love happy endings and you brought tears to my eyes! You and your sister look so much alike. You look so beautiful and may I say "Hot"! I had taken a break from the board since my husband had a minor set back in his recovery from penumonia/asthma- he went back to work Monday only to have a terrible asthma attack Wednesday and was sent back to the emergency room at work. They did some test and they came back negative. They said he came back to soon and they have him out until next Wednesday. Iam hangin in there and trying to keep my spirits up! My son with his cute 5 year old ways and contagious laughter has been a great help. We are getting ready for Halloween here and Andrew is going to be a policeman! He picked the costume himself with all the gear to go with it. I have to say he looks so adorable and I would not mind getting arrested by him ! Iam doing well on the weight front even thought I have not actually weighted myself in awhile I feel it in my clothes. They are very lose fitting. This is always a good sign in my book! I just got my hair cut and my Mom and husband have told me that my face looks alot thinner. Iam also getting alot of compliments from my neighbors when they see me take my son or pick up my son from the school bus, or just walking outside. Iam not sure if I have made my Halloween goal of getting under 200 pounds yet. If I have not, Iam not going to get upset about it since it has been a very stressful time for me and I will be happy if I lost any weight at all! All I know is my 38th Birthday is January 6th and I will be starting out the New Year under 200 and that will be somewhere I have not been since 1990! I WISH EVERYONE THE BEST ON REACHING THEIR SET GOALS BY THE END OF THE YEAR- WE CAN DO IT LADIES! Poodles: I hope all goes well for you, Iam thinking and praying for you. Good Luck and May God help you make the right choice! TO ALL: Have a great weekend and a good week! Make healthy choices! Love and Hugs, Lisa
  8. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Poddles: What type of BC/BS do you have? I also have BC/BS but PPO of New York and my Lapband surgery was fully covered. The Hospital was in network and so was the doctor. I did pay some co-payments and maybe deductable. I am not sure about the RNY since I never looked into that surgery. I do know that BC/BS does have very tough standards when it comes to Weight Loss Surgery. They make you go through alot of paperwork and alot of testing and if you do not have the right forms or paperwork submitted they will make you wait for a surgery date. I did not go throught with this nightmare and I was given a surgery date very quickly. I had my consul with my doctor in April of 2006 and my testing in May of 2006. I was approved on June 1, 2006 and given my my surgery on June 13, 2006. That is how fast BC/BS PPO of NY gave me my approval after all my paperwork was handed in ! You really should not be pressured into a decision by anyone, its your body and your decision! You have to ask yourself how badly do you want this weight off and how much are you willing to risk your life for it? Its not worth risking your life over ! I know that your have a child, do you want your child without a mother and your husband with out a wife? These are things I thought over before I decided which surgery to get. Yes, I wanted to get the weight off quickly, but I did not want to risk losing my life. I lost my best friend from high school due complications from gastric bypass surgery she was only 29 years old! She had the surgery in 1999 when it was new. She developed complications due to her surgery and and died 6 months later when she developed a blood clot and it traveled to her brain. Right now, from what you wrote, it sounds like your doctor is pressuring you to have the RNY and it scares me! Please really think this out and talk to a medical management specialist at BC/BS or go to the site and ask about the Weight Loss Surgery coverage and what is covered. I think you might need to really talk to them more about what is covered and what is not-BUT THERE ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF BC/ BS SO MINE MIGHT BE DIFFERENET FROM YOURS - SO I WAS COVERED! GOOD LUCK, AND GOD BLESS! Love, Hugs and Support, Lisa
  9. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks Pinky and Melissa for the compliments on the photos from my brother's Wedding. it felt so great to finally go to a family occasion and not have to wear a tight"piece" under my dress. I had on only SPANX under my dress! It felt great to have all the compliments from my family members. I do not count SPANX as wearing any "piece" since it is more like wearing support hose. Iam finally closing in on onderland and it feels great. I hope to be uder 200 be the end of this month. I have not been there since 1990 when I weighted 170 and that was my lowest as an adult, I was 20 at the time. It would be great to enter my 40's at my ideal weight for my height of 5 feet tall and to stay there. I have spent all my childhood, teens, 20's and now 30's as an overweight person. My 40's are approaching and Iam looking foward to spending them and the rest of my life as a healthy adult. I hope everyone else in the June Crew is doing well, there are so many who have not posted in while and I really miss them alot! Pinky my seasonal allergies are causing me to have some problems with throwing up ( I do not PB) a few times this week also. I have been trying to watch what I eat and stay away from dairy which I find makes my allergy problems worse. Also we are having Indian summer here in New York this week - It has been in the 80's all week and today it was 85 degrees here and its October 6th! We took my son to the park and they had the sprinklers on for the kids it was so hot! I wore shorts and a tank shirt and my sandals. I will miss putting them away since this will be the last time I will be wearing myh size 18! Next summer its GOAL AND HOPEFULLY MY DREAM SIZE 8! Have a great 3 day weekend! To all my fellow Italians- Happy Columbus Day! Love, Lisa (Iazzetti) Hall aka LeeceLove70
  10. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    In this bunch of pictures are: 1- Andrew my son at the reception where he took off the tux sayin it was itchy! 2- My Mom's family taken in the church: Her sister is the one witf the short black hair in the back and her husband is athe bald man with the glasses. The rest of the young people are my first Cousins and their kids. 3- My Cousins Mary and Peter, My Brother in Tux and of Course me in the Sexy Silver Dress!( taken after I danced my butt off!) Don't you just love when people take pictures of you after your have danced and have sweated! Lisa
  11. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi ladies dad finally sent me his pictures from my brother's wedding and I now can share some of them with you all. If they are huge Iam sorry I can not figure out how to make them small. Also the dam red eyes reduction on my dad's amera was not working well so his pictures have us all looking like devils!-lol Some of these are actually mine so they are combines pictures from both the ones I took and the ones he took. I will try to explain who everyone is in the pictures. Pic 1- Bride and her Dad Pic 2- My son Andrew as Ringbearer Pic 3- Her Mom and Dad with Bride and Groom Pic 4- My parents with Bride and Groom Pic 5- Me, My son and my parents with Bride and Groom ( I just love how we all look like devil from the red eye!) Part 2 - set 2 of pictures ins next post. Lisa
  12. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Pinky: Wow girl looking good ! I can not make mine small either so do not feel bad!-lol I will be posting pics from my brothers Wedding so I hope that they are not huge, and if they are Iam sorry to all, but I look really good in those pics!- lol Lisa
  13. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi all! I have been so out of the loop lately but for a good reason! My husband who has asthma was hospitalized late Friday night for pneumonia! He was in the hospital until Wednesday when they finally released him to come home. He is not 100% but he is home Thank God! What a scare I had Friday night when he told me I have to go to the hospital and here it was, I do not drive! My mom drove us to hospital with my son asleep in the carseat in the back of her car. The ex-ray showed spots on his lungs and he was put in the Respitatory ICU . I had to sign the Health Care Proxy and he was given last rites thats how bad he was ! Now he is home with a neubulizer machine and a ton of medication! He had to sign the family leave act for work since he will be out for while recovering. He is a hospital transporter and he can not be pushing strechers and transporting patients for a long time in his condition! All this on the same weekend as my son's 5th Birthday party! ( His birthday was Sept 19th) That Saturday the 22nd, I had to have my mom take over his birthday party for 10 kids because, I did not have the heart to cancel the party at Mcdonalds. Needless to say only 5 kids showed up and he got all clothes as gift and was so upset(When I was 5 who wanted clothes as gift, I wanted toys!-lol) Oh and the best part or the worst part the clothes were all the wrong sizes ( my son is small and slim and wears a size 5 ) these were in sizes 6-8 and they had the tags on with no gift reciepts! What fun Iam going to have trying to return these gifts!-lol My stress level has been extremely high since the last time I had to deal with some one this sick was with my son in 2002 in the NICU when he was born! This was so scary for me! It's been really hard not to get stressed out and to keep my husband stress-free so no asthma attack is brought on! All this while taking care of a very active 5 year old boy! On the weight front I have hardly have time to eat, if I get in two meals its a major miracle right now! On Tuesday, I start my training at my son's school for Learning Leaders a volunteer program where I will get training to help students with reading, writing and math within my son's school. I get certification after taking the class and getting approved! I really hope I get approved this is something I have wanted to do for a really long time now -- Help out kids with reading! I am a book addict-- I have loved to read since I have been a child! I read 4 books a month and Barnes and Nobles is getting rich on me!-lol If I can give back to a child this would mean alot to me as a Mom! Regina: Do not give up- your are almost there- no more negative talk! Both Barbs: Happy Birthday Belated!! Poodles: You have my support in whatever you do! I do however, hope you decide to keep your band and have the surgery that Socgal had for the repositioning. May God help you decide!(Iam Catholic so I pray alot!---lol) I will try to keep you all posted on my husbands conditon. I might not be on the site that much though. Right now if Iam online its to go on Webkinz.com since my son was given a beagle puppy by friend today and he has been bugging me to set up and play with him on the site. For those who do not know what it is: - Its a toy that has a website where kids can play safe with a virtual pet. Lisa
  14. Leecelove70

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Cath: I was staying at the Triton Hotel and was in San Fran from Friday, Sept.14, until Monday, Sept 17th. I am Bipolar and on alot of medication for that and anxiety and I can only speak for myself, but MY SEX DRIVE IS THROUGH THE ROOF!-LOL My profile has my picture so see if maybe you passed me by. My htoel is right near Chinatown. I hope you had a nice weekend with the boyfriend and got in some NOOKIE!-LOL LISA

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