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LAP-BAND Patients
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About bbfin22

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/08/1953
  1. Happy 60th Birthday bbfin22!

  2. Happy 59th Birthday bbfin22!

  3. bbfin22

    Just Waiting

    The only issue I had was the fear before surgery, since surgery I have not had any of the problems that some on this forum had had. It has been really an easy thing to do. Good luck with yours.
  4. bbfin22

    Just Waiting

    Hello all, I was banded Jan 14, 2010, since then have lost 53 lbs and I am so glad that I had it done. As for the gas and shoulder pains it lasted about a month and that was it, I still belch a lot but that is expected. The amazing thing to me is that food went from being my life to just eating food because I have to and that change in my thought process happened so gradually that I didn't even notice the change till a couple of days ago. Now I am actually enjoying life and doing things I haven't been able to do in years. Oh believe me, it is worth it. Good luck and God Bless to all of you.
  5. In reading your post I could see so much of myself in it, my top weight was 376 but I am only 5ft 8 in and I was having all the problems you were. I was banded on Jan 14th and have lost 53 lbs so far and it is just amazing to me that not only do you lose the weight but you lose so much of the other bad things that went along with the weight. I just wish I hadn't waited so many years before doing something about my weight lose but I can very truthfully say that the Lap Band surgery was well worth it, you really get to reclaim your life and all the beauty that goes along with it. God bless you for your post.
  6. Your doing good, I was banded Jan 14, lost 53 lbs so far. Just keep plugging along and you will to.
  7. I have been overweight and miserable for years carrying between 360 and 376 lbs. I knew I had to do something or die, I was always out of breath and depressed all the time about the shape I was in. So Nov of 2009 I had had enough and went to a siminar and knew right then what I needed to do. I had surgery on Jan 14, 2010 and as of Mar 20, have lost 53 lbs. I am feeling good, walking better and do not get out of breath, I am starting to exercise for the first time in years. God bless Dr Holsaeter and his staff.
  8. bbfin22


    Hello Overwhemed, I was banded on Jan 14, 2010 and have had no problems, I have lost 53 lbs so far, I am regaining my life. Keep The Faith.
  9. I have been overweight and miserable for years carrying between 360 and 376 lbs. I knew I had to do something or die, I was always out of breath and depressed all the time about the shape I was in. So Nov of 2009 I had had enough and went to a siminar and knew right then what I needed to do. I had surgery on Jan 14, 2010 and as of Mar 20, have lost 53 lbs. I am feeling good, walking better and do not get out of breath, I am starting to exercise for the first time in years. God bless Dr Holsaeter and his staff.

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